Hi Andy,I
I did not see your reply until today,and found out that I guess I need to subscribe to my own topic. Thanks for the link and it brought back good memories. I used to do a loop out of Lincolnville and around Islesboro and Deer Isle as a volunteer island monitor. I would visit several Maine Island Trail islands and check them for any problems and do some cleanup. It was done in a Lund S-18 with a 25 Mariner like the one in one of the opening slides, and was about a 70 mile trip, done in one long day, plus the drive to and from Linclnville from near Brunswick. I did it with paper charts and a hand held compass, no smartphone or vhf, often in 2-4 foot seas, and a few times in fog. I had to be careful on falling tides not to get stranded when I went ashore, and on rising tides to make sure the boat was still there and reachable when I got back from checking campsites. It was great fun. Now I wonder how I did it and will be equipped with GPS if I get out there again.
Speaking of that I got a Lowrance HDS 7 and a Mercmonitor for Christmas, turning my Land Rover sale into Starcraft gear. I will still carry paper charts and a hand held compass.
Happy New Year to all.