Search results for query: Texas Maid

  1. S

    Lone Star Commander vs. Texas Maid Aluminum Boat?

    ...but upon cleaning the dirt off, nothing was found to indicate such. I did find a painted over decal or something that looks like it says "Texas Maid" on both sides back by the stern. On the stern, it has the numbers 7034 engraved from the factory. The boat measures about 15 feet bow to stern...
  2. G

    Finding a proper outboard for my jon boat

    I have a 14 foot aluminum jon boat (texas maid, probably 30+ years old) with a 1969 (I believe) 18hp Evinrude Fastwin. I'm not mechanically inclined and therefore have had the motor in the shop more than the water. Typically minor issues, carb rebuild, new fuel lines, etc. However, I believe...
  3. B

    What is this?

    This is on the back of a texas maid.. what is it? Do i need it? Had a johnson on it and I am replacing it with Mercury
  4. B

    Quick transom question

    Replaced transom on a 59 Texas Maid.. It has two drain tubes. After I drill out the holes, what do I use to replace those tubes I took out. Thanks
  5. B

    Texas Maid 16 ft restoration

    Picking up 16 ft Fiesta tomorrow.. has 50 hp Super seahorse on it.. Does anyone know what horsepower rating on this boat would be? Neighbor has early 70's Johnson 60 to sell me.
  6. T

    1961 mercury 800 80hp

    as i was checking the lights on my boat which is a 1961 texas maid this evening i couldnt get them to turn on. Not sure if its a bad switch. anyway i kinda gave up on the lights and took the housing to my motor off to just take a look at it. i started smelling like something burning! i began to...
  7. G

    Can't go faster than idle ? first boat to go fishing with my son. I'm new to boating and fishing but came across what I thought was a decent deal. I have a 61 Texas Maid Ski Jet with a 1965 33 hp Evinrude I have been able to get the motor running and I can get it to shift into reverse neutral and forward. The...
  8. T

    1961 Texas Maid fiesta restoration

    I came up on a nice 16" Texas maid with an excellent running mercury 800!! However the upholstery along with decking was no good due to time in the sun and all the good elements of mother nature lol. Anyway I already replaced all the decking with 3/4" plywood which I applied 2-3 good coats to...
  9. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project You gotta stay out of those hospitals, man. They're not much fun and they definitely cut into your boat budget. :D Anyway, I hope you're doing okay now. Thanks again for the kind words about my old tinny. She's getting there. Here's one more I took this...
  10. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project Wet sanded and applied second coat. Pulled the tape. Not too bad. Need a few touch ups, but I think it turned out okay.
  11. Johnny Too Bad

    '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

    Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project Well, I figured it was time for a few updates. The summers are pretty short here in Colorado, so I've been running the boat a lot lately and haven't had as much time to work on it as I would like. Regardless, I finally got around to applying some Gluvit and...
  12. R

    Rehab on 65 Texas Maid

    Re: Rehab on 65 Texas Maid ok so I had the sea ray get in my way the past couple of years.........It is fun doin nuthin. :) I have been working on the sides for some time and it is starting to show. We now have a new distraction 24 ft sailboat........I do not know how to sail. :(
  13. M

    1963 Johnson Super Seahorse 40 HP (RDS-25D) top speed

    ...motor is performing at its maximum potential. Can anyone tell me what I should expect for the top speed? It is mounted on a 14' aluminum Texas Maid Osprey that weighs around 300 pounds. I am only getting about 24 mph. It would probably be more accurate to ask what should top top end RPMs be...
  14. mk4713

    Measuring for new control cable

    What the proper way to measure for a new control cable? I have a 1963 texas maid impala witha johnson 40hp electramatic outboard.Its supposed to have a single cable that goes from controls to opposite side of outboard. Seems pretty simple just measure the distance from controls to mount but I...
  15. M

    Trolling motor or battery?

    Hello, I have an aluminium 1964 14" Texas Maid. When I bought it, it came with a 27# Minn Kota 40t(?) w/ 5 speeds. On Feb 2nd I bought an EverStart 94 720 amps, 115 amp hour 27dc-6 battery to run it. On my first trip out last Sunday I got about 2 hours trolling on speed 4 which was barely fast...
  16. I

    1960 Aero-Craft Adventurer Restore

    ...Help me identify what I just bought. Thanks for the link KFA. I went through their library and the closest I found was the 1961 Texas Maid. I am now about 80% sure on this because of the stringers on the hull, configuration and some of the original fittings match. Either way its registered...
  17. C

    Texas Maid or Lone Star???

    Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star??? Testing 1 2 3 There we go. I hate that, you type out a long post and hit the post reply button and nothing was saved or posted. Well, I don't feel like typing it all out again so I will make it short... The project is on hold until I get th hull bead blasted...
  18. Johnny Too Bad

    Texas Maid or Lone Star???

    Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star??? kfa4303, red paint will definitely add 20mph at WOT :D I don't know about racing stipes, though. The lakes up here in Colorado aren't near big enough to handle that kind of speed. Ha ha I couldn't agree more with your assessment re: "d-bag cruisers" and hot rods...
  19. Johnny Too Bad

    Texas Maid or Lone Star???

    Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star??? Love your Texas Maid. It does look more like the Falcon than the Osprey, but it's definitely one or the other. I have a '59 Osprey that I've been restoring (I had to put the project on hold for awhile due to going through the 'Big D' :(, but hope to get back to it...
  20. C

    Texas Maid or Lone Star???

    Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star??? Here are some pics showing the windshield. I have the boat stripped of everything but the motor and steering so far. When I get done removing those, I'll send update pics. -