Re: Another example of style over substance.
Did Reagan act? My memory fails me. Oh, that's right, all actors and journalist are libs. How silly of me.
Based on what you have just told us 12, you have just said W would make a better actor. You know, "style over substance." He has not gotten us out, which in your words mean "style over substance."
I think you may be closer to the middle than you want us to believe.
And to his grave, Reagan was accused of "dying his thick, black hair" by the libs, wasn't he?
It was proven false, but it sure was fun to laugh at these idiots every time they whined about it... Sorta like when they wail that "Bush stole the elections" or "Bush bombed the WTC" .
oh lawdy!
I'll now make the statement that "
tall Africans make better basetball players than short Messicans.
Being a lib, you will
immediately rail at that statement, seeing the "prejudice" in it. Won't you?
Of course you will.
All the while, knowing it is absolute proven fact, these facts will be ignored (or even worse, BURRIED) in order to do your "railing".
This is EXACTLY the way Dingy Harry and the Breck girl debate things also. It's the way things are. You and I cannot change our personality very easily. Nor can Pelosi. But we can dang-sure point out their plasticity when it becomes blatent enough to laugh at, and then -- laugh our axes off.
Not all Iranians are terrorists either, CJY. But they gain notoriety by joining and participating in the Iraq "insergency", don't they? I was
speaking in general terms, but I know how badly you want to defend the pretty boy and his 400 dollar hairdo. And that's fine.
But yes, libs do indeed make MUCH better artists, actors (as seen on the senate floor), ambulance chasers and band members than they do doctors, presidents and pipe fitters. They should avoid such proffessions as they should senate seats, or any other
reality-based occupations.
Liberal politicians have not yet been placed in the politically-correct book of calling spades "spades"... But then, just as it has somehow become
prejudiced , or politically incorrect to use "Mexicans" and "short" in the same sentence,
(I'm rollin over here), and given the political drive to mainstream media-produced BS, they soon will be.
I'll have to make sure to censure myself when the time comes