It's been slow going the last week or two but I finally got some more work done. Funny how you don't have anything going on until you start a boat restoration project and then all of a sudden you're swamped. Anyways I cleaned up most of the inside and got the majority of the bondo off, some of it though was stuck under the ribs so i think i will be taking those off to get the rest of the bondo out. I don't have any pics of it with the bondo removed. After that i touched up the areas under where the bondo was with the nylon wire wheel, I honestly just kind of skimmed over it because i can get to the rest of it later.
I got the boat off the trailer by myself and had my dad come over to help me flip her over. I couldn't get the bow rails off because the screws are completely seized, i broke 2 philips head bits trying to get them to budge. So those will be getting cut off when the boat it right side up again.
Now the fun stuff.....I blasted all the flex seal off the bottom of the hull with the pressure washer which turned out way easier than I thought, it took about an hour to hit the entire bottom.
Here's the before shot of the bottom with flex seal still on
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And here is the after, you can see the marks from where the boat sits on the rollers, i'll be switching the trailer to bunks now that the boat is off of it. Also the red stuff I think is more bondo. I don't think its original to the boat but i'm sure one of you can answer that. Its not all over the bottom just mainly along the three supports beam (not sure what they're called) and a few other spots covering up dents i believe
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A whole bunch more rivet heads popped off from the pressure washing which has me worried about the sturdiness when trying to flip it back over, I don't any good pics of the rivet heads that were blasted off but you can see them in the pics below...the silver spots. You can also see the countless rivet holes that don't even have rivets in them! this is just along the transom, It's a miracle this thing even floated before and it also answers my questions about all the bondo and the flex seal...a poor repair job instead of the correct way to do it
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There's about 3 different types of fasteners holding the knee brace on, which you can see is not the prettiest of areas on the boat, tomorrow I'm hoping to start stripping the remaining paint which should come off pretty easy as that bottom layer of paint is all cracked and wore already so the stripper should cut right through it no problem. Game plan is strip the paint and then flip her back over and start replacing rivets, probably start at the front or back and pull each rib off and clean under them and finish getting the bondo out. At the rate this has been going that will probably take a solid month if not more