Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

Originally posted by mrbscott19:<br /> Who called our servicemen baby killers? I would bet it wasn't any of the people you just mentioned. Moore hides behind free speech about as much as Bush hides behind executive privilege.
mrbscott19:<br />Well you are wrong on both points...<br />A: You won't care and <br />B: You won't care about the facts<br /><br />During a 4th of July Parade a soldier was booed and called a baby killer here in the (LIBERAL) STATE of Washington.. because he held up a sign saying "Vets For Bush" <br /><br /><br />As far as your other statement..<br />
Moore hides behind free speech about as much as Bush hides behind executive privilege.
Thats my biggest complaint againt President Bush.. he hasn't! Name me one time when he has!<br /><br />Your just a sorry Bush Hater.. no reason just hate Bush!


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

WASHINGTON - 12.13.01 | President Bush invoked executive privilege for the first time Thursday to keep Congress from seeing documents of prosecutors' decision-making in cases ranging from a decades-old Boston murder to the Clinton-era fund-raising probe. <br /><br /> Link to Story <br /><br />That article is from 2001 and that was the first time. Don't lie to me. It doesn't work on informed people. it just makes you look clueless.<br /><br />So who called our soldiers baby killers? Answer the question.<br /><br />mrbscott19:<br />Well you are wrong on both points...<br />A: You won't care and <br />B: You won't care about the facts<br /><br /><br />Wrong on both points? Care about what? Care about what facts? What are you talking about. Get some sleep man.


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

You think with all the coin he has made, he'd be able to afford a bar of soap :rolleyes:


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

Theres also the Cheney energy task meetings. He also tried executive privilege when Condi Rice was asked to Testify to the 9/11 commission, but that didn't hold up.


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

edited because I can be a smart *** sometimes.


May 17, 2001
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

Ya know, I hate friggin elections. Our country is going downhill everytime these come up. The Reps and Dems are so busy fighting over who holds the power. Meanwhile nothing is getting done to keep us united and the problems taken care of.<br /><br />I haven't seen the movie and I won't. I do not want to donate money to an idiot that is just as crooked as the rest.


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

I didn't donate any money. I saw it for free. Gotta love the internet. No point in paying money for political opinion.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

So you stole a copy of it mrbscott19?


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

Mrbscott19: "It is our patriotic duty to question our leaders and their actions, not just go with what they say. Anyone not doing so is more deserving of the title of traitor."<br /><br />I think we all agree somewhat on that. What you really mean to say is that republicans don't question their leaders. You are mistaken, and my perception is that democrats are the ones blindly following their leaders. Explain Kerry flipflops, Clinton inaction pre 911, Bergers sock stuffing episode. Don't you smell some kind of coverup? Don't you think those inactions by the Dem executive leadership may have turned up the heat to boil the water in the kettle, and now that a republican administration and the country has to deal with it you blame us. The blame goes to your party. Agreed that ir is unpopular to go to war. That's the reason the Clinton didn't confront Alqeda. It was all about image with him, even at the detriment of the Country.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

Fahrenheit 911 begins on election night 2000. We are first shown the Al Gore rocking on stage with famous musicians and a high-spirited crowd. The conspicuous sign on stage reads "Florida Victory." Moore creates the impression that Gore was celebrating his victory in Florida.<br />Actually, the rally took place in the early hours of election day, before polls had even opened. Gore did campaign in Florida on election day, but went home to Tennessee to await the results. The "Florida Victory" sign reflected Gore's hopes, not any actual election results.<br /><br /><br />This is probably going to come up a lot. 'Creates the impression...' It's important to keep in mind (this is the epiphany part) that Moore did not create the film for NRO writers, or for political bloggers, or for pundits or wonks. He created it for all the Lila Lipscombs and Sgt. Michael Petersons of the world.<br /><br />That knowledge is absolutely crucial for debunking maybe 95% of the attacks on the film. When Michael Moore mentions, say, the Unocal natural gas pipeline plan, that reference will dreg up a whole wealth of related info in the mind of a political junkie, info that isn't actually in the film. It's important to focus on what Moore actually includes, not what a Google search on what he includes might turn up.<br /><br />Anyway, back to Kopel. First off, I only saw one famous musician on stage (unless, like Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck has started a band... shudder), but that's just nitpicking. The Florida rally footage is part of Moore's 'dream sequence', and is separate from his election night coverage. If he 'creates an impression', it's that a Gore victory celebration is what should have happened, not what did happen. It is, after all, Moore's dream, right?<br /><br /><br />How is this debunking the fact that it is a misrepresentation? This is an explaination of why or how it could be misinterpreted not that it is clearly a misrepresentation or he would have stated in some way the context of the shot. (charactor generated dates???)<br />The answer given is if the fact is right it is right and if it is wrong (frequently) then you are just misunderstanding the context. BS


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

...Michael Moore shows a clip of CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin saying that if ballots had been recounted in Florida after the 2000 presidential vote, "under every scenario Gore won the election." <br />What Moore doesn't show is that a six-month study in 2001 by news organizations including The New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN found just the opposite. Even if the Supreme Court had not stopped a statewide recount, or if a more limited recount of four heavily Democratic counties had taken place, Bush still would have won Florida and the election.<br /><br /><br />answer:<br />Actually, both Toobin and Kopel are wrong.<br /><br />This is still the most illuminating example of the current partisan atmosphere. The results of the big follow-up vote recount was very, very clear:<br /><br />If the votes had been recounted using the limited methods advocated by Gore, Bush still wins.<br /><br />If the votes had been recounted using the Bush method (i.e. not), Bush of course wins.<br /><br />If all the votes had been recounted, using any method (individual standards in each county, or uniform standards in all counties), Gore wins.<br /><br />The Dems can't admit they botched the post-election fight. The Pubs can't admit their boy didn't actually win. Both sides look like losers, if Big Media would only tell the truth.<br /><br /><br />This is a non-answer. What uniform standard does this person refer to. The counties(legal)are where the standards are set, and they were used and each county has to validate the counties votes by their standards and submitted by the PARTY IN POWER, the counties in question were primarily democratic counties, to the states AG, Not the "Bush" standard, Not the "Gore" standard, what standard is he referring to unless we are to interpelate the vote in some undefined way that makes this statement possibly true? What does this gibberish mean? Nothing. Are we are to believe that this is bi-partisian conspiracy, and the only person who knows is Michael Moore???


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

According to Fahrenheit, Bush cronies hired Data Base Technologies to purge Florida voters who might vote for Gore, and these potential voters were purged from the voting rolls on the basis of race. ("Second, make sure the chairman of your campaign is also the vote count woman. And that her state has hired a company that's gonna knock voters off the rolls who aren't likely to vote for you. You can usually tell 'em by the color of their skin.") As explained by the Palm Beach Post, Moore's claim is extremely incomplete, and on at least one fact, plainly false.<br />...<br /><br />Regardless, Moore's claim that the purge was conducted on the basis of race was indisputably false.<br /><br /><br />answer:<br />Oh please. Moore's claim? It's called snark. Black voters were disproportionately stricken from the rolls, and black voters are more likely to vote Dem. Period. - Yep, them african americans don't think on their own just pull that democratic meal ticket without regards for their children or futures? What a racist statement..<br /><br />The Florida election was an absolute mess of conflict of interest and probably fraud. Kopel's speculation that "the net result of the 2000 purge fiasco harmed Bush" is frankly laughable, relying as it does on John Lott's dancing rate stats, and not the raw numbers of disenfranchised voters.<br /><br />THIS IS NOT AN ANSWER IT IS AN OPINION. WHERE IS THIS GUYS RAW NUMBERS AND DOES IT INCLUDE THE MILITARY VOTES LOST IN HUGE NUMBERS? This guy should be supporting the big foot video. He uses the same standards..


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

Were the Dems rounding up convicts w/o the right to vote and taking them to the polls? Just something I heard and cant verify so I'm not going to call or even believe it to be true...conservative fairness in action. There should be no dirty tricks, we can all agree on that. The supreme court ruled on the issue and since it didn't help the dems they were complicit??? Might oughta check if we really went to the moon in 1969 . The Democrats definitely see the Pubs from a paranoid perspective, and are off base so often, I can never know if they are right or wrong about something. A case of "the boy who cried wolf" syndrome biting the Dems in the fanny??? If the Dems were right about the repubs stealing the election, we would never know because they lost their credibility along with their soul and substance when they began to say anything to get elected on the basis of the ends justifying the means. THis is why in the end Moore hurts the dems, just more manipulation and distortion that makes the objective thinker chaff with indignation.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

Originally posted by mrbscott19:<br /> where is he sealing fate? He made a movie! Deal with it. I want you to explain to me exactly how his movie has caused our servicemen to die.
As of six days after it's official release, black-market copies of "Farenhiet9/11" were available on the streets of Bagdhad....That has to be some kind of record. To understand how he kills, would be to understand propaganda's effect on military operations. This effect knows no allegiance to any military force on Earth. They all can and will use it to achieve a victory.<br />That's all there is to it. Simple really, (once your head is out of the sand)....Tokyo Rose , Joseph Goebels, Jane Fonda, and those who engage in deceptive reporting practices, kill by ruining moral, giving-away classified or movement-sensative information. In Mr Moore's case, it mainly has to do with lying to those in uniform overseas, making the case that Sadamn and GWBush are in bed together, that "Cheney's company", Haliburton is why they are there, and the rest of the deciet you attempted to debunk (So I assume you believe Moore, and therefore, it werked on you too)---<br />Add to this, the film's impact on parents of those in harm's way, us American public,as regards these operations, and most importantly world opinion (including that of the Iraqi citezenry)! This has just begun to make it's impact fealt over there. You just watch the chain-reaction of disscord his propaganda has ignited!<br /><br />
Originally posted by mrbscott19:<br /><br />The torturers I was talking about are some of the men and women in the US military. Or did you miss that whole fiasco? Our soldiers have died because it came to light that we've been torturing prisoners. The uncovering of that scandal has without a doubt sealed the fate of some of our soldiers. If it was an american that broke the story, would that be considered treason? By your definiton, it would.
I can read the news, including the propaganda pieces, but What torture are you refering to? I know about the humiliating abuse at the hands of soldiers in the uniform of my country, perpetrated in Sadamn's old torture facility, Abu Grieb prison, but what torture? And let's look into this whole thing a bit deeper--- Lindy Engols (SP,again,I could care less about grammar), the private seen in the photos with the cigarette and leash is where right now? a jail cell Facing what? military trial HELLO! And yes, you're correct, in addition to soldiers, add innocent Iraqis and foriegn workers to the death tolls as a result of the actions of Engols and her company of sick puppies.<br />But bring it back to the subject of this thread. That globby bottle of cheap,stinking chip oil...That large void surrounded by sphincter muscle....That gloopy, hate-filled cellulite terrorist with the celloid bombs he calls "Documentaries"... funny--- that's just what Goebels called his crap too!


Mar 1, 2004
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

mrbscott19 <br /> <br />You need to learn what torture is. There is a difference between making someone stand naked and shredding them or cutting out their tongue. Yes, it was wrong and yes the few should and will be punished. Look at the big picture. Our troops fight over there or firefighters fight them here. If we pull our troops, they will still come over here. Their goal is to kill as many of us as possible, period. Having Kerry as pres will only make it easier for them.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

I just heard that gloopy bottom-feeder is bringing a film crew down to Florida during the primaries. If he walks-into the precinct I'm at, he best not interfere with the voting process, or I'll drop him on the spot.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

He might not be too safe in Saudi either... looks they are not so happy about him not bothering to research his facts properly.<br /><br /><br />Saudi royal family attacks filmmaker Moore <br /><br />August 2, 2004<br /><br />LONDON - Michael Moore got the facts wrong in his controversial film "Fahrenheit 9/11" and did not travel to Saudi Arabia to research his documentary, Saudi's ambassador to Britain is quoted as saying. <br /><br />Prince Turki al-Faisal said in an interview with the UK's Sunday Telegraph the documentary was "grossly unfair" to the Saudis. <br /><br />Moore's film has earned more than $100 million in the United States and become the most successful documentary ever. <br /><br />Among its claims are that the Bush administration helped Saudi princes and members of Saudi born al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's family fly out of the United States immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks, when air space was closed to all commercial traffic. <br /><br />But the ambassador, who is half-brother to Crown Prince Abdullah, said the claim had been refuted in a report compiled by the 9/11 commission investigating the attack in Washington. <br /><br />"It would have been far better if Michael Moore had been able to read the 9/11 report before he made his film. It shows that all the protocols were observed," he told the newspaper. <br /><br />Prince Turki said Moore was given a visa to travel to Saudi Arabia but never came. <br /><br />"He missed an important opportunity to find out key facts," he said. <br /><br />- REUTERS <br /><br />


Aug 8, 2003
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

Moore is a shameless liar, and that is irrefutable. He is not one to let truth get in the way of the production of his "documentaries" which are made only to acheive the political objectives of the EXTREME FAR SOCIALIST LEFT.<br /><br />Michael Moore is a sorry excuse for a human being, and is one living example in the argument for abortion. People like Moore will one day ignite a civil war in this country.


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

Originally posted by JSMcc:<br /> mrbscott19 <br /> <br />You need to learn what torture is. There is a difference between making someone stand naked and shredding them or cutting out their tongue. Yes, it was wrong and yes the few should and will be punished. Look at the big picture. Our troops fight over there or firefighters fight them here. If we pull our troops, they will still come over here. Their goal is to kill as many of us as possible, period. Having Kerry as pres will only make it easier for them.
I like how you think you know what torture is to an Iraqi person. Being naked in front of another man or a woman that is not your wife is one of the biggest sins to a muslim person. So is seeing another man or woman naked thats not your wife. Right up there with being in contact with pork. Read up on it. Just because it isn't torture to us doesn't mean it isn't torture to them. Why else would a woman prison guard offer to have sex with the inmates? Do you really think thats what she wanted when she could have just about any horny US serviceman? Torture doesn't have to be physical. It's even proven that psychological torture will get you further than physical torture ever will. Thats why we've seen so much more psychological torture than physical. It works.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Can someone explain why Mike Moore is still alive?

Originally posted by mrbscott19:<br />
I like how you think you know what torture is to an Iraqi person. Being naked in front of another man or a woman that is not your wife is one of the biggest sins to a muslim person. So is seeing another man or woman naked thats not your wife. Right up there with being in contact with pork. Read up on it. Just because it isn't torture to us doesn't mean it isn't torture to them. Why else would a woman prison guard offer to have sex with the inmates? Do you really think thats what she wanted when she could have just about any horny US serviceman? Torture doesn't have to be physical. It's even proven that psychological torture will get you further than physical torture ever will. Thats why we've seen so much more psychological torture than physical. It works.
Wrong. Torture to Iraqis is the same thing it has allways been. One doesn't even have to be an Iraqi iether, because it's the same thing to all humans, regardless of culture or ethnicity.<br /><br /> What you describe is "humiliation" ,or "abuse" for the most part. I'm not trying to excuse the acts of criminals, regardless of the uniform they wear. They are to be punished to the full extent of the law . But in perspective, there is zero comparison to real torture.<br /><br />Scott, you need to learn the difference. <br />Torture is pushing a bound prisoner off the roof of a building, head-first to his death. <br />Torture is savagely raping a woman while her husband, brother, or father WATCH!!! <br />TORTURE IS HOOKING ELECTRODES UP TO THE PRISONER'S GENITALS AND APPLYING THE POWER!!! <br />TORTURE IS EXECUTING THE FAMILIES OF PRISONERS WHO ARE FORCED TO PULL THE TRIGGER!! <br />TORTURE IS BEING BEHEADED WITH A DULL SAW BLADE BY MASKED COWARDS, AND THE VIDEO RELEASED TO YOUR WILLING ACCOMPLACES IN THE MEDIA FOR THE WORLD TO SEE!!<br />TORTURE IS BEING BURNED ALIVE BY A DERANGED BOMBER!<br />Get it straight!