I know gluvit is used for seams and rivets on the inside. Is there a specific type of sealer to use along the seams on the exterior hull? I have been removing some grey rubbery stuff during the stripping and want to have "something" along the seams before I put the primer back down.
, Its just that there must be something I can do for ease of mind. I guess since Im removing something during this process makes me think I nee
d to replace it.
I don't see any seams that have been stripped that could possibly need sealing:
Those chines and keel strip are all applied to the hull, a single sheet of aluminum. IMO, sealing along their edges is sealing water INTO them not keeping it out.
Each of those strips should have a small diameter (smaller then the eraser on a #2 pencil) hole drilled in them at about the midpoint and near the stern end. That too is for letting water out. Sealing the holes shut or caulking the 'seam' where it mates to the hull risks keeping water in them, which depending on where you live, might cause freeze damage.
IF there's a seam along the left side of the 2nd pix I reposted, that seam probably has sealer in it from the factory, if it's compromised and leaking, then maybe that seam could be sealed w/ 5200 prior to priming. Else, like I said, I don't see anything that needs to be sealed.
Refresh my memory.... If you are priming and painting the hull, why strip it to bare aluminum?
Have you water tested the hull looking for leaks and loose rivets? A leak test before repair and again after is a good practice.