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  1. JB

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Zach103!!

    The big two one, huh? I can remember that as the one birthday I most looked forward to in my life. Hope yours is as great as mine was. :)
  2. JB


    Moderators will edit or delete any posts in violation of the following, and may warn, issue infractions, suspend or permanently ban any member for serious or repeated violations. We strongly discourage the use of any personal information to be used on the public Forum (such as email address...
  3. JB

    Texas wildflowers

    This year has been, so far, the greatest season for wildflowers in the 20 years I have lived here. Great portions of The Hideout are literally carpeted with indian paintbrush, wine cups, anemones, foxgloves, gaillardia (indian blanket), and dozens more species I don't know the names of. It is...
  4. JB

    Old Fart Pride

    I'm passing this on as I did not want to be the only old fart receiving it. Actually, it's not a bad thing to be called, as you will see. Old Farts are easy to spot at sporting events; during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. Old Farts remove their caps and stand at attention and sing...
  5. JB

    Peafowl on The Hideout!

    I was sitting here gazing out the window and wondering what it will be like when both of my eyes work correctly. . .or at least the same as each other. . .when this large bird strolled across the pasture. Clearly not a turkey, but about the same size. White underside and a small "crown". On an...
  6. JB

    Hey! It is ezbtr's Birthday!!

    Happy Birthday, ezbtr. Have a great day. :D
  7. JB

    New signs of aging revealed!

    Getting old, you sometimes realize with a start that you don't know what day it is.:eek: Being old, you really don't care.:p
  8. JB

    Sun Pipe infestation.

    When I had this house built about 11 years ago I had Sun Pipes installed for both baths and the kitchen. They have been great, particularly for the bath that has no outside window, and have probably saved enough in electricity to pay for them.:) Now I have a prob. . . .no, an annoyance. Those...
  9. JB


    Made it to Social Security eligibility! Congratulations. :)
  10. JB

    Where did "bad words" come from??

    Most of the words we are not allowed to use in polite conversation can be replaced by other, acceptable, words that mean exactly the same thing when taken at face value (not as part of an angry outburst). If you have ever heard those words referred to as "Anglo Saxon profanity" you have a clue...
  11. JB


    Joined AARP yet? Have a good one. :)
  12. JB

    May I brag a bit??

    Salado, TX is an "upscale" enclave and arts colony between Waco and Austin. A really great little town to visit. Daughter #2 lives there. Among other annual events is the great "Death By Chocolate" contest that attracts chefs from all over the Southwest. This year my Grandbuddy, Scott...
  13. JB

    Advertising words.

    I am seeing a lot lately ads that say that some entertainment event is "Live, from whereever". It doesn't take long to realize that the show was recorded some time ago and might even have performers in it that are now dead. Recent examples are "Live" concerts by Elvis and Roy Orbison. Both, of...
  14. JB

    Only in Texas?

    ONLY IN TEXAS A seagull in Galveston , TX has developed the habit of stealing Doritos from a neighborhood convenience store. The seagull waits until the Manager isn't looking, and then walks into the store and grabs a snack-size bag of cheese Doritos. Once outside...
  15. JB

    What happened to the Tax Refund thread?

    Bashing is strictly forbidden and there was just too much bashing to edit.:mad:
  16. JB

    Happy Birthday, drewmitch44 !!

    Have a good one!! :)
  17. JB

    How did that happen??

    How do I find myself pulling for the Canadian moguls skier, even when he is beating the USA skiers?:eek:
  18. JB

    Happy Birthday, Pony.

    Have a good one, dude. What is it like being born on Valentines Day??
  19. JB


    Six inches and still snowing hard. This is TEXAS, dad gummit! :(
  20. JB

    Happy Birthday, Vlad D Impeller!!

    Hope your day is great. :)