Re: 1987 16 ss
Thanks everyone, as you can tell I'm really liking working on these great boats, I kind of fiqure after I do how ever many when I get around to doing one for me I will have the process totally worked out lol.
Bunker, our initial budget was $1000-$1200, but now we have decided to change the color scheme totally so the seats need to be replaced as well, plus a few extras, so we are now thinking it will end up $1300-$1500.
Concept, nothing humble about the SS, in my opinion it is the best Starcraft built for us land locked folks who don't see a ton of real big water, ( gotta watch what ya say and how you word it on this site).
I found some 5053 .064 sheet aluminum 4'x10'for just over a $100. this gave us enough material to make all the new gunwal tops the front deck and the inner transom cover with a little left over for other uses. It cuts real nice with a jig saw and a fine blade, just keep the sheet supported from underneath as close to the cut line as possible.
Puget, thanks bud, but come on now, it took me 35 years to finally have a place to work on the projects, if I still lived in the big city it would never have happened.