Okay, I did Alumiweld up one side of the transom cap. However in doing so I basically charred the wood pattern some. Probably still usable but charred all the same. I Also feathered in a few welds using a 2" flapper wheel and for the most part, it seems to work okay. I'll try to finish that up hopefully today and post the results.
However, I also bought a Primeweld TIG 225X welder this morning and if the Alumiweld doesn't get it done, I will now have a very good TIG welder to use...Yeaaaaaa If I only knew how to TIG weld now... MIG is easy, but I never tried TIG yet.
If anyone else has this TIG welder, post up how you like it. I've read and read, and read some more until I am tired of reading specs. for weeks now. And this TIG welder seems to be the top choice for a TIG system under $1000 dollars. So unless I get into some type production work, and that is never going to happen, I think this welder will do my bidding for hobby shop usage.
If the weather would break and get back to warmer temps without rain, I will start on the gas tank again. I need to prime and wet sand now...
Until next update, you all make it a great day. Remember, this is the only Saturday February 1, 2020 you will ever see ever again. Make it the best!