So this you might find interesting, I shot some of the waxed gelcoat yesterday but it kept going off in gun , so I stopped this morning I touched the boat the resin is sticky like non waxed then I thought dam resin went off so fast that the wax never had a chance to migrate to surface... Interesting
Well I'm sure that is probably taken into account I mean they wouldn't mix it in there if it could compromise it since they have no way of knowing if all of it migrates, guess that's why it bound to the styrene ?
Read.a interesting artical about this wax evidently when military use to use it they did study's about the wax propagating through consecutive layers and it would,they would slap coat after coat on top of each other within a certain window of time and see, not sure how they would see unless maybe they colored it somehow
Got out here at 4 am since weather has been crap, got the wax remover on and stripping away, what a task this been lol, a wipe down with acetone would never pull all this wax off. I'm doing wax removal to be able to sand cause this stuff woulda gummed up the sandpaper pretty fast!
First and last regel coat I'll ever do I shoulda just done paint with clear but I see clear pealing all the time so thought I'd go this route lol actually it's the wax that bothered me mostly
Into sanding,hope I don't burn through anywhere not sure how I'd fix flake lol
Well got a couple issues so far adhesion in the inside of bow area ,easily fixed but not sure why , my guess is it was too hot when I did that side, got to post when a mess up happens as much as when things are good I'll get it sorted . Just sucks materials ain't cheap!