Betrayed by iBoats


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 5, 2003
I feel betrayed by iBoats. I recently registered with iBoats/TBM with a brand new email address that I have not given to any other organizations. I have just started receiving unsolicited email spam from less than honorable sources. Either iBoats has traded or sold my email or someone is harvesting email addresses from their site without their knowledge. Either way, their practices or security is not what I expected when I registered. <br /><br />Kalan


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

Your new email address is registered or listed with the isp or service that gave it to you. And there are pro-hackers that run programs that try to find valid addresses. Or they can thru in "wildcards" that may work to deliver mail to your address.<br /><br />I have never even received an email from iboats, feelin kind of neglected here.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

I have been a registered member for a while now,<br />even offered the extra registration for the<br />classifieds section... gave them my home address<br />to receive FREE trailer boats subscription via <br />us mail and have NEVER received 1 spam...EVER!<br />suspect it's your ISP, not this site.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

I have not received any spam because of this site. In fact they even let you click not to receive email from this site itself.<br /><br />I suspect the problem is either with your email provider or someone got lucky with a wildcard program. If you have signed up for free email somewhere, that is the source. They don't collect money from you, but they make money somehow. <br /><br />The first ISP I signed up with gave me an email. Before I even set it up, I had my first spam mail from a Adult site provider. Eventually what was found was they were unsecure. A hacker had an automatic program to get into their server every day and download their new email addresses to sell to spammers.

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

I don't believe it is this site, either. I was getting a lot of spam up until the time I changed providers. This is about the only site I use and have never got spam since. I,m sure someone will catch up to me sooner or later, though.


Jul 15, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

I learned a while back, don't get an easy email address.<br /><br />Exactly what was said above, they use wildcards to see what addresses are real. If they don't get a error back, they know it is good.<br /><br />I'll get spam and see that it has many combinations of letters that are close to my email address.... and one of them was right, so I got the spam. <br /><br />I've had the same address for 5 years now, do NOT want to change, but have no choice. I get over 60-70 spams EVERY DAY. I'll miss real emails when I'm going through deleting the crapola.<br /><br />pick something a little long, and put a few #'s behind it, and don't give it out to ANY sites unless it is one that you know will not screw with you. If you need to give an email addres someplace to download something, put something fake in. I know gets a LOT of junk mail, cause that's what I always use.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 17, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

Just because *you* haven't given it to anyone but iBoats doesn't mean someone besides iBoats hasn't found it. When I first got DSL, I also was given additional email boxes. I setup one for each of my kids. My son is big into Legos, so we used the word lego in it. It was a few days before he even used the email account and it was already receiving spam. I think the pattern "leg" was someting the email hackers looked for. My daughter's on the other hand doesn't really have a "pattern" in it and she hasn't received hardly any spam after nearly a year.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 29, 1998
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

kalan2000,<br />I was going to make a wise-crack about the money we made from selling your name but decided that you are probably pretty agitated by the spam coming to the new address so I won't. :) iboats has not sold you out. We make money from selling engines and boat supplies, not selling names.<br /><br />As an eagle scout (right now I am holding up my right hand with 3 fingers extended) I promise that neither I or iboats has given/sold/rented anyone's email to anyone. As for hackers, the others on the board would have noticed it as well not just you. Sorry but its something else. I hope your feeling of betrayal has left.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

on my honor, I promise to do my best, to do my duty..... geez I forget :p


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

Admin5 is right. All you need to do, is anger a mutant user with too much time on his/her hands,and you'll get all kinds of spam,most of it, solicited! This is because said mutant has registered your ISP to receive email from as many porn and finanicial/gaming sites he/she has time to fill out!!<br />Trust me on this one. I receive at minimum,50 per day,and all because of one angry mutant user in Ocala!<br />Not much can be done, iether.<br />Protect your screenname as best you can, but do not expect that alone to stop it.


Rear Admiral
Jul 9, 2001
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

If I stay on IBoats, not much spam, when I look at some of the other boat sites, the spam increases. I blocked all email form AOL and Yahoo, which just sent it all to a delete file, this reduced my spam about 40/50%.


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

Trust me it is not IBoats. I have gotten spam from my ISP e-mail address and I don't even use it. I went through several ISP's before the one I have now and have Hotmail for everything. Hackers can do just about anything and many sites that require an e-mail address us it only to sell it. I have a hotmail account I use for almost all of my surfing/filling out addresses and it gets about 25 e-mails to the junk mail filter a day. About half are adult half of what is left is debt relief or make money now and the last half is grow your manhood or womanhood as the case may be.


Jul 12, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

I have MSN now and I never get any junk mail<br />FUNNYSAILBOATS@HOTMAIL.COM (I WILL NOW) I also have and never get any spam their either! ONE TIP never fill in any email profiles or you will get tons of spam.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

I will have to go alon with the majority on this one. Never have gotten spam from I-BOATS.<br />I have 6 e-mail addys with my ISP and each one has a use.<br />1 for here, 1 for family etc.<br />It is not coming from here.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 22, 2002
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

I dont know who deleted my post, but I deserve an explanation...WHAT A CROCK!!! This is insane! If the jerk who deleted it INTERPRETED something from it that was inflamitory, maybe they should take a good look at themselves! What I said was no diferent than what the original poster said... but since it came from "Moose the almighty trouble-maker", it was deleted. The one responsible is TRYING to get a rise out of me... so own up! Be a man and tell me. I'm holding up my right hand with ONE finger extended.


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 5, 2003
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

Perhaps I have rushed to judgement due to my ignorance of the extremes some are willing and able to go to in order to gain our email addresses for personal gain. I find it reassuring that so many of the regulars here have had no problems like those I have experienced. I will contact my ISP immediately to discuss the email problems I am having. <br /><br />Thanks for your responses and advice on this topic. I appreciate your contributions.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Betrayed by iBoats

I deleted your post, Moose.<br /><br />It offered no information except your hostility to this board.<br /><br />If you hate it here so much, why do you come?