Thank you, all the help is appreciated. so as far as using the polyester does that mean to use it for everything even as far as fairing some gouges and scratches on the outside of the hull. Can I still use stuff like the west system fillers with the poly resin to make stuff like the peanut butter, fillet, and fairing. I got some more cleaning done today and removed the rest of the deck, from what I can tell it appears to have been 1/2" thick ply, curious whether to go back with 1/2" or 3/4". I plan to drill some holes tomorrow in the stringers to check them out, what would be the ideal bit size to do this with. Will try to get some more pics up also tomorrow.
Sounds like you have been busy. I would go back with 1/2" quality
exterior ply or even marine grade if you can find it and afford it. However, the typical
exterior grade of plywood will work as well. Once you have all the stringers and such underneath fixed, the 1/2" will be solid. So no need for 3/4" plywood. All you will get out of that is extra weight. And that isn't something any boat needs.
Yes I would stay with one type resin. And since your hull was originally made form polyester, I would use that exclusively. If you already used epoxy resin in some exterior areas, it really depends on where and how much you used. Pictures will allow everybody to see that and comment. However I would use polyester resins for your boat. I used U S Composites 435 laminating resins and it worked perfectly. You are going to use a lot of it as well.
I am betting that you will need new stringers, transom and flooring before it is all finished. And that really isn't unusual either. BUT, once you refurbish this boat, it will last longer then you will ever need it. And that is because you will rebuild the different things better then the manufacturer.
It will look overwhelming at times, but hang with it and we will help you refurbish your boat to a extremely nice Bass Boat again. I also suggest you do a lot of reading on refurbishing boats on these forum threads. There are tons of them. That will offer you some insight to what is coming.
A lot of folks use a 1/4" drill size for the inspection holes. If you go too small, you really won't be able to see the shavings well. And larger is better, but common sense has to rule as well.
As far as pictures go, I reset my camera to take lower resolution pictures and then down load them to different directories I set up on my laptop computer to give me a pictorial account of everything. And then I simply upload the ones I want on my boat thread. And if you keep the size below 700kb in size, which is a very nice size on here, they will up load without any problems. JMHO