9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

I'm with ngt, lots of area that don't have cell reception, have pay phones. I used a pay phone once last year :D and even had to break out my calling card :p

Add calling cards to the list as #10....

Good one!!

Now add rotary telephones, CRT TVs and stubby beer bottles to the list, wait they are gone already, (almost)


Aug 19, 2011
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

And who would that be? I don't know a single person who doesn't have a cell phone.

I am kinda hoping Arnold Schwarzenegger would dissapear but I guess that isn't happening.

I don't have a cell phone. I'm not on Facebook, either. And just for the record, I'm 32. And, no, I don't live in a cave. Don't get me wrong, they're nice to have but the corporations have confused the masses into thinking a convenience is a necessicity.

Don't get me started on texting while having a real life conversation....


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

Don't get me wrong, they're nice to have but the corporations have confused the masses into thinking a convenience is a necessicity.
I believe they said the same thing 100 years back about cars and indoor plumbing. :)

I know there are a few of you guys out there. I just don't know any.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

I'm not a lawyer but I believe that there is a major legal status to fax transmissions that is not matched by anything "newer".
Most, if not all, transactions can be conducted in electronic format using digital signatures or using scanned originals. We've not had a fax machine in our offices in over 5 years

Seriously, when was the last time anyone on here used a pay phone?

I cannot remember the last time I saw a phone booth, let alone used one. Then again, I have a Blackberry world phone so I do not have the need to ever look for one.

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

Most, if not all, transactions can be conducted in electronic format using digital signatures or using scanned originals. We've not had a fax machine in our offices in over 5 years

Agreed. But the start-up is (at least was) quite high last time I was involved in checking it out. Software licenses, training etc . It is not quite as simple as wandering into Staples and buying a $75- fax machine. :)


Jun 13, 2007
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

I don't think all that stuff will disappear, but I do think they will all continue to decline in usage and availability until they match the point of their obsolesence.
However, it would be good to see the Postal union employees (and their costs) decrease to the point consistent with the reduced postal services.....we are already hearing about the resistance to that one from the postal unions.:eek::D:D


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

The postal service has already talked about having only 5 days of delivery. I can't understand why they haven't implemented that already.... Sounds like a huge cost savings to me. I really don't need to have mail on Saturday.


Aug 19, 2011
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

The postal service has already talked about having only 5 days of delivery. I can't understand why they haven't implemented that already.... Sounds like a huge cost savings to me. I really don't need to have mail on Saturday.

I've always wondered how they schedule 6 days a week. Seems like 5 days a week would be MUCH easier to manage and schedule.

It'd probably eradicate thousands of jobs too. :(


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 5, 2010
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

I haven't even seen a pay phone in god knows how long. As for checks, who needs em. Ever get behind some little old person person in the grocery store and have that ahhh cr*p moment when you see them reach for a friggen check book. I am on the same book of checks I got with a checking account 10 years ago. No need for them, alot of places wont take a check anyways.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

Agreed. But the start-up is (at least was) quite high last time I was involved in checking it out. Software licenses, training etc . It is not quite as simple as wandering into Staples and buying a $75- fax machine. :)

I am not sure what costs you are talking about. A digital signature is free. PDF print drivers are available for free as shareware. The training is free. Ask anyone under 21 to train you.:D At home, I use a cheap HP print/scan /copier I paid $75 for at Wal-Mart. On the road, I use a "wan" scanner I bought on line for $79.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

I haven't even seen a pay phone in god knows how long. As for checks, who needs em. Ever get behind some little old person person in the grocery store and have that ahhh cr*p moment when you see them reach for a friggen check book. I am on the same book of checks I got with a checking account 10 years ago. No need for them, alot of places wont take a check anyways.

I need them. Being I own my own "very small business" run out of my home, that's how I get paid each month.... Send bills to customers, customers then send checks for payment.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

I need them. Being I own my own "very small business" run out of my home, that's how I get paid each month.... Send bills to customers, customers then send checks for payment.
My gardener at my vacation house was actually set up to receive e-payments. My bill pay never sent him a check. Was always an electronic transfer. He is just a small business as well.

I hate writing checks. Everything is electronic transfer or bill pay checks.


Jan 25, 2008
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

I need them. Being I own my own "very small business" run out of my home, that's how I get paid each month.... Send bills to customers, customers then send checks for payment.

Yup, I stopped in 2 places like that when I was up in WI last year. When I whipped out my CC to pay they gave me this "hey there city slicker, we don't take no stinkin' credit cards" type of look, while kindly telling me they didn't take credit cards.

I was talking to one of my customer's and he said they did cost analysis of how much the "total cost" was for doing business with credit cards, it was something like 6-7%, one heck of a lot more then the standard 2-3% fee. This included equipment, fees, chargebacks, etc etc, etc.... 6-7% for any business is a huge number! (I didn't run the numbers, just relaying what he said......)


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

My gardener at my vacation house was actually set up to receive e-payments. My bill pay never sent him a check. Was always an electronic transfer. He is just a small business as well.

I hate writing checks. Everything is electronic transfer or bill pay checks.

Yeah, I have a couple accounts that use bill pay. I'm one of those guys that never auto deposited when I used to work for "the man". At least now, I know exactly when a client's check arrives. I document check numbers, amounts and when it was received just in case there is any discrepancies. Our online banking system sucks. Just a small town bank.

I just can't see 99% of my customers being set up to pay using those 2 options...

Yup, I stopped in 2 places like that when I was up in WI last year. When I whipped out my CC to pay they gave me this "hey there city slicker, we don't take no stinkin' credit cards" type of look, while kindly telling me they didn't take credit cards.

I was talking to one of my customer's and he said they did cost analysis of how much the "total cost" was for doing business with credit cards, it was something like 6-7%, one heck of a lot more then the standard 2-3% fee. This included equipment, fees, chargebacks, etc etc, etc.... 6-7% for any business is a huge number! (I didn't run the numbers, just relaying what he said......)

Exactly, fees would really hurt a guy like me and good luck passing them on to the customer... I get enough flack from a small group of people when I raise my plow rate $5/time.


Jun 13, 2007
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

I need them. Being I own my own "very small business" run out of my home, that's how I get paid each month.... Send bills to customers, customers then send checks for payment.

....ditto on this, same here Wimusky.:)
That said, when you deal with random customers and suppliers this is very much still 'the norm' and will be for sometime.
Highly predictable home/life bill payment stuff is a different category for the better part.;)
All Good


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

Our online banking system sucks. Just a small town bank.
I use Paytrust.com. I have my personal account and all my business checking accounts all in one Paytrust account for $9.95/month. Way better than what my banks and credit unions supply. Everything gets categorized so all I have to do is generate some reports at the end of the year to do my taxes.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

I need them. Being I own my own "very small business" run out of my home, that's how I get paid each month.... Send bills to customers, customers then send checks for payment.

Thats how I got paid for this mornings job.

btw, auger worked good at 19' 6" feet in the well, to bad wet gravel does'nt like to stick to it very good.

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

I am not sure what costs you are talking about. A digital signature is free. PDF print drivers are available for free as shareware. The training is free. Ask anyone under 21 to train you.:D At home, I use a cheap HP print/scan /copier I paid $75 for at Wal-Mart. On the road, I use a "wan" scanner I bought on line for $79.

Read up on digital signatures and you will understand what I was talking about.

Nothing wrong with your approach on a limited basis, but it is just a workaround and really just a form of sending a fax by email.


Jun 13, 2007
Re: 9 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime

Heres another one that will be gone very soon (hopefully)...the penny. Canada has already move to completely do away with annoying little piece of currency.
Another one that is on its way out that is a bit more controversial is negotiated 'job security' ;)(....bit of a tie in there to the postal workers:D)