Century Coronado restore


Jul 29, 2016
Wow...I didn't mind the grinding too much on my Chap, but I have to say, I think I'd have my fill after doing what you're doing. I think I'd be doing everything possible to get away fast!! :ballchain:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Once you shoot the primer, everything will come together very nicely. I have to say, you are coming along very well now. :thumb:

89 resorter

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 3, 2013
Chuck, I have to admit that the whole time I am sanding I've got thoughts bouncing round in my head of other things I could be doing that are more pleasant. lol.

GM, thanks .... I looking forward to get to the point where I am putting primer, paint, gel coating, etc. back on the boat.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. After all was said and done I spend WAY to much time fidgeting and worrying over hull perfection. Fish don't care, and ever since my first splash, I don't care too much either. I KNOW we ALL want to have a quality show piece but, in the end as long as it doesn't leak and looks great from 10 ft away, I'm thinking it's good enuf. Oh by the way, I think you missed a few spots!!!!:eek::D;):facepalm:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. After all was said and done I spend WAY to much time fidgeting and worrying over hull perfection. Fish don't care, and ever since my first splash, I don't care too much either. I KNOW we ALL want to have a quality show piece but, in the end as long as it doesn't leak and looks great from 10 ft away, I'm thinking it's good enuf. Oh by the way, I think you missed a few spots!!!!:eek::D;):facepalm:

Oh man, only 10 feet away? I was hoping for 20 feet or more. Now I may have to rethink my boat project. :eek: :facepalm:

89 resorter

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 3, 2013
Looking great from 10 feet and doesn't leak ...... pressure is really on now :facepalm:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Looking great from 10 feet and doesn't leak ...... pressure is really on now :facepalm:

Yea 89 resorter, I was shooting for a non-stop drive by at 100 yards away for the appearances. But 10 feet is a whole other issue for me as well. :eek:

89 resorter

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 3, 2013
Not much progress to report from this past weekend. I got about 1/3 the port side sanded when my HF in-line sander crapped out :rip:. It had a free one year replacement so I will be off to HF tonight to get a new one so I can get the rest of the paint sanded off next weekend.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 18, 2010
89 Resorter - have not heard from you in awhile, hope all is well and you're just busy, if so please give us some updates!

89 resorter

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 3, 2013
Thanks for the concern fibersport. Life got in the way pretty big time with my daughter being diagnosed with Crohns at the beginning of the year so the boat took a seat at the back of the bus. The good news is that after a lot of ER and doctors visits, one pretty major surgery, three hospital stays and a lot of worrying by her mother and I, she is on a treatment that appears to be working and getting better every day and I have started thinking about the boat again. She is actually bugging me again about getting the boat done :thumb:. I think I am pretty much ready to try my hand at gel coating and found a willing subject to test my (lack of) skills on......

Its an old fiberglass dock box I have had for 20+ years ...... I consider it a "willing subject" because it did not object when I patched all of the cracks and dings and sanded it all over to 80 grit finish.

At this point I need to order a spray gun and all of the gel coating supplies. I would really appreciate any recommendations on a good gun to spray gel coat with. I have seen a lot of guys use the HF purple gun for wet painting but not sure if something like this would work for gel or not.:noidea:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Thanks for the concern fibersport. Life got in the way pretty big time with my daughter being diagnosed with Crohns at the beginning of the year so the boat took a seat at the back of the bus. The good news is that after a lot of ER and doctors visits, one pretty major surgery, three hospital stays and a lot of worrying by her mother and I, she is on a treatment that appears to be working and getting better every day and I have started thinking about the boat again. She is actually bugging me again about getting the boat done :thumb:. I think I am pretty much ready to try my hand at gel coating and found a willing subject to test my (lack of) skills on......

Its an old fiberglass dock box I have had for 20+ years ...... I consider it a "willing subject" because it did not object when I patched all of the cracks and dings and sanded it all over to 80 grit finish.

At this point I need to order a spray gun and all of the gel coating supplies. I would really appreciate any recommendations on a good gun to spray gel coat with. I have seen a lot of guys use the HF purple gun for wet painting but not sure if something like this would work for gel or not.:noidea:

Wow resorter, sounds like you had some serious life issues. Seem we all do so many times and I have to agree with you, a boat project doesn't even come close to any priority when a family member has health issues. At least that is how I think. But equally glad she is on the road to a recovery and treatment to control such a disease. I know of others that have such a disease and cope with it as well.

As for the Gel Coat crash test dummy, if the chosen subject didn't complain, he is your best subject in my opinion.

As for what type spray gun to use, go to TPC Global and read about their spray guns. Some of them are made specifically for Gel Coating and can even change tips for other type painting as well. So you wouldn't be buying a one project type spray gun. I think a 2mm tip HVLP gun will work to spray Gel Coat and they do sell them. I bought a DeVILBISS kit and the kits has a couple guns and even different type tips to change out for whatever paint material you need to spray. And this kit is very well made and has served me well for years without any problems.

Whatever gun you choose, read as much as you can for the pressure needs and use a water trap at the gun inlet to keep from spraying water with the Gel Coat. I eve use a pressure regular at the compressor and another at the gun inlet as well and adjust it for about 28psi. That way the tip sees about 8 to 10 psi as it is designed to spray. JMHO


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 18, 2010
Sorry to hear about your daughter's issues but very glad to hear she is on the mend. We all are looking forward to seeing your progress as well, it seems that sometimes a boat project can be a great source of therapy - maybe your daughter will lend a hand somehow, a great way to strengthen bonds too!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
I have a nephew with crones . One under control and right meds and diet she should be able to cope ok .. Glad she is doing better ..I used an hvlp gun made for shooting flake . I think a 2.5 tip .
It worked just ok in my opinion .If I do it again I will spring for a dump gun ..


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I have a nephew with crones . One under control and right meds and diet she should be able to cope ok .. Glad she is doing better ..I used an hvlp gun made for shooting flake . I think a 2.5 tip .
It worked just ok in my opinion .If I do it again I will spring for a dump gun ..

I can imagine that the flake you pick out has to have a tip opening to allow the flake to spray out. At the PPG paint store I use, they have lots of different sizes of metal flake. And you can get very fine flake to aluminum foil sheets, if that is how far you want to go. :facepalm:

I might try some metal flake on something just for the experience. I know...:crazy: :doh:

Ha, nobody ever said I was too bright! :topsy_turvy:

89 resorter

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 3, 2013
Thanks for all the well wishes for my daughter guys. Like sphelps noted, it looks like a combination of the right treatment and diet and she has been feeling great. Fibersport, working on this boat has been great therapy and I'm happy to have it on my mind again. As far as my daughter lending a hand, probably not going to happen beyond moral support and nagging to keep me going lol .... she's 27, has a great job she will be returning to very soon, a very active 2.5 year old daughter and an only slightly less active husband. Sphelps and GM, thanks for the gun recommendations. What I have read so far points to using a dump gun and I will make sure to check out TPC Global. I have also seen where US Composites has a dump gun with removal cup....I have used them for all of my fiberglass supplies up to this point with no problem so I may talk to the fellow there about the dump gun as well.

Thanks again guys


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Thanks for all the well wishes for my daughter guys. Like sphelps noted, it looks like a combination of the right treatment and diet and she has been feeling great. Fibersport, working on this boat has been great therapy and I'm happy to have it on my mind again. As far as my daughter lending a hand, probably not going to happen beyond moral support and nagging to keep me going lol .... she's 27, has a great job she will be returning to very soon, a very active 2.5 year old daughter and an only slightly less active husband. Sphelps and GM, thanks for the gun recommendations. What I have read so far points to using a dump gun and I will make sure to check out TPC Global. I have also seen where US Composites has a dump gun with removal cup....I have used them for all of my fiberglass supplies up to this point with no problem so I may talk to the fellow there about the dump gun as well.

Thanks again guys

89 resorter, whatever you decide to use, you absolutely have to post pictures on here for us to see. We love pictures and before and after shots will show how it works out. I'm interested for sure. JMHO

89 resorter

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 3, 2013
Will do GM ........ I will show pics whether it turns out best finish ever or epic fail (and all situations in between)


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
my sister has dealt with it since she was around 18 back then they couldnt figure it out , thgankfully they have come a long way with it , hope she has a better time with it and it goes into remission ...