Nice transfer Decker.:thumb:
Hope the neighbors like the new lawn ornament.
Nice trailer swap!
I like this one the best, I'm surprised it didn't get edited, a nice trailer taking an itchy poop
Nice job on the switch, I would recommend taking of the outer bunks let the hull set on the center ones check for clearance, if all is good re-drill the outer bunks to the proper height and you should be golden.
Ahe yeah the leapfrog method of trailer swapping, sure beats the "Sig way" where you drop the freshly painted boat onto the ground from an excavator boom! Wonder where Sig's been anyway?
I would try just unhooking the dilly from the rig and let the winch drag that trailer up underneath the old glasser (you may need a ladder to be able to turn the winch handle at some point) and then hook it back up and winch strap the POS down for the ride to the dump.
Congrats swapping a glasser off a decent trailer and onto a similar but not as nice trailer nearly bested me about a month ago. It was a LOT of water weight. And the warm weather didn't help. Left axle deep tire ruts 7ft deep in the yard.
So ya done good and had enough gas in the tank to mow the yard after. The happy Admiral saying comes to mind, esp w/ the added dinner after
good job!
The glasser all mounted up on it's hearse, waiting for it's final ride:thumb:
Sorry you added some scratches to the glasser. No tears to my eyes.
Good job on getting the yard cleared for grass cutting.
Love the tires on that trailer.
All most didn't buy it because of the Leg O'Death..Hey Deck - It's not too late to change your mind and put the White Leg O'Death back in. Well, it was too late when she left the factory. Lookin' good! :thumb:
Thanks dozerll..Looking good Deck, what are you using to weld?
Thanks Deck, I gotta get a tig, I'm so sick of battling with my spool gun.
Solid rivets for sure. My advice is a brazier head and the size should be 3/16" dia in 2117 alloy. Length should be figured by the material thickness so .188 for the stock and .100 for the transom and round up to.300. 3/8" is .375 so I would go with the 7/16" for length.
I get my rivets here...