I take it this an MFS9.9E. That's EFI. Of course, the fuel line is under suction when running. So the bulb might get soft. Not an issue, and the motor should continue to run OK
As I mentioned on that other forum, I would expect at least 14v when running. There is a procedure, spelled out in the Factory service manual to set the TPS initial value. If that's wrong, all bets are off. You MUST reset the TPS initial value after replacing it. The FSM for the C model is good...
Tachometer pole settings:
TLDI: All models: 4-pole setting
8/9.8hp: 6 pole setting
9.9hp to 30hp: 12 pole setting
40hp to 250 hp : 4 pole setting
up to 40C: 4 pole setting
40D~90A: 6 pole setting
115~140: 12 pole setting
I have never had any luck with seafoam, which is basically just mineral spirits. Yes, set idle speed correctly, then ajjust mixture, then readjust idle speed. repeat a few times, then set mixture about 1/8 turn richer for stability.
You need an RC box, throttle and shift cables, the SRC kit, and the hook plate and drag link. No real kits. I would suggest you get help from an outboard guy.