1989-90 bayliner 2159 hardtop.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
here is the thing... i haven't used it for 2 yrs, im betting it is all the way in the back in the bottom next to the gimble bearing tool that hasn't been used in 2 yrs as well except i got to get through 2 boats worth of stuff to get there :)
i need to do it anyways i need to get some stuff in attic long term storage:)


Mar 29, 2017
LOl know the feeling. I got the chevelle pile of parts area. The van has its area. I got household maintenance areas of shelves. And on and on of things that been around forever.

I got 3 boxes of boat parts floating around with the specialty tools I already have for the boat. Just aimlessly being moved around on the floor now the boat is kinda sorta done. Done as far as this area of the forum is concerned.

But being a toy it is never finished. I fool with it everyday. Anyway its parts and tools. I been thinking i need to clear a area for them. They need a home.

Then they wll get buried under newer projects. And i wont be able to find anything.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 25, 2018
always admired guys that did one thing and had impeccable shops

I don't trust them. lol KIDDING!!!

When we moved in our house, I knew the basement area had a floor. Now, I am not so sure since I haven't seen it in probably a decade. And I hate it when I am looking for 1 thing, and find something else that I was looking for 3 days ago and never found. Or, if I find something that I can't remember what it goes to. My A.D.D. will kick in and the rest of my day will be ruined with me either going back to the task from 3 days ago now that I found the "thing", or I will spend the rest of the day trying to figure out what this weird shape plastic piece is that I just found. Once I found this little plastic piece in with some old truck parts and I had to know what it was. HOURS later I finally figured out - it was the plastic piece screwed down on the turn table I bought my wife to keep it from moving during shipping. I have no idea how it ended up in the area with the truck parts (that go to a truck I got rid of 5 years ago, btw).


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
Its like houses on halmark channell, those houses spotless make ya feel guilty for lived in house we are somewhere between horders tv show and hallmark lol


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 25, 2018
What I REALLLY hate is when you need a 5/8ths.... and you look in the drawer where you keep all of your SAE sockets.

"1/2, 1/2, 1/2, I don't need a 1/2!! I need a 5/8ths!!! Well crap, guess I'll have to run to the store."

return 20 minutes later with a 5/8ths, and as soon as you are done with it, you need a 1/2.. you go back to the drawer....

"5/8ths, 5/8ths, 5/8ths... OH FOR THE LOVE OF PETE WHERE IS MY 1/2?!?!?!?!?!"


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
found it , it was in the speciality tool drawer under the mice nest behind the outdrive and 2 heads lol


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 19, 2012
always admired guys that did one thing and had impeccable shops

My cousin is one of those guys. His shop is uber organized. And it's great! He knows where every tool is and where every spare part is located. Fortunately for me, I got to build my boat there. Periodically, we'd stop and re-clean / organize stuff before moving forward. At first I thought this was crazy and a waste of time. But eventually I saw the benefit of knowing where the tool was that you were looking for and having clean work spaces to work in.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 25, 2018
But eventually I saw the benefit of knowing where the tool was that you were looking for and having clean work spaces to work in.

That's blasphemy!!

BTW, where is this cousin located? And on an unrelated note, if he mysteriously ends up with a 1987 Glasstream in there, just roll with it. :)


Nov 7, 2013
My cousin is one of those guys. His shop is uber organized. And it's great! He knows where every tool is and where every spare part is located. Fortunately for me, I got to build my boat there. Periodically, we'd stop and re-clean / organize stuff before moving forward. At first I thought this was crazy and a waste of time. But eventually I saw the benefit of knowing where the tool was that you were looking for and having clean work spaces to work in.

I have a son-in-law who's the same way. He rebuilds motorcycles and cars, but every tool is spotless and exactly where it belongs. He forces my daughter to keep a perfect house as well. If he finds anything out of place it goes in the garbage. He never says anything, but must drive him nuts when they come to our house.


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
My cousin is one of those guys. His shop is uber organized. And it's great! He knows where every tool is and where every spare part is located. Fortunately for me, I got to build my boat there. Periodically, we'd stop and re-clean / organize stuff before moving forward. At first I thought this was crazy and a waste of time. But eventually I saw the benefit of knowing where the tool was that you were looking for and having clean work spaces to work in.

please get off your husbands account and go ruin someone else's untidey ness.. :)


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
I just got to bottom of floor found 3 10 mm sockets a bunch of single socks and a few tv remotes ! I now know where lost things wind up hahaha , but seriously im about halfway through i have a full truck of trash , i decided if i havent needed for 4 yrs im tossing it ,


Mar 29, 2017
I so need to do this. toss things I don't use to make room for the new boat stuff.