been keeping an eye out for an anchor pulpit cheap but thought maybe i would build my own? i figured 2 pieces of 3/4" ply glued together and shaped. if i am going to gel coat it do i need to fiberglass it too or just waterproof then gel coat over that?
no windlass. just figured i would build one and install a stainless roller and add a hole of some sort to let the chain/rope pass through into the locker. i would think it would make anchor retrieval and deployment much easier? thoughts were that it would be a cheap enough project to learn on. if i screwed it up then no big deal and if it worked it would be a cheap add on that should be helpful.
no windlass. just figured i would build one and install a stainless roller and add a hole of some sort to let the chain/rope pass through into the locker. i would think it would make anchor retrieval and deployment much easier? thoughts were that it would be a cheap enough project to learn on. if i screwed it up then no big deal and if it worked it would be a cheap add on that should be helpful.
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