Re: 1962 Arkansas Traveler restoration
Thanks guys for all the advice and well wishes! I'm gonna try to make this short being that it's 2:40 and I am leaving for two days in less than 4 hours and I haven't even showered yet- let alone go to bed!
I am waiting for my ******VIDEO****** to upload so I can post it(archbuilder you inspired me to do another one)
Tonight I got alot done. I cut all the stringers and checked and re-checked to make sure everything was snug with my braces that I had. It was all good and I got excited and figured I's stay up longer and get the transom skin pollied to the exterior skin. So I cleaned and acetoned the back, braced it up, and came in.
What else did I do???? Oh yeh, I had to cut the transom where my stringers run under it, cut my foam template too so I could use it as a brace, and took some pictures of the uni-charger I won on ebay(freakin sweet!)- it is brand new and sat on a shelf for 40+ years and I got it for a steal compared what it would cost me to have mine fixed if it went bad.
OK pics
uni-charger- basically an alternator
bow i-bolt had to be cut down- ready for seacast
where i had to cut to sit over the stringers
my forms- i had to cut the stringers on my marked lines and then put my forms in to make sure my lines were correct. I only had two spots that were off a bit that I had to make an adjustment for
transom skin ready to go in. I used the foam as support and some clamps to hold it in place.
What it looks like completed