It's Soooo Hot!
The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
The trees are whistling for the dogs.
The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
Hot water now comes out of both taps.
You can make sun tea instantly.
You learn that a seat belt...
Lawyers should never ask a Southern grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer. In a trial, a Southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know me?"
She responded...
A little old lady is walking past a pet store when she hears a whistling comming from outside the store. When she turns to see what was whistling at her a large parriot says, "your a b????". The old woman mad and upset goes on here way. The next day the same things happens, except this time the...
Jack decided to go skiing with his buddy, Bob. So they loaded up Jack's minivan and headed north. After driving for a few hours, they got caught in a terrible blizzard. So they pulled into a nearby farm and asked the attractive lady who answered the door if they could spend the night. "I...
The aircraft carrier Oriskany was sunk obout 22 miles off the coast of Pensecola Fl in May of 2006. Its the largest artificial reef in the world. Check out the videos #1 and #2.
Video Link to the Sinking
Yep,,,,2:00am half the power to my house shuts down. No A/C, refridg, hot water, for that matter no water at all, I'm on a well. :% Uh O,,,,,That means my renters don't have any water either. :0
I ran across this today and remembered the thread about lights and the lighting configureation on your boat. Thought this might be an interesting read for ya.
Thats normal. When in forward you can't rotate the prop in reverse direction and when in reverse you can't rotate the prop in the forward direction. Clicking is normal.
Whirlpool dryer won't get hot. Nothing fancy about the dryer, timer and push to start button. It will come on and run, just won't heat, at all. Is there a safety switch, relay, or would it be the heating element?
BTW, I had to replace the timer a few months back.
Thats a pretty major swap. everything from the transom forward has to be replaced, including the engine mount stringers. The drive will work with the 305.
I believe the gear your talking about drives the distributor (via a shaft). Whoever installed the belt last probably just moved the plug wires around to compensate,or twisted the he!! out of the distributor.