Anybody have info on a Sea Star T-573 Hawk BR


Aug 14, 2015
I was just given this boat and trailer by my dad. I believe it is a 1975 model. It is hard to find any info on this boat. The interior and exterior of the boat is in poor shape. it has been sitting out in the weather. I'm thinking about restoring it. I know I can just wondering if it is worth it. I got the boat late today. Ill take some pics tomorrow and post them up. I am new to boating and was wondering if anybody out there had any info on the boat. Just want to thank you all for your help before hand.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Worth it is wholly up to you

Whats it worth to fix your dads boat amd possibly hand it down to you kids

No, it likely wont a money making boat to flip for a profit


Aug 14, 2015
Here are some pictures of the boat to give you guys a ideal of what I am working with. Do any of you know if you there is a step by step guide on how to do this. I don't even know where to start. I am pretty sure all wood on the boat is in the same state st the floor.
photo 1.JPGphoto 2.JPG
photo 3.JPG photo 4.JPG photo 5.JPG


Aug 14, 2015
I have been looking over the boat and trying to figure out how to get he cap off. Does anybody know how to get the trim that hold the cap on off? I'm pretty sure that the piece of rubber in middle has to come off and there are rivets or something underneath. I might be being to gentle, but I don't want to break anything unnecessarily.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Dig into other topics in this resto forum

Lots of good info in lots of the topics

Althougb minor differences to your tri-hull, any of the demos can be used as a how to from wbere your boat is now to 100% complete and back in service.

Watch for posts from WoodOnGlass, he's actively posting in lots of topics. In his signature lines at tbe bottom of a post, there's a link to stringers deck and transom fabrication. Good info and well written.

On my phone or I'd post a link to it.

Also notice that there is a lot of hot nasty work ahead. You'll need a good workspace and some equipment to do both the demo and the put back


Aug 14, 2015
I've been reading and researching about this project a lot since I got the boat. I have a few questions that I would like to get your advice and opinions on. I removed some of the floor and cleaned up most of the rotten wood to get a good look at the stringers. They are totally hollow no wood or foam in them at all. There are no remenants of wood or foam so om guessing thats the way it was origanally made. The stringers seems to be made out of WR fiberglss cloth. Is this normal? Which is better the way it is now or plywood stringers? I also was wondering what you guys think about pourable transom material? I've read if it is done right it can be a superior alternate to wood. My last an final noob question for this post is is there any other alternative materials besides foam. I know the foam is structural. But it seems to me that if water ever gets in the hull of the boat the foam would prevent it from being able to flow out. One again thanks for your help.


Aug 14, 2015
Can't really find any info on the boat anywhere. Can anybody point me in the right direction. I'm looking for a picture or spec sheet to try and see what the original boat looked liked.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Welcome to iBoats!!

I'm a sucker for sentimental re-builds.. Take a look at these two links. They should help get you started.

Fabricating Decks, Stringers, and Transoms

Consider yourself one of the lucky ones!!! Your ALL fiberglass stringers are GREAT. As long as they are not delaminated from the hull...You're GOLDEN!!! This will save you a LOT of time and money. The vinyl insert of the rub rail just pops out (with some persuading from a screwdriver;)) and warming it in the sun or using a heat gun on low heat will help too!!! Once it's out drill out the rivets and remove the rail. The cap MIGHT be glued to the hull sides at various points or it may just pop off. NOTE!!!! before doing any demolition, take TONS of Pics and measurements of EVERYTHING. You WILL reference them in the future and be glad you did!!!! Length Width Height at all different points within the boat. Once everything's been removed the hull WILL move around and change shape and you MUST ensure it gets back to the original configuration if you want the cap to fit back on correctly. Especially with that Walk Thru windshield. Have you seen this...
It's about all I could find on your boat. But the good news is,the old tri-hulls are pretty much all the same as far as the way they're put together. Some companies did a better job than others. You'll know more once you get her de-capitated and the deck removed. Right Now get your measurements and pics, buy you PPE and Demo Tools and start tearing her down. The sooner you start...The sooner you'll be on the water.:D;)



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Aug 14, 2015
Thanks Wood. I've been scouring the forums the last week. Man is there a lot of boating knowledge on here. I 've got the rub rail off and planning on taking then engine and controls is off this weekend. The cap seems to be held on by a few rivets. So I don't think it will be that hard to get off. Thanks for all the info.


Aug 14, 2015
Well I finally got a few spare minutes to work on the boat. I removed the engine,and drilled out all the rivets holding the cap on the hull. I looked around the inside of the cap and I did not see anywhere where they fiberglassed the cap to the hull. I tried to see if it would come up a little, but it will not budge. So there has to be something else holding it on. Would anybody have pictures of what the joint would look like if the hull and cap are fiberglassed together? I will post some pics of the progress tomorrow. Its to dark to get any good pics.