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  1. C

    78 Johnson 115 Overcharging??

    unless you have indications the battery is being overcharged or " light bulbs burning out) I would not worry about it it can handle itself and has indicated it will regulated the incoming charging current. what is more problematic is accessories like fish finders which can initiate a...
  2. C

    35 hp 1976 Johnson rough idle to no start

    did u switch plug wires ?? post mdl#
  3. C

    Johnson 4HP questions

    try using a longer fuel line and put the fuel tank up front. not to many solutions other than balancing the load or moving up to a larger boat and OB with remote controls and steering :-)
  4. C

    Wires and Caps

    spin the engine with a drill to get sufficient rpms... check for sparks then. clean the points again...and again did you or not replace condensers ?? front coil goes to top plug !!
  5. C

    Wires and Caps

    see link and go to western aomci ... open the site link and dig up the magazine articles on testing caps. !!
  6. C

    Idle issues

    post picture side by side of each needle
  7. C

    Wires and Caps

    just line up the coils on the frame and run your fingernail up and down.... should be no snags going up or down .
  8. C

    1972 evinrude 25hp sparkplugs

    Testing caps requires a high voltage leak test.. anything else is subjective . Although shorted or open caps are obvioulsy BAD.... caps tested at low VOM battery levels for resistance and capacitance will not garantee to be good under high voltages....see part#2 below see magazine...
  9. C

    Idle issues

    assuming needle is ok what happens if you help the fuel pump with hand pumping. if no change then the fuel pump shoudld not be the suspect. why did you change needle (missing???) broken tip ? still stuck in the idle passage ( remove welch plug... you should be able to see the needle...
  10. C

    Idle issues

    I've had that carb apart 3-4 x.... cleaning is subjective... for ex: that side channel feeding fuel to the top is critical and with the needle backed away .... pressured carb cleaner must flow up and across the idle hole where the needle normaly restricts the fuel entering the drip...
  11. C

    Idle issues

    idling requires a clean low speed circuit in the carb... idle carb needle is one thing but the top idle chamber drip holes must be clean as well as the carb side channel leading "bowl fuel" to the top chamber. make certain idle needle packings are in. make certain the throttle plate...
  12. C

    Have you ever seen this?

    do you have the johnson service 450 page + Red /white manual which covers theTN JW AD CD FD QD RD series (Johnsons) all cousins of evinrude line. you have a plain magneto engine easy to fix ... manual has detailled pics of all parts and service procedure...
  13. C

    Have you ever seen this?

    fix what is wrong broken key shear pins etc... inspect /refurbish ignition if needed set timing check for good sparks clean/adjust carburator check gear oil for metal chips etc... no sense chasing to many rabbits . and btw post your engine mdl #
  14. C

    Have you ever seen this?

    first oil in water is normal for a 2 stroke. 25% oils the innards... 50% may burn in the cyl and 25% gets flush right out the exhaust ports on the up strokes so dont worry about oil in the water. fuel if the tub.... if the tank was above the engine and floats don't seal well gravity...
  15. C

    Timing Tips?

    condensers may be bad ... must be tested for leak on HV apparatus or test box. measure HV to boots while flexing wires .... they sometimes break in bends under the mag plate may aswell put in new 7mm solid core plug wires and be done with it as a suspect post your resistance...
  16. C

    Wires and Caps

    you can test the wire from boots to HV pin for resistance and solid continuity if you jiggle the wires while holding the probes solidly... ushould get 3-.5 to 8-9 K ohms steady does not mean coils can't spark to ground if cracked ... why not refurbish the whoe thing and be done with it ...
  17. C

    1979 25 HP Evinrude

    see 82 mdl year yello black and black shorted on the switch at OFF position will kill thengine... guide only for you if it helps no fire on bottom ?? switch coils for as tart trial ...could be coil ...plug..., wire.....or signal from power pack ...
  18. C

    Fuel Dripping From The Carbs When It's Hot Out - 200HP Johnson 2001

    new problem ? engine tilted or straight ? fuel tank venting ok ? single carb leak or multiple ?
  19. C

    1972 evinrude 25hp sparkplugs

    did the engine always run good or that way in years past .... using the same plug type or did you change anything. ? a dirty carb usually restricts fuel flow. CHeck heat range for plugs maybe try one up the scale. if the inlet needle was stuck open you would see fuel dripping out...
  20. C

    Can a 1984 Evinrude 6hp be upgraded to an 8hp?

    the 6hp gems are mostly trolling motors... t.o. !!