A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

Wow! Common, DD.Get real! It isn't as if I called him Mike Moore or Barney Fife. :) He had a job to do,and so do most of us gainfully employed . If "butt monkey" is offensive to you from a moral point of view, Wow! You Don't get out much,do you? :rolleyes: I'm a bible thumper, and have my moments...but "butt Monkey"??? Heard worse in church! (but then, I'm an old squid ,so "**ther F***" is mainstay on the job,like Soulwinner. I guess I need to keep werkin on that.<br /><br />You're in law enforcement, and you need a bit thicker skin, if you are serious about being offended by my reference.<br />If You took that personally as a fellow proffessional law enforcement officer,DD, you misunderstood where the term was directed. I do respect cops. I think they are way underpaid for what they do, have to be rolling-lawyers who must document every sneeze on the job, (and thier mileage), and put-up with some of the nastiest human debris that breathes at times. Add to that, they must be in the equivalent of the "Dress Whites" we endured in the Navy...I HATED THAT MONKEY-SUIT!! Esspecially the tacky shoes. but y'all must be spit-n-polish for the endurance of you shift,not just in port. And you all need to remain polite,cool and calm,and avoid Mad Cop disease,every time some guy like me disses you.<br />He was all but the latter.(polite or cool).<br />As for his profession--I know I couldn't do it.I'm sorry if my assesment of this guy offends you, but I guess that would be unavoidable,given your proffession. Just understand, I'm talking about that azzclown, not you. It could be any butt monkey, the fact that he was a cop has nothing to do with that assesment,only the way he spoke and acted towards me like he was my daddy on a drunk. I must've really "brassed him off", as Kiwi would say..... And really, he may not be THAT bad (on a good day).<br />But he was an angry, arrogant butt monkey to me, and could've shown a small amount of respect to me too.I did not reciprocate the 'tude, didn't challange him,was polite to him and complied in every way. He had every right to pull me over,and issue a ticket for exceding the speed limit, (an even higher fine,from what I understand), and I wouldn't even question it here! I was speeding. My Driver licsense expired December 27th,not my fault, and have appt to proove it, but this "following too closely" is in my assesment as the victim, unwaranted,given the circumstances. <br />As for your professional opinion concerning this incident, thank you (and everybody else who took the time to reply). Your perspective,along with that of the professional drivers who replied, are making my decission much easier. For instance, whereas I knew about "burden of proof" from a polution case I testified to,and lost-- and was banking on that....But the "intent" thing is news for sure, and food for thought. Also, I WAS too close, I know.But given the traffic conditions, I didn't have a choice. Given this "intent" element to adjudicating guilt, I'm pretty much toast--because I'm still old school enough not to lie in a courtroom.<br />They'll ask. I'll answer. And the fine will be higher than originally spec'd.<br /><br /><br />And Jason, dang-good points about him being concerned about safety...Funny thing tho, I was too at that time. So given that fact, maybee i have a lot to "un-learn" about interstate driving---the school may be the way to go here.<br />And DD, no offense on my part intended or implied :)

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

"I will reduce speeds and such on tickets to help them out with the fine amounts, things like that. "<br /><br /><br />You wouldn't be altering/falsifying a goverment document would you? :) <br /><br /><br />As a cop I say fight it. As a person I say if you are wrong and know it then pay it. Kinda assbackwards ain't it?


Aug 8, 2003
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

You admited you were doing 75 that's speeding when it's posted at 70. Pay the fine, why lie to get out of it ........be a man.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

More incoming. :D


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

I hear you 12footer. I was not especially offended by the name, it was more the whole attitude I read into the post. This is the problem with reading, you miss the personal meaning behind the words. <br />I agree that there are a lot of officers out there that will take things personal and will take it out on decent citizens, or even not so decent ones. These few make the rest of us look bad. We are all lumped into one group. If we happen to be in a bad mood when we make a stop, we need to leave that problem in the car when we get out. If he was acting un-professional or was in fact in error (intentional error) then I would say he is much worse than a butt monkey. <br />If I was in your position I would defiantely take my day in court and simply say prove it. These tickets are very hard to prove since it is your word against his. Given all the negative press cops have drawn the past years, that doesn't carry a lot these days.


Oct 29, 2002
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

To me 5 MPH over the speed limit on an interstate does not constitute speeding.In a school zone or residential zone maybe but interstate heck no.<br />I have been a law enforcement officer for a long time and I don't get into the right lane to cause a heard like that it is in my opinion looking for a reason to stop someone. Now if you were running 80 or 86 and up I would have threw the lights on and built a fire in my intrepid cruiser and tried to catch you. If you wanted to run then I would have called it off it is far worser to chase a speeder then it is to let him go. Speeding doesn't make someone a bad guy. The officer should have acted professional but he was herding the traffic to look good. Bad idea in my on opinion.<br /> I ain't no chief or any of those things but when they want the bad guy I am the first on the scene.<br />I have been giving accommodations for just about every thing and 12er I took no offense to you comment.<br />And yes ob you called it right incoming :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 11, 2004
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

12, If you decide to fight this for what ever reason, get a lawyer. Remember the judge, prosecuter, and even your lawyer all belong to the same union. The American Bar Assoc. most likley your lawyer will cut a deal and you will never see the judge.<br />Ray


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

Originally posted by BLU LUNCH:<br /> You admited you were doing 75 that's speeding when it's posted at 70. Pay the fine, why lie to get out of it ........be a man.
LOl. Nice try,Ted. Whether a trolling or reading comprehension problem, I wasn't cited for speeding.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

:) Bottom line is city needs the money!!!<br /><br />2nd It is not a safety issue even tho they want you to believe that!!! It's only a way for, state county ,city or town to generate money!!!!<br /><br />Do you think that they would be pulling you over if there wasn't a monetary fiqure to pay,for not using your blinker, speeding,going thru a stop sign[which they do all the time], driving to closely!!!! not wearing your seat belt!!! It's "MONEY!!! MONEY!!! MONEY!!! :p :p <br /><br />I'd pay the fine!!!! ;) :cool <br /><br />Happy New Year!!!!! :cool: :cool:


Oct 29, 2002
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

alright 12er I am coming for yea :D <br /><br />


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 17, 2002
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

both my wife and I have gotten speeding tickets here in SC in the past 3 years. In both cases we were going more than 10 over on a 55mph two lane highway. In both cases we acted respectful, we both knew we were guilty, and the Highway Patrol officer wrote it for less than 10 over and also only for 2 points instead of 4. I never knew that they had the authority to change the points. I didn't argue. I paid the fine left feeling that the trooper was fair with me. Not to say that I wasn't PO'd about getting a ticket but hey, it WAS my fault. :)


Jul 25, 2003
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

No matter how old I get. I still get that Fuzzy feeling when there's a cop behind me. I don't know why.....there's no weed in the glovebox ;)


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 22, 2004
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

Here in NY if you get a ticket and pay the fine you are then charged and additional fee by the state. If it's about safety, Why the additional fee?<br /><br />This morning on the news they announced that Govenor Pataki (who I tend to like) has proposed adding a "Safety Fee" of $300.00 to any driver who has 6 or more points on their license.<br /><br />This is clearly about money and not public safety. In NY if you have half a brain you need to fight every moving violation. It is cheaper to pay a lawyer than the fines, surcharges and insurance increases.

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

Tylerin I know the feeling. Even when I am in my patrol car I feel funny if I see another cop coming from the other way or if one pulls in behind me.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

LOL tylerin. Me too. Only time I like seeing an Officer (hows that DD?) on the I by me is when he has a Flatlander pulled over. <br /><br />Seems to me that Officers who setup rolling roadblocks have thus created an unsafe scenario. Least wise, in my state, should a critter jump into traffic this rolling raft of vehicles must react as a group to avoid slamming into each other.<br /><br />For 12er, I believe that I would do my day in court, state my side, facts only, because this is process.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

12footer,<br /><br />If you had less than about 70 feet between you and the car in front, the trooper got you fair and square. Otherwise pleading guilty to a lesser offense sounds in order.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

Whats even funnier, I was at my weekly meeting at my PD last night, doing training stuff, and our drug dog was there. He is one of those really happy sorts, but I still get nervous around him, like he'll alert on me for some bizarre reason and the other officers will think I am carrying. I don't do drugs or associate with those who do, but just like being nervous with a cruiser behind you, you can't help but be nervous around a drug dog.<br /><br />12, when I was talking about safety, I was also thinking about your safety. You just never know what the person in front of you is thinking. I always remind my better half to back off of the car in front, she is a notorious tailgater. I just worry that there will be that one guy who had a crappy day, and the thing that finally sets him off is the car riding his arse. Next thing you know you are getting shot or beaten with a bat just because you drove too close to a volatile person. <br /><br />The other thing I try to impress upon people is to just shrug it off when someone cuts you off or whatever. My sister is world famous for flipping the bird and yelling out the window. I tell her one day she'll do it to the guy who just lost his job or found out his wife is cheating on him and she'll be the one he takes it out on.<br /><br />When I drive, I just stay away from everyone else, and let them do their thing. If I come up on a slow driver, I back off and wait for the opportunity to pass. I just don't have anything that important to get to to risk what could happen with these hair trigger volatile people running around these days....

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

:) Forget about "SAFTY!!!!" :p <br /><br />When they say "It isn't about Money," "It's about Money" [revenue] :D <br /><br />Point in case: We have a 55mph zone on our state highway!! We had what was known as the "55 Team"!!<br />You would never get a ticket unless you did over 70mph!! "Why"? Because here the fine starts at $50 bucks and 10 bucks for every mile over the speed limit!!! The staties are only interested in giving you the big buck ticket!! :eek: <br /><br />If it were a safety issue they would stop you over 60mph.!!!! ;) :cool: <br /><br />Happy New Year!!! :cool: :cool:


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

Originally posted by bubbakat:<br /> alright 12er I am coming for yea :D <br />
Bring it on,bubba! Smell that? There's nothing like the smell of door-gunner 50cal smoke in the morning.It smells like-----like-----like---victory.<br />
<br /><br /><br />On second thought, I think I'll just take that boat you guys just put back in the water. :}


Oct 29, 2002
Re: A "Moving Violation" question (or two)...

Aw the first air cav. Now those were the days.<br />Going into a hot LZ sitting on your jacket or pot so you wouldn,t well lets say have a sore bottom :D