Re: '79 Starcraft SS 16 restoration
Good news! My budget for finishing the rig is looking better by the second.
I am selling a trailer for $150 later today(profit of $100) and I now have another $1000 to cover any remaining expenses. Mostly epoxy resin and stainless steel fasteners.
If I can keep my costs down I should have plenty leftover for additional accessories like a flare gun, horn, marine speakers, new lures, a new spotlight, some more high quality fireline, and maybe a bow cover.
I am keeping some cash on the side for the Merc to get looked at by my local dealer. I'd like to get it turn-key and have my WOT issues addressed.
I have the house to myself until friday so I will be getting quite a bit accomplished in the next couple days if all goes as planned. I might try to convince some of my fishing buddies to help but they are allergic to work so we'll see about that
I'm also going to try to track down a locking pedestal base for my helm seat and a longer post for the bow.
One more thing I'm excited about is possibly buying this motor for $100 later today. It is a longshaft so it'd be a perfect kicker even in some rollers and the price couldn't be better. Keeping my fingers crossed
Can't wait to start