Dear Liberal American,


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 4, 2005
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Originally posted by azfyrfyter63:<br /> This is going well....
:D A very civil debate, wouldn't you agree?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 23, 2004
Re: Dear Liberal American,

I just love how the extreme right labels all Dems. as libs.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Originally posted by Fixin:<br /> I just love how the extreme right labels all Dems. as libs.
Well Fixin if your are:<br /><br />For the availability of wholesale abortion<br /><br />For mainstreaming the act of homosexuality<br /><br />For an ever increasing higher proportion of your income being taken from you in the form of taxes.<br /><br />For eliminating any public reference to the Christian God who had a direct hand in the foundation of this country.<br /><br />For National healthcare.<br /><br />For equal rights for illegal immigrants.<br /><br />For making of the Constitution whatever suits your needs of the moment.<br /><br />For taking a disproportionate amount of one man's labor (in the form of taxes)<br /><br />You are a LIBERAL, regardless of what party you say you belong to.<br /><br />I'm sure that I could come up with many more but I have to get back to my environmentally incorrect boat.<br /><br />If it quacks, it's most likely a Duck. Huh Fixin?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 23, 2004
Re: Dear Liberal American,

None of the above Boom.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 4, 2005
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Being the ripe old age of 30 (please throw the rotten parts, they don't hurt as bad), I've pretty much realized that politics on both sides are silly. Civil unions between gays? Good for them. Don't care. Supreme Court says A-Okay to siezing private property for public use? Go for it, the state's governments will reverse that. Abortion? Quite possibly the most evil and disgusting practice thinkable. I would probably be a swing voter if the Dem's condemned abortion but they won't and it's disturbing that the right to abortion is actually key to their platform. Gives me the willys! <br /><br />Had to get it off my chest, sorry y'all! A guy has to let his feelings be known once in awhile. :D ;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 29, 2004
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Rolmops, Having served in the military with some of the Bay of Pigs survivors and been neighbors with other ex-Cubans I can only say that they are some of the finest Americans that I have known.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Originally posted by ErikDC:<br /> I would probably be a swing voter if the Dem's condemned abortion but they won't and it's disturbing that the right to abortion is actually key to their platform. Gives me the willys!
I guess that you are not a very attentive voter/comrade er ah I mean citizen ErikDC. If you hadn't fallen asleep during one of Dan Rather's broadcasts you would have known that it really isn't all about killing little near born babies, it's just about a WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE. They really do abhor the killing of babies but ya know, the woman's right takes precidence. :rolleyes:


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Originally posted by Fixin:<br /> None of the above Boom.
Well then I respectfully suggest that you re-examine your party affiliation. Doesn't sound like they have your best interests at heart Fixin.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Originally posted by Boomyal:<br /><br /><br />... but I have to get back to my environmentally incorrect boat.<br /><br />[/QB]


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Boom,<br /><br />You've being listening to Rush and Jerry Falwell too long.<br /><br />The abortion issue has never been about banning abortions--it is about banning abortions to poor people, who obviously are not smart enough to know what's good for them.<br /><br />No matter what happens in this country, affluent people will always be able to get an abortion on demand if they choose. They will always be able to go somewhere in the world where they are legal. It's the poor people that will be relegated to some butcher in a back alley with a coat hanger, like in the good old days. It's the only thing they can afford.<br /><br />As far as homosexuality goes, it ought not to be the government's business what consenting adults do in private--and they ought not to be discriminated against simply because some don't approve of their otherwise legal lifestyle. Adults ought to be able choose how they live in peace.<br /><br />As far as religion goes, we believe the populace is perfectly capable of choosing what, if any, faith system to follow. While government can encourage faith, and it does so with multiple tax laws giving breaks to all manner of religions, it must defer to the individual this choice, and not require a specific belief system. Avoiding religious persecution was a prime reason many came to this continent in the first place.<br /><br />We believe in a fundamentally fair tax system, and to operate the government as much as possible on a pay as you go, balanced budget. You should not offer programs that are not paid for, and expect our children to ultimately pay in the end.<br /><br />And yes, we do believe that in this country, every citizen should have some access to health care, and not simply the affluent ones among us.<br /><br />Yep, I am indeed a proud liberal, and while I may be among the relatively affluent, I don't think we ought to have the outright assault on the less affluent among us that you seem to favor.<br /><br />And I gladly pay my taxes, and operate my boat guilt free (albeit in an as environmentally sound manner as possible)


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Originally posted by PW2:<br /> <br /><br /><br />No matter what happens in this country, affluent people will always be able to get an abortion on demand if they choose. They will always be able to go somewhere in the world where they are legal.
Could you please explain this position so that I may better understand. I would think that following this line of logic would justify the legalization of sex with children in the US, as the wealthy can do now by traveling to Tailand. Thank You.


Mar 16, 2002
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Abortion, hmmmm. Just one question for everyone on this board. How many potential American workers have been killed due to abortions? Just think, abortion is not just about killing a child, but it is killing a potential worker and tax payer. We wonder why we have all of these illegal immigrants working here, when we are allowing the slaughter of our potential workforce.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 28, 2004
Re: Dear Liberal American,

i feel you as the conservitive , are the one who propetuates this widespread belife in everyones invisable friend jesus, pronounced like a mexican j'esus [ hesuse] is like a wildfire thing in terms of psycology. from the trinity ....FATHER,SON,HOLYGHOAST, which pshycologicly leaves the father the leader ,the son the scorned second child, the holy ghoast as the third deserving child all ready to soak up the belivers gifts of adornment, all to ready a situation to let the belivers simply walk from normal family values in name of caring for the baby third child the holey is you also who dubfoundetly pay the un educated boat mechanic the ungodly amount of 110$ per hour, in doing so making it an expected norm that us true thinkers have to contend with.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Dear Liberal American,

PW2,<br /><br />I have been reading and have been somewhat open to several of your last couple of months posts. But your above post is just over the top. Abortion should be available because the rich can fly to morally bankrupt countries and get one so we should allow a similar slaughter on our own soil is just insain. Your justification is class envy. Isn't offering free birth control a proper and moral reaction? Funny how the number of abortions and births out of wedlock have skyrocketed since Roe v. Wade. I guess you are right, a good clean killing is better than a sloppy one. Oh wait, nothing clean about a professional abortion. Being envious of the morally bankrupt rich's ability to obtain an abortion can't really be your reasoning for subsidising the killing of millions.<br /><br />Religious persecution is the reason many of us, including the morman's came here. They didn't come here to get away from religious exposure. You do not have a right not to see other religions, just a right to practice any religions you wish. Taxing a religion it tatamont to religous persecution. They don't have tax breaks, they have to pay taxes for their gas, the priests and ministers pay taxes, all the little taxes like say the gore tax, don't say they are tax exempt or get tax breaks, the rest of us are just overtaxed.<br /><br />Nowhere, let me repeat NOWHERE, is there a right to healthcare. This is a liberal fabrication to centralize governmental power. And in our current system everyone has access. Hospitals and clinics have to accept everyone. Perhaps getting a specific healthcare plan will motivate some to get off their duffs and get a job and an education to get healthcare. It would be a motivating factor to live a healthier lifestyle. Why work. The government will pay you enough to keep you fed, housed, and with cable to sit around and watch porn. And there are some families several generations old who have made a life out of this loophole. The government isn't helping they are hurting.<br /><br />I haven't seen anyone on this board suggest that we imprison homosexuals. But we now offer those engaged in an activity, special rights. This is activism. Social engineering. What people do in their bedrooms doesn't bother anyone, what they do in public and they way push it down our throats is what bothers us. Like say teaching butt love to fifth graders without parental notification in the public schools is an infringement of parental rights and that my friend is wrong. How about naked biking over the golden gate bridge, normal? Enough on this topic, it has been over-discussed.<br /><br />Environmental operation of a boat = sailboat. I didn't know you were a sailor. ;) But in all reality we die hard boaters better learn to sail as it is coming.


May 15, 2004
Re: Dear Liberal American,

I don't have any comments to make because LubeDude, SW, DJ, Boomyal, etc (sorry if I left anyone out :) ) have already said everything I feel.<br /><br />Quote "justify the legalization of sex with children in the US"... WOW !!!!!!!!! That's a scary far-fetched conclusion that only a libbed up mind could have thought of..... GO GET YOURSELF SOME HELP!!!


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Originally posted by azfyrfyter63:<br /> <br /><br />Quote "justify the legalization of sex with children in the US"... WOW !!!!!!!!! That's a scary far-fetched conclusion that only a libbed up mind could have thought of..... GO GET YOURSELF SOME HELP!!!
Thats an interesting post. It does not however answer the question I posed. Read it again. If you can justify killing kids here because it's done overseas, what stops the same argument for other behavior? This thread was not intended to be a fight starter, rather an exchange of philosophies, not insults.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 4, 2005
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Originally posted by Boomyal:<br />
Originally posted by ErikDC:<br /> I would probably be a swing voter if the Dem's condemned abortion but they won't and it's disturbing that the right to abortion is actually key to their platform. Gives me the willys!
I guess that you are not a very attentive voter/comrade er ah I mean citizen ErikDC. If you hadn't fallen asleep during one of Dan Rather's broadcasts you would have known that it really isn't all about killing little near born babies, it's just about a WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE. They really do abhor the killing of babies but ya know, the woman's right takes precidence. :rolleyes:
You're correct, Boomyal, I don't know what I was thinking. It's all about a woman's right to choose. And partial birth abortion is also a misnomer, it's actually late term abortion. How silly of me! <br /> ;) It has all become clear through the lenses of political correctness, I'll be voting Democratic from now on! Yeah right, the day I vote Democratic is the day they take my name from my tombstone and register me. :D


May 15, 2004
Re: Dear Liberal American,

Originally posted by alden:<br />
Originally posted by azfyrfyter63:<br /> <br /><br />Quote "justify the legalization of sex with children in the US"... WOW !!!!!!!!! That's a scary far-fetched conclusion that only a libbed up mind could have thought of..... GO GET YOURSELF SOME HELP!!!
Thats an interesting post. It does not however answer the question I posed. Read it again. If you can justify killing kids here because it's done overseas, what stops the same argument for other behavior? This thread was not intended to be a fight starter, rather an exchange of philosophies, not insults.
Not an insult! I agree he's wrong but there must be a better way to bring your point across than likening it to having sex with kids. I should have thought a little more before sending that message off, my bad.<br /><br />I read your signature... US Navy, just last week my brother, who has been in the Navy for 15 years, found out he is making Chief. He went in as low as they go, passed Nuclear Power School, got his dolphins, and has spent the last 15 years on submarines (with a 2.5 year recruiting hiatus). I'm going to Pearl to see him pinned. Just thought I'd share that.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Dear Liberal American,

by ErikDC<br />
Yeah right, the day I vote Democratic is the day they take my name from my tombstone and register me.
This could be arrainged Erik. The Dems are always looking for good candidates to place a ballot for. They are so desperate to win elections so they don't have to 'leave' the country that they'll be glad to toss your unused name into the box. :p <br /><br />It happened to the tune, I think of 1000 ish, right here, in Washington, in the last gubenatorial election. I notice that the newspapers didn't bother to tell us which side the deceased vote was cast for. But we know. ;)