Okay finally some pictures of progress. I had to make a decision today. The weather was really nice and I have tons of yard work to do, and of course the boat to finish as well. So I had to choose which one gets the attention this time. Well I decided to go with the boat and forego the yard work. So here is the run rails finished ready to be removed now.
I started with some really aged nicked up scratched up even bent up aluminum rails. I removed the insert and it was in pretty good condition and I will use it after it gets reworked as well. However, I wanted to polish up the rub rail itself before removing the rivets to finish both the inside and the outside of the hull. Then rivet it back on. And I guess I could have waited to clean the rail up after removing it. But I though while it was attached, it would offer some support to work them oven. I thought the rail would flop around more trying to sand and polish it while it was off the hull. :noidea: Well that is my plan anyway. Here are a few pictures of that effort...finally! :facepalm:
This is what I started with. Not very pretty, but I had hopes.
I honestly thought I could work all the scratches and dents and gouges out.
So I started out with a simple Dewalt random orbital sand using 60 grit disks. Yes that does seem course, but those are some serious issue to get out too. Headphones had to be worn because the hull worked as an amplifier and the noise was deafening.
I finished with the 60 grit and went to 120 grit and then 240, then 320, 400, 600, 800 and finally 1200. Not the funnest job I've ever done, but it was either try to clean there rails up, or buy new ones. The price of new ones will make you work a little harder some times.
As you can see, the aluminum gets smoother and more even the finer the grit. Off course that is what it is supposed to do.
This is a shot after sanding with 1200 grit. Not bad, but not what I was wanting yet either.
Now we are talking a very nice finish. This is after one pass using, Mother's Mag and Aluminum Polish. WOG suggested it and since I was at Wal-Mart, I thought what the heck. I did a section using Flitz polish and honestly, it is a toss up in my book. Both offered the same amazing finish.
I say pretty darn good from what I started with. And so now they are finished and I like them.
Until next time, Hope you all have a wonderful day... :thumb: