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  1. Tail_Gunner

    Just a thought..

  2. Tail_Gunner

    Tinkering at a whole new level

    That is a actual functioning boat ...errr. car.
  3. Tail_Gunner

    Audio amp's in a engine bay

    Pretty simple stuff here are automotive car amps allowed in a engine bay by the coast gaurd...or do they to have be marine certified.
  4. Tail_Gunner

    Hull repair on the easy

    My next door neighbor managed to damaged the bottom of his boat loading it on the trailer dunno how he did but he did. I just dont have the time to glass it up and re gel it so will maine-tex hold as a substitution..The scrape is 4 feet long and about 1" wide the glass was shattered off. I know...
  5. Tail_Gunner

    Prepping wood for gel coat

    Just as the title says, It will be a storage locker of sort's. It will bear no stress just sit there and look pretty. So can i just seal it up with a few coats of resin and shoot it or is cloth a absolute must...sealing the wood and holding the gel coat is all i am looking for.
  6. Tail_Gunner

    Gimbal bearing to do or not to do..

    The boat a few hunderd hour's and is 13 yrs old..yesterday i had the drive off and did change the knuckle's cheap and easy. The gimbal has never had water intrusion and the bearing's seem smooth as silk no roughness to them what so ever...So does a guy change them or wait for something.
  7. Tail_Gunner

    Steering wheel guru ..hub adapter

    I picked a Momo wheel to replace the original wheel but ran into a bolt size and pattern difference...Both are a 6 star pattern but the new momo use's a slightly smaller bolt and the pattern is slightly different just enough i cannot refab it..So does anyone know of a adapter plate ...Ive seen...
  8. Tail_Gunner

    Converting from closed to raw water cooling

    Nice you have one of those fancy smancy diag's for a 87 454 mercruiser going to cold water...
  9. Tail_Gunner

    Water in my fuel tank....

    :embarassed: So i replaced my tank sender and left the gas exposed to the air for a week.......2 months later and i go to fill it up and de winterize it and the tank would only take 12 gallons it should have taken 20......:confused: So i crank her up and it starts...then stumbles then...
  10. Tail_Gunner

    Serial/Parallel Connection

    Bit of dunce when it comes to this stuff so...can i hook up two deep cell battery's in Serial/Parallel Connection for extended use..If so can i use two different brand's...Or an i going down the wrong path here. The application is simple enough just a audio system and some secondary electrical...
  11. Tail_Gunner

    Fairing compound question

    The next adventure begin's 1987 Mirage cuddy...I need a good fairing compound here...mostly scratches but some wave in the hull. I am looking for something that wont fall off in a few yrs there will be lots of prep and paint i dont relish going back over again in a few yrs...any good types of...
  12. Tail_Gunner

    From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

    North America to Drown in Oil as Mexico Ends Monopoly: Bloomberg Business News - MSN Money Will the U.S. Surpass Saudi Arabia in Oil Production? - Popular Mechanics Meet The Oil Shale Eighty Times Bigger Than The Bakken - Forbes An American Oil Find That Holds More Oil Than All of OPEC - ABC...
  13. Tail_Gunner

    Malware? I get that warming flag using chrome.
  14. Tail_Gunner

    And we think we tinker....

  15. Tail_Gunner

    Finally a light is lit on the horizon.

    U.S. energy lifting economy more than expected Anyone who doubts the reality of this is not paying attention,'' said John Larson, vice president of IHS and co-leader of a team of 13 contributors from the firm's energy, economics and manufacturing-industry consulting groups. "You're seeing the...
  16. Tail_Gunner

    Gelcoating and tape line's

    Recently i patched the the old tub no more nicks and spayed on the gel. Very easy fix so much so i may spray a entire 22' boat back to life but realized just how the heck does one tape lines off. The gel thickness will be thicker than the tape so what would one use to tape off line's.....Not...
  17. Tail_Gunner

    1987 454 mcm cooling problem

    So i know the drill on a conventional system but this thing has a self contained cooling system no fresh water pick (pulls from the alpha drive) and some kind of spring loaded thermostat housing that direct's water to the motor at low speed a redirects at high speed a updated thermo housing is...
  18. Tail_Gunner

    Timing a 1987 454 advance

    Ok i will be the first to say this is not advised if you want a long term reliable marine that said ive looked at the timing curves for the tbolt 4 system's and they are anemic to say say the least. Opinion's on 36 to 40 degress total advance it looks to like there all in @ 2500 and...