Thanks WOG and sphelps, yes I am working towards installing the wire tubing now so I can button up the floor for a final. I am trying my best to think of everything that needs to be installed before I PD the floor in for keeps. Even though all the wiring is basically for seat base and live well lights and such, I still want the tubing there so if there ever is a need to run new wiring, it will be a snap. Yesterday's update I also talked about waiting for parts, and amazingly some of those parts came in just after I posted that update and that was really a pleasant surprised since the company I ordered them from gave me a receive date of May 20th. My 6' stainless steel piano hinges came in. So rod boxes, live well lid and seat bases can now proceed... yea! A little pricey over standard steel hinges, but these will never rust out. Nothing is going into this boat that is not brass, aluminum or stainless steel. I seen all the old steel parts that were on this boat. Not a pretty sight! WOG, this layout is really basically a take off of most every stick steering pan-fish layout on the market these days. So I can't take credit for how it looks. Not mine idea, but I like their payouts and am copying it! However, it will not even resemble the original Tom Boy layout at all...
Until next update, you all have a wonderful day... :thumb: