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  1. C

    Service Manual #25 in PDF form

    Hello! I am looking for a link to the Mercuriser Service Manual #25 for my 2012 4.3L TKS engine and Alpha one GenII out-drive. Anyone have a link in PDF format? Problem I am having is that I don't have Flash Player on my office computer and I cannot install it! Thanks
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    2012 Mercury 4.3 TKS Temp gauge dropping out

    Hello all. Been a while since I’ve been on the Forum. Well I just picked up a 2012 204 FSX Monterey Bow rider only 200 hours Beautiful boat. So here’s my issue... while cruising at slow engine Rpms. Less then 3000. Everything is fine. Once I increase RPM above 3000 the temp gauge drops to 100...
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    1968 Sea Ray 3.0L Hard Restaring

    Good Morning, My 1986 Mercruser 3.0L 140 has a hard time starting after sitting for half hour to and hour. Runs great first time it is started for the day fires right up. I will tube the kids for an hour, so motor is nice and warmed up. We stop for a half hour or an hour and go back out. When i...
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    Mercruiser 3.0 help separating upper and lower outdrive

    Re: Mercruiser 3.0 help separating upper and lower outdrive I just did mine last week. it was a little difficult but I kept working it with a screwdriver very carefully. How did you got the 2 nuts on the front of the drive off? you must be able to separate it a good bit if you can get them off...
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    3.0L Alpha1 Gen1 Runs like crap. Hard getting over 2000 RPM

    Re: 3.0L Alpha1 Gen1 Runs like crap. Hard getting over 2000 RPM BAM! Bond-o, You were right again! . I will grab a straight edge from work. Looks like carbon build-up. think head and block will be fine. just clean it up really with a green scouring pad and check for flatness. Thanks everyone...
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    3.0L Alpha1 Gen1 Runs like crap. Hard getting over 2000 RPM

    Well, here I sit up north with 5 kids wanting to go tubing. Boat ran great for about an hour then it crapped out. Couldn't get over 2000 RPM. History: First time on the water this year. last Fall did a full tune-up. Cap Rotor, plugs wires, oil change, gear lube change. this spring I did the...
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    Merc 3.0L no spark at coil.

    Re: Merc 3.0L no spark at coil. Thanks, I think that is my next step. Just hooked up an old engine analyzer and it was reading that the points were open the whole time i was cranking the motor. . isn't she a beauty! off to store first thing tomorrow!
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    Merc 3.0L no spark at coil.

    Thanks all in advance for your responses! 1986 3.0L Merc 140. Has no spark at Coil. I stored for winter just uncovered and charged battery. cranked motor and no fire or sputter, checked fuel and it is squirting for the carb so assume it is not a fuel issue. Put my spark tester across the #1...
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    dirty fuel? drain gas?

    Re: dirty fuel? drain gas? Yes a DIY'r can do it them selves. I have an 86 Seray 3.0L motor. I pulled the carb, Rochester 2 BBL, Pulled it apart and it was all crudded up with what looked like Corrosion. You have to take it all the way apart. There small brass tubes in side that need to be...
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    1986 Sea Ray 3.0L 140 MMC Carter Fuel Pump Problem

    CARTER FUEL PUMP ISSUE!!! Just installed a tune up kit on my 1986 MCM 140 4 cyl. I changed my Filter in my pump and now it will not draw fuel from the tank! also replaced the fuel line from the tank to the pump. Any ideas??? I dont think it is the check Valve in the tank. I tried to draw fuel...
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    5 wire to 4 pole trailer plug????

    I am baffled at the fact that my trailer has 5 wires going into a 4 pole plug??? Colors: Green (Right, brake light); yellow ( Left, Brake light); then i have 2 black wires and white ( trailer ground). I plug my standard 4 pole tow vehicle plug into it and all i get is the right turn...
  12. C

    3.0L Apla Gen 1 Stalls when shifting to Forward or reverse after Bellow replcaement.

    Hello all, Thank you in advance for your responses! 1986 16' Sea Ray MCM I/O 140 4cyl. 181 CID S/N A394995 MerCarb 2bbl (1 idle adjustment screw) Block S/N 2770087 2 85 Alpha 1 Out Drive S?N A530190 I just recently changed the bellows on my Sea Ray. Put the lower unit back on bell housing...
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    Bell Housing Removal to do bellows Alpha 1 Gen 1

    Re: Bell Housing Removal to do bellows Alpha 1 Gen 1 I see what your saying! Ok will i have the Bell off, and the gimbel bearing and exhaust bellows off. how do I replace the shift bellow? need to remove on of the ends of the cable so i can slide the new bellow on. Which end and How? I see...
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    Bell Housing Removal to do bellows Alpha 1 Gen 1

    OK whats the trick to removing the bell housing on an Alpha 1 Gen 1 outdrive! Have the outdrive off, now need to remove bell housing!!! Help please.
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    Trim stuck up

    Hello all, Thank you in advance for your responses! 1986 16' Sea Ray MCM I/O 140 4cyl. 181 CID S/N A394995 MerCarb 2bbl (1 idle adjustment screw) Block S/N 2770087 2 85 Alpha 1 Gen1 Out Drive S?N A530190 History, This boat sank last year. just the transom was under water for about an hour. I...
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    3.0L MCM 140 Boat will not start!

    Re: 3.0L MCM 140 Boat will not start! Thumper good call on the Venturi Assembly! Cleaned it up put, sprayed the carb really good with carb cleaner and she idles great!!! Still picking up a crab rebuild kit! Thanks all!~ and i will be talking to you soon I'm sure when the outdrive comes...
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    3.0L MCM 140 Boat will not start!

    Hello all, Thank you in advance for your responses! 1986 16' Sea Ray MCM I/O 140 4cyl. 181 CID S/N A394995 MerCarb 2bbl (1 idle adjustment screw) Block S/N 2770087 2 85 Alpha 1 Out Drive S?N A530190 It all started when the Boat sank last year after the shift cable bellow sprung a...