gomopar440, Yes they are actually predicted to break a totally new record for Halloween. There are predicting 90 degrees and the old record was 89 degrees back in 1950. So I guess we will make a record heat once again. And that is a good thing and bad. Good to allow me the extra time to prep the hull, bad because I have to stop when the heat get that high. Sweat and sanding dust just doesn't mix well.
mckyryan, that isn't a bad idea. But since I am taking so long prepping the hull, I might forgo the air brushed fishies...maybe not. :noidea: But that still won't guarentee me to catch any of them. :facepalm:
Acrh, there are three openings for a reason. The center opening is for the typical bilge drain. The other two are for the live well inlet and live well drain. The other little holes on the transom sides are for the stainless steel eye hooks I am installing for strapping the transom down to the trailer. And all the other holes that use to be there are gone now.The PO has so many holes all over the transom, but when I rebuilt the new transom, those holes were gone. I will have to drill for the engine mount, but that will come later on.
Arch, if you don't have a pneumatic inline sander, you seriously need to get one. It takes a ton of work out of getting areas sanded down for the fine sanding efforts. I use fillers, and then use the inline sander and then switch to long board sanding and block hand sanders once the fillers are sanded down some what..
It seriously helps.