1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

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Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
I bought a 58 Lone Star Nassau at the end of the summer of 2010. I just go serious about restoring it at the end of July, 2011. The boat was in really bad shape as you can see by the pictures I will post as soon as I find out how. At some point somebody tried to change the transom to accommodate a 20 inch shaft motor. When they did this they cut the fins so they could install the transom wood. They did a much less then professional job of it. Once I found out that I could fix all the holes in the boat, and repair the fins, the game was on.
I did some research on this and other sites, found out how to repair the transom and made a new transom. I used top quality 3/4 inch marine plywood, and System Three resin to seal the wood. I had to plain down the wood on three facing edges so it would fit into the slots of the transom. In order to get it to fit I also had to cut the corners so I could lower it into place. The boat is at the welding shop getting a cap fabricated for the top edge of the transom, and finishing up the fins. The welder has had the boat over a week, but has been real busy on a job outside of town. He says he should be able to get to it next week. I am going nuts waiting for it.
In the meantime, I have been rounding up navigation lights. I stopped by a boat yard not far from my house and asked if they had any old stern lights I could buy. At the time I was standing in their shop and they had an old fiberglass boat sitting there. I told the guy I was looking for a light just like the one on that boat. The guy said OK why don't you take that one there. It was a Jetson telescoping 24 inch without a globe. I said great how much you want, he said take it it's yours. Cool. I had been looking for one for over a year. I knew of one not two miles from my house, but the shop owner didn't want to sell it to me. I tried once again this morning to get him to sell it to me with no luck. I decided to go to a town about 60 miles away because there was several old boat yards in that area. I found the whole top section with globe at the first yard I went to. 5 bucks out the door. By the way, I know how hard these are to find. I saw one for sale on-line last night for $325. and another for $150. I just got mine for $5.00 I also bought a bow light with a cool flag pole.
That is where I am at at this point. I might like to get both lights re-chromed, but I am afraid of how much it might cost me to do that. Now lets see how to post images.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Some additional pictures:)



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Yet some more pics Sorry I have a new camera:eek:



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

I stopped by the welder today, and to my surprise he had worked on my boat. He had the cap for my transom on and filled in the starboard fin. I am real happy with the work he has done. I recently discovered in a thread here on Iboats that you should not mix stainless and aluminum, so I ordered some aluminum 3/8 16 bolts for the transom. I was going to secure the transom cap with some bolts, but now i am not to sure if I should use rivets. I can only get 1/4 20 aluminum bolts, and I think they may be to big. I only have a one inch overlap on the cap on either side of the transom. I might use rivets instead. Let me know what you guys think. The cap was tied into the fin and is very sturdy, but I still think I need to tie it into the transom for more rigidity and to sandwich the transom skin and wood together.
Here are a few pics.

Port fin beforelow.jpgStarboard fin low.jpgTransom-Caplow.jpg


Sep 17, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

HI Yamikaze. While it is technically true that you shouldn't mix dissimilar metals to prevent electrolytic pitting, most of the folks here can/do use SS fasteners on their aluminum boats. They're almost always thoroughly coated in 3M 5200 which is a bit messy, but it reduces/eliminates contact between the two metals, while also waterproofing the seam and allowing you to use the stronger, more readily available SS fasteners. If you can get the fasteners you like/need in aluminum go for it, but if you can't you'll be ok with SS, just use the 5200 as mentioned above and you should be fine. She's lookin' good ;)


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Thanks for the reply KFA. I sure hope I am alright with stainless, the welder used some stainless washers to back up a few rivets he did. Even though I live on a lake, I don't plan on keeping this boat in the water. I also plan on putting a sacrificial anode on the hull to help stave off electrolysis. (something I need to do for my boat that is in the water full time) I guess only time will tell.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

I got the boat back from the welder today. He did a real nice job. He better have it cost me a fortune. He finished the transom cap and filled in the port side fin. I like how he tied in the fins with the transom cap, it should add to the over all strength of the transom. I do need to do some filling in where he added the aluminum plate to fill in the fins. I have done a little research in the archives, but I am not sure about the results. As you can see from the pictures the fins are have some indentations where the welding was done. Some people say use JB weld, while others say bondo. I worry about either sticking to the aluminum. I plan to paint the fins with a high gloss paint so it is important to get it as smooth as I can. Has anyone had success with either. I do have to cover a fairly large area with whatever I decide to use.
I also started looking into the fact that I do not have a capacity plate on the boat any more. I talked to someone at the secretary of state who told me to check with the DNR, who told me to talk to the secretary of state, so I called the coast guard who told me the only time they look at the capacity plate was if the boat was blatantly over loaded. They also told me that they did not think it mattered anyway because of the age of the boat. 1958
I also got a reply about in inquiry I made about re-chroming the navigation lights. $225 for the bow and $90 for the stern. I think I can live with the amount of pitting I have for a while.
Here are some pictures of the work the welder did.



Sep 17, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Lookin' good. I don't think boats were required to have HIN and/or capacity plates until the 70's, so I think you're ok without one.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

That was basically what the Coast Guard was saying. Thanks for the reply.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

So I have started stripping the paint out of the interior. As many of you know this is no easy task. At first I was going to just use wire wheels and elbow grease. No thanks. I spent about 4 hours with little progress. My nephew has an industrial grade compressor and pressurized blasting unit. I decided to blast it out with crushed walnut shell. I picked up 100 lbs. of it this morning. It sure does pay to look around for the best price. I first went on-line, then checked out harbor frieght, Then I started calling local sand blasters for some recommendations. Harbor Freight has 25 lb. bags for $23. so you may as well say $1. a pound. One of the blasting companies told me to check out their supplier. $.50 lb. There are times you can find a good deal at Harbor freight, and then... .
As stated earlier, I had several holes welded in on the finds. A couple of them were just bridged, and some had plates welded in. All have low spots. I need to fill them with some thing I just don't know what. Does anyone have any suggestions. JB weld, Bondo, Resin. Any help would be much appreciated.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

I think I may have found a good filler for the low spots in my fin, and maybe a good filler lots of other problem areas on the boat. Do any of you have experience with Alvin products Lab-Metal. http://www.alvinproducts.com/Products/Content.asp?id=2


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

So I am kind of wondering why I see some restoration threads getting all kinds of attention, getting questions answered, or at least some kinds of response from the forum community in general. Did I start this thread in the wrong section, did I offend someone at some point without realizing it, or is my boat not the right boat for people to develop an interest in. If I have done something wrong please let me know so I can correct action in the future.
Moderator: If I have started this thread in the wrong section can you please move it to the correct section. (Lone Star section maybe)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 29, 2011
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Hey Yamkazie. I think it is looking sweet. I am new to Iboats so I like to check out all the threads and hopefully learn something. Keep up the good work and kepp posting the pics. I will definitely keep checking back. Good luck!


May 12, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Did you transplant the trees? looks like they were growing good in the boat, prob would do better in ground..... lol my boat had trees in it too, but mine was fiberglass and i was surprised to find my deck was solid as a rock....yea!!! anyway looks like a great resto so far!!! going to be a fun boat!


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Im watchin, from a distance... Lol... I dunno squat about aluminium welding n such, nor what type of bondo to use on aluminum... I just think your asking very specific questions that alot of us dont know the answers to... But chin up, I promise people are watchin... Alot going on these days in the "dry dock" with restos, amd takes some time to catch up with it all... The experts i would imagine are trying to follow 20 or 30 resto threads or maybe more! But were watchin, keep it up, its a cool project... Good luck!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Thanks for the reply's guys. I was out of town for a week with no internet connection. I will admit I was getting a little discouraged with not getting any reply's, but coming back to see your post's was encouraging. Thanks


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Awesome looking boat. As a tin fan, I will certainly be watching this one.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Going to Media blast the boat Sunday. I hope 100 lbs of crushed walnut will do the trick. I will be able to recycle some, but lose is inevitable. I am doing it over at my nephews house since he has all the equipment. He also has a fairly big driveway three car garage wide and two 1/2 cars deep. I will first use a large leave blower to remove any loose material from the driveway so when I sweep it up for recycling I won't have any other crap in it. I sure hope the walnut works, it seams kind of soft for blasting 53 year old paint. I guess I will know in the morning.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Spent the day blasting today. Only got about 1/3rd of it done. The crushed walnut did a lot better then I thought it was going to do. It leaves the aluminum basically unmolested. It does clump up a bit. I found that it is better to not fill the tank completely with media, and to stir it from time to time. even with two moisture collectors on the system I still had a problem with moisture.
Here are a few pictures of my progress. It will most likely rain tomorrow, hoping I can work Tuesday.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 29, 2011
Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Re: 58 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Wow. Yamikaze it looks like things are moving right along. Never heard of the crushed walnut shells for blasting. Looks like it is doing the job though.

Keep it up.
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