im glad to say the main stringers are complete. about 95%.. still have to cut abit for drainage as well fix a few bubbles. but they are mainly complete, also i am out of time! back to work until the summer, so the boat project will be coming to another slowdown. time for research. next up, plumb the gas tank, and install the wooden cleats for screwing the floor, and how could i forget the two stringers on each side, plus the keel support stringer, ( should have installed first....) live and learn. and after that the floor goes on, some nice paint! get to foam it, the same company who i get my glass from also carries the 2lb close cell foam, very good... if anyone is reading this and from Canada, who is having a hard time finding glass suppler for a boat rebuild also the gents who are following this and want to give advice to other Canadians who want to rebuild a boat, "" Composites Canada """ this is a company is Mississauga Ontario, great prices tons of product and they ship Canada wide. so here is what i have so far, and hope im on the right track!