Search results for query: Texas Maid

  1. C

    Texas Maid or Lone Star???

    Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star??? Here are a few more pics...
  2. C

    Texas Maid or Lone Star???

    ...a Lone Star. The tags are all gone and the body emblem is missing. But when I search for pictures, no Lone Star looks like this boat with the type of tail fins it has. The boats that have this type of tail fins apear to be a Texas Maid Falcon. Can anyone look at my pics and tell me what it is?
  3. J

    Opinions on a pontential "purchase"

    ...skills. Was a boat owner years ago (late 70's) but both outboards. Wish I still had them, one a late 50's Razorback, and one a mid 60's Texas Maid, both glass. Fast forward: Guy I did some rust repair for on his 62 chev owes me some money. Has paid most of his "bill" but can't seem to come up...
  4. T

    Drilling the transom...

    I will shortly be hanging a 64 Evinrude Sportfour 60 hp on my Texas Maid 15 foot aluminum runabout...which requires drilling four holes through the aluminum skin and transom. Thanks to FR for providing the mounting template a few moons ago. My eyes aren't the best and even when I was younger I...
  5. P

    texasmaid project

    Hello everyone! I'm new to i-boats. I recently acquired an aluminum 16' boat, trailer and motor. The registration says it is a 1959 Texas Maid boat, Classic 50, 45 HP 1987 Mercury OB. I will be posting lots of pictures as well as video as I restore both boat and motor to like new condition. I...
  6. N

    1960 75hp Evinrude Lower Unit

    I bought a Texas Maid with what I believe is the original Evinrude motor. It actually runs very well for the most part, but 1 thing I have noticed is oil leaking from the level screw. Doesn't seem to me from what I have read, that this should be happen. So I need suggestions. I want to keep this...
  7. N

    Considering a Texas Maid

    I found a restored Texas Maid Fiesta on Craigslist and I am seriously considering buying it tomorrow, is there anything I absolutely ought to know about these boats prior to purchasing? I am not an experienced boater, but it isn't my first rodeo either. Mainly looking to fish and spend leisurely...
  8. M

    Texas Maid Porthole Trim Rings

    These great boats have a unique look to them with the pair of port holes/windows on each side of the bow. I noticed one of the trim rings is missin on mine...any ideas where or how to fabricate a new one?? Thought maybe someone may have experienced the same. Appears to be a 5" opening. The...
  9. M

    1965 Texas Maid (Fiesta maybe?) 16' Aluminum

    ...past. Would really appreciate some new friends with some constructive advise as I begin refreshing the boat. Recently purchased a 1965 Texas Maid that is very solid. There are 4 porthole windows on both port and starboard sides along with a great hatch on the bow. It appears to be a very...
  10. kmans

    (i have a texas maid) what is best to use for a transom? any special rivets?

    I'm trying to figure out what is best for a new transom, wood or a fiberglass type, it will have a motor on it. Also i have to remove several rivets to take whats left of the old one out and put the new in, does it matter what type of rivet i use and are any better than others? any speical...
  11. C

    texas maid

    I am thinking about buying a 1959 texas maid. The owner says it's in good condition except for some small leaks. He wants to lay down some "tar" to fix this. Says it has some possible loose rivets also. I'm wondering how common it is for transom rot on these boats, and would him laying down...
  12. R

    Drain plug for a Texas Maid

    Well it finally happened. I lost my drain plug for my 65 Texas Maid. Does anyone know the deminisions so I can get this replaced or will a regular drain plug work? I am going to the store to get a regular one to see if it will fit but would like to see if I can find a replacement somehow at a...
  13. kmans

    texas maid 14ft need help with the hin and any other information

    Re: texas maid 14ft need help with the hin and any other information these are 2 picturs of the boat
  14. kmans

    texas maid 14ft need help with the hin and any other information

    ...measure as a 14ft. i inheirted the boat when my grandfather passed and we need help to restore it and take her out. I beleave it to be a Texas maid fleet 14' bluegill, but i could be wrong I have some more measurements online, but have yet measured it. We want to regesture it and see if she...
  15. C

    please help sort out options... prop, hydrofoil, trim tabs, or other? (15hp Evinrude)

    I'm pretty new to boats - other than going with others to fish/ski/tube etc... but now that i have a little fishing boat - 14ft texas maid with 1992 15hp Evinrude I'm trying to learn what options might give best performance increase for lowest cost and least amount of "hole drilling", time, or...
  16. E

    Lone Star Biscayne Texas Maid Tahiti Project

    Decisions, decisions... Until two weeks ago I only owned a 1958 Texas Maid Osprey that is a 14' aluminum boat with a 1964 50hp Mercury. I have a family of five and decided I needed to get something bigger. I'm not new to boat projects or old boats, but it's been a while since I've put one...
  17. C

    Possible mod for Texas Maid drain plug to make it more "standard" - good/bad idea???

    Re: Possible mod for Texas Maid drain plug to make it more "standard" - good/bad ide Re: Possible mod for Texas Maid drain plug to make it more "standard" - good/bad ide :Adding some pics: well, I'll admit that I am pretty green when it comes to boats, but here is the problem with this...
  18. C

    Possible mod for Texas Maid drain plug to make it more "standard" - good/bad idea???

    Possible mod for Texas Maid drain plug to make it more "standard" - good/bad idea??? in response to the issues brought up in a previous thread about Texas Maid boats and their odd size drain plug (like a 7/8 inch diameter by about 3/8-1/2 long), I thought I'd post a potential solution that I...
  19. Johnny Too Bad

    Drain plug for a 1964 Texas Maid?

    Re: Drain plug for a 1964 Texas Maid? Not sure if these will help, but here are some pics of the drain plug the PO made for my 1959 Texas Maid Osprey.
  20. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project Well, it's been a while since I've posted ... went through a divorce last year so I didn't have the time, energy, desire or the resources to do much with the restoration. Took her out once last summer and ran her for about 10 minutes before the wind got too...