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    How long did it take you to get your boat in running order?

    Bought a new boat. Was thinking of all of the projects I did to it last year and all of the things I want to do to it this year. Does it ever end? Are you always tinkering with it trying to make it yours?
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    When to change thermostat

    Do you salt water folks replace it every year? Mine is only one year old and looks pretty rusty. Its a mix of the local fresh water lake and the North Carolina coast.
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    Marina price

    Just so I don't have to pester a bunch of Marinas I was wondering if you would mind sharing what your marina charges per foot for slip and what your electric runs.
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    Bennett AC3000 Auto Tab Control AC3000

    Anyone use one of these? Im sick of chasing tabs.
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    Bravo3 Prop Pitch

    So I will admit it. I bought an underpowered boat. I currently have a Bravo3 outdrive. Will messing with the pitch help keep it on plain? That is my biggest complaint. Currently I have to be running at abou 3600 RPM to keep her on plain, it takes a long time to get on plain and she will fall off...
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    Cash out and new house

    Would you live in a house that you did not like because the property values were going up and up and up or would you cash out and buy something that you wanted to live in. My current situation I live downtown and the property values keep on going up. With that said the house is small, 100 years...
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    Drive Alignment Question.

    I pulled my Bravo3 this weekend. When I went to stick the alignment rod in it would not go in. After measuring it I discovered that the alignment bar was too big. My question is did I order the wrong aliment bar or is the coupler the same size for all mercruiser drives? By the way when I put...
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    Trailer level question

    My tow vehicle is sagging quite a bit, not bad but the trailer is not riding level. Which brings me to my question. Is it better to get the truck and boat to ride level together IE rasing the rear suspension or is just the trailer riding level fine (step hitch). Thoughts on this are...
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    Here we go again. It seams the insurance companies keep on changing. Looks like boatus is just reselling others insurance right now. I have state farm. They are OK but I don;'t think they really understand boating. They will cover only $500 of any salvage cost. Talking to my agent they don't...
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    Reupholster Cockpit

    Help me solve a debate with the wife. No surprise that Bayliner did not use the best material for the cockpit. After one season use there are a few spots mainly corners that show slight signs of ware. She is not the best at being gental with it. I know one day I will have to get the cockpit...
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    Just complaning

    I know BOAT=Bust Out Another Thousand but for real. I just spend over $700 on two new trailer tires, extra hub kit, new LED lights, two spare tire mounts, and a compass. I was gong to let it go until the spring when I can use the boat but it was driving me crazy knowing the boat was sitting in...
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    Good quality LED trailer lights

    Looking for opinions on good quality LED trailer lights. I see them everywhere from $38 a kit to $150. Any recommendations on a brand that will survive salt water?
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    Extra Trailer Hub

    I want to order an extra trailer hub. This is my trailer Venture (its the VBT-7900) Will this fit? Ultra-Tow Ultra Pack Trailer Hub ? 6 on 5 1/2in. 2750 lb. Capacity | Hubs| Northern Tool + Equipment Sorry im a bit of a dummy when it comes to trailers.
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    6 Lug Rims bolt pattern

    Are the bolt pattern on 6 lug rums all the same? I am about to order a few spare tires and rims online and want to make sure that I don't order the wrong thing. Venture says that I have the following on my trailer for tires and rims:St 225/75D 15 LRD 6H The tire and rim I am looking at online...
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    Trailer tires not wearing even.

    What destroyed my tires What destroyed my tires Hoping someone here with more knoledge then I can tell by the photos what lead to their early destruction. I was not that good at checking the pressure and when I did I filled them up to 55PSI. I am going to have to replace all 4 of them and the...
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    Tire Pump

    I think I destroyed a set of trailer tires by not keeping them inflated properly. I am going to put new tires on but I want to have a portable pump that will be able to get the tires up to 55PSI. I have a pump now but it is meant for car tires and won't go over 40PSI. Any recommendations to a...
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    7 to 5 pin

    I bought a 7 to 5 pin adapter for my truck. My trailer lights do not work. My question is 7 pin adapter vehicle specific or is it standard across ford/Chevy/dodge?
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    What boat items did Santa bring you?

    My lovely wife got me a Yeti cooler. What boat items did you get or treat yourself to?
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    Grease from back hubs?

    Has anyone ever heard or is using these hubs? It appears that the Zerk is in the back of the hub and it is designed to push the old grease out of the front. Any thoughts? There is a video on the link showing how it works. Ultra-Tow Ultra Pack Trailer Hub ? 6 on 5 1/2in. 2750 lb. Capacity |...
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    Trailer Tires quality.

    To my surprise my trailer did not come with the highest quality tires(shocker). I need to replace 3 of the 4 tires on my trailer so I am going to just go ahead and replace them all. What is the best trailer tire I can get? My trailer takes St 225/75D 15 LRD 6H For the record I am very annoyed...