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  1. Tail_Gunner

    Fianlly a end to the lib's vs's repub's WHo would'a thought
  2. Tail_Gunner

    Dunno what to say..........[/img] And last but not least the answer to...
  3. Tail_Gunner

    So ya think your is boat's a hot preformer huh?
  4. Tail_Gunner

    American Discord: Were being laughed at

    I have never seen so much hatered or discord in this country in my life, and i am 57 years old. After a great deal of thought and watching all of news channels i can tell you were all being lied to by the new american press. Think im full of bs, try this on Custom, Tree, Willy, Pointer and the...
  5. Tail_Gunner

    4.3 TBI Power Upgrade

    I'am very close to getting 60 mph, the boat is propped to the max and i am wondering if i upped my fuel pressure a bit and ran the right intake take manifold could i expect maybe a 50 hp increase. (mabe a littel timing change also) I know this is kinda of a pie in the sky question, but does a...
  6. Tail_Gunner

    New Saddam hanging vid (Graphic)

  7. Tail_Gunner

    The New Middle East Taking Form

    US, Iraq,Saudi Aribia, Israel and Kuwait and to many other's to mention, Now the axis of evil. Iran, Palestine? Syria ohh and Hamas and Hezbola. The victory is coming fast, the gloves will be off. The question is do you as a American want to be part of this victory or a losing...
  8. Tail_Gunner

    Snow in Orygun.In a word stay away.

    I have to believe we Oregonian's are the world's wosrt driver's in snow. Check out the video's on guy blast's 5 car's.............8)
  9. Tail_Gunner

    Garmin 178 or Eagle 480 Elite

    I really am not to sure which way to go here, I like the eagle fish finding capabilties and garmin's gps screen's. The unit wil be used in 15-70' of water, sometime's brackish most not. I was sold on the Garmin but i am not quite sure if it's fish finder side is a good as Eagle product Any...
  10. Tail_Gunner

    Why Demo's go liberal Could there be any other explantion.....................
  11. Tail_Gunner

    Long term marriage humor

    Who Says Men Don't Remember Anniversaries A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in their bed. She puts on her robe and goes downstairs to look for him. She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front him. He appears deep in thought, just...
  12. Tail_Gunner

    Feeling a bit bored?
  13. Tail_Gunner

    What ever happened to Glastron-Carlson

    I've just the last 30 minutes looking at that line of boat, to this day they are striking and beautirful............ anyone know what happened or why know one pickuped there old styling..........
  14. Tail_Gunner

    Wellcraft facelift

    Thing's seem to be so damm slow here lately id thought id post a few face lift mod's im doing to a 2001 Wellcraft. As usual i got knee deep before i started pic's but here is some of the work What has been done here was simple, a quick trip to TAP plastic's and i found those carbon...
  15. Tail_Gunner

    2001 volvo 4.3 efi Hesitation

    Recently i have introduced a 20 pitch 4 blade w/vents to this boat. It came from a factory 19p 3bl Al, the 20 really enhanced the boat's preformance and runs quite well at 4900 rpm. However i have noticed something new, there is a slight jerk or pull when you acclerate quickly that is slam the...
  16. Tail_Gunner

    Is nothing sacred?
  17. Tail_Gunner

    Garmin 172 question's

    After finishing all the gift's i picked up a garmin 172 gps/plotter for myself, i really dont even need a divice that's this complex and feature laden but the price was right for what it offered. Needless to say it was a impulse buy, not to much research was done so i would like to ask, do i...
  18. Tail_Gunner

    The Ultimate Christmas Gift

    Limited availblibty.............................
  19. Tail_Gunner

    3-person tube advice

    Im looking for a tube that will run 3 people...........Nothing to exoctic just my 2 girls and my wife :devil: