Brand new boat listing to port!!


Sep 29, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

i'm sure i'm not the only one wondering what the outcome was.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

280 hits and all you come back and say is "we're back on the water."<br /><br />Was the unit replaced with a new rig or was the original problem remedied?Did the outcome result in obtaining a different brand of boat altogether?Does Mr.Suds always let you do most of the talking?<br /><br />Tune in to the next episuds of The Listing Chaparral that wouldn't go away.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Gents,<br /><br />Time to play detective.<br /><br /> "The best of all outcomes"<br /><br />That has to be a new boat.<br /><br />Everything else would be a satisfactory resolution. <br /><br />I am sure suds is constained by legal agreement.

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

All's well that ends well, <br />Happy boating suds :D


May 23, 2004
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

For you suds, I am happy,...finally. For the rest of us with one foot in the purchasing door, this is a horror story: one year to correct a manufacturer's defect (by whatever method). It shocks the conscience. <br /><br />Yes, I'm rambling, but I have to vent. It makes me either want to run from getting into this at all or plop down an extra $20K for a boat from a company that at least pretends to have customer service. <br /><br />When I mentioned to a boat-owning family member recently that we would be buying a boat soon, her response was, "What are the 2 happiest days in a boat owner's life? The day they buy and the day they sell." Everyone of you has probably heard it, but I hadn't, and worse, I didn't get it. And yes, she had to explain it to me.<br /><br />suds, I hope that you will someday be able to share your experience and help keep newbies like me from stepping in that same pile of steaming p00p. I can't help but think that this forum, and others like it, will help improve quality of construction and service. <br /><br />As I posted previously, a good first step seems to be to avoid Chap, but they hopefully have learned a valuable lesson, and won't repeat that history. After reading your thread and several thousand others in the last month or so, my biggest fear is that much of the industry accepts treatment like you seemed to have received as fairly standard fare.<br /><br />I know; for now, I'm a naive outsider....who has yet to be slapped into submission.<br /><br />Nevertheless, I've assumed the position, and soon, I WILL BE A BOAT OWNER!<br /><br />My sincere thanks go out to everyone on this forum for teaching me so much in such a short period of time.<br /><br />Mike

ASI Imperial

Mar 22, 2004
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

It looks like to me that suds has pulled the wool over everyones eyes! Laywer or not it is not a crime to post this on a forum. UM Freedom Of speech ring a bell? If you cant express yourself here you might as well stay in the house and drop your anchor in your livingroom. Get off your A@@ and ring your brass bell! If you are still trying to resolve this matter after a year and still cant post your progress what was your reasons to leave everyone behind? Pretty rude I say. Dont yell fire and then abandon ship and levave the rest who have been following this to sink with your ship. The Captain Shall go down first!<br /><br />God Bless!

cobra 3.0

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 31, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Please share with some details if you can! This story needs a better ending than "all's well". ;)


May 23, 2004
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

I agree with ASI and cobra. I can't believe that Chap would knowingly not let you post some sort of stipulated statement that would clear the air for literally tens of thousands of boat connoisseurs who have been reading this thread for close to a year. Just about any statement from Chap would be to their benefit.<br /><br />As this post stands, I won't even consider purchasing from Chap, and I know that I'm not alone.<br /><br />Thanks for sharing the rest of the process though.<br /><br />Mike


Master Chief Petty Officer
Feb 16, 2004
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Oh, and here's just a little bit of info for you:<br />Suds is a she.
EDIT sorry, that may have sounded a tad bit sexist.

ASI Imperial

Mar 22, 2004
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Ok He or she really doesnt mater Do ya think? I didnt think the out come would have made a difference Knowing this information, would it mater if I were a Guy or a Gal? The point is that this thread has went on for a year and some of us here would like to know the out come. This is why this forum is here to support us boaters and not have to depend on A dealership for the answer. Those answers you have to pay for. Boating is not cheap and the parts dealers and dealerships monopolize this. <br /><br />Thanks ASI


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

This is why this forum is here to support us boaters and not have to depend on A dealership for the answer. Those answers you have to pay for. Boating is not cheap and the parts dealers and dealerships monopolize this. <br />
My mechanic is available for free advise anytime I call. This comes from establishing a relationship and being loyal to his service. (25 years ++) This forum is here to assist and entertain those who are interested or involved in the many aspects of boating. But like giving a gift you should not expect anything in return. Although it would be nice to know how things turned out, I am sure there is a reason, valid or not, as to why a complete explaination was not given. Perhaps in time we will get the whole story but until then, we should concentrate on helping all those who ask to the extent of our abilities.


May 2, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Put yourselves in suds' shoes. The only logical explaination to not put a full stop to this story would be a gag order. If chapps fixed this to everyones satisfaction they would be screaming it from the rooftops.<br /><br />She has her boat now, and is happy (if not poorer).<br /><br />Interesting to know though if it was a one off problem or design issue??<br /><br />Aldo

ASI Imperial

Mar 22, 2004
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

I guess I am not as blessed as you pointer94, nor have the amount of money to frequent a dealership. Just works out that way. I have to pinch every penny to maintain the 500.00 dollar boat I had bought. I use this forum as a luxury. Its the only information I can Afford. I have been a service writer and a claims adjuster. I do neither now, do to the ethics behind ripping people off. Its all about the all mighty dollar.<br /><br />Thanks ASI

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Boy to me it's kind of a wet towel in the face, everything is settled now but no Paul Harvey the rest of the story. Big let down. Bummer :confused:


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

ASI,<br /><br />My post was not directed specifically at you, but to point out that there are MANY reputable, hard working, and charitable mechanics, dealers and distributors. Yes they may be the exception but I want to give credit to those people who's skills are shared without compensation. Blessed today perhaps, but everyone should remember that those you pass on the way up are the ones you will have to face on the way down.<br /><br />Yes, I am blessed. I have an experienced mechanic who will provide free advice in my repairs, charge me unreasonably low labor rates and always do the jobs I have to have him do, completely and not just change parts. And when he calls for people to donate time and a boat to help with the charity fishing outing, you quietly stand up and help without regard to schedule or cost. There is not a conspiracy of marine dealers and mechanics to rip people off, just for the most part, hard working men with families just like you and me. ;) <br /><br />Thanks for reading


May 15, 2004
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Suds, I am a manager for a bank (so you don't think I am just guessing here), you are currently in possession of the item.... TAKE IT BACK!!! Drop it off and drive away and tell them you want a new one or your money back. The longer you keep the boat the longer you have "accepted" your possession of it. Be gone with it post haste!


May 15, 2004
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

uh, just finished the rest of the posts (only read half through the first time and got sooo frustrated I had to post), sounds like the end has met with your satisfaction.<br /><br />Good luck, happy boating.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 4, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Hi Suds,<br /><br />Nice to learn that you, eventually, got a solution. Of all the advice and oppinion given here, did any really help or push the process?<br /><br />All sorts came up and we'd like to know which, if any, did the trick?<br /><br />Although curious we'll have to respect the level of info you share, but describing the process rather than the actual case would enlighten us greatly. Even if only in 'headlines'.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 16, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Many people here thought the best way to go was with a lawyer. That was the answer to the problem. It wasn't our first action, but it was the one that made the difference.