Well...here it is... after a little over 2 years, 2 shops, 2 cars, 2 jobs and half of my college career, the Lone*Star is finally complete* :yield: with the exception of a mechanical issue keeping me from splashing (See:
http://forums.iboats.com/forum/engi...82-evinrude-70-surging-and-intermittent-spark). I have a new part on the way that I hope will fix the problem and allow me to splash next week some time. There are some things I want to do to the boat as time goes on such as get the tilt pump installed, install some interior lighting, get a cover made, Find proper prop for the engine/boat combo, possibly a radio and a few other luxury items. But for now it is good!
Since the last update the side panels went in, the windshield from UPD installed perfectly (my biggest fear), I got the OE table refinished with some leftover SeaGuard paint and scoth brite for the trim. I also installed a stainless dive ladder on the transom.
About a month after I bought the boat I was searching eBay and found three pieces that this project would not be complete without and I was saving them to be the last pieces I put on the boat. I found a NOS 1959 Michigan trailer plate (for display purposes only) and the
pi?ce de r?sistance a matching set of 1959 Michigan boat plates. My hull had holes drilled in it when the boat was purchased and I had to do a little research to find out what it was for.
Without wasting any more time.... Pictures!:eyebrows:
Sleeper conversion!