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  1. K

    Nobody fishing?

    Well salmon fishing here has manditory single unwejghted fly with barbless hook. I prefer single barbed hooks for cod vs treble hooks simply because the latter are too hard to get out of their mouths. I have no problem with people using whatever hooks they prefer as long as its legal. You...
  2. K

    Quit My Job . . .

    Yeah, mine's the same, never plans for those unexpected expenses like car problems, hot water boilers quiting, etc.
  3. K

    Gear case

    I'd reuse those gears and pinion, but thats just me.
  4. K

    The fall

    I passed out walking to the bathroom 4:00 am in the morning! Woke up on the floor with toes pointing in the wrong direction. My wife insisted on a trip to the hospital, spent most of the day there getting all kinds of heart tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, blood work.....they couldn't find a thing...
  5. K

    2000 Johnson 200 Ocean Pro - Out Of Ideas... Please Help

    If you had two different compression guages giving the same readings then I would trust the guage.
  6. K

    2000 Johnson 200 Ocean Pro - Out Of Ideas... Please Help

    I don't see where he has anything to apologize for. He said in the second post that its already been in every shop that would work on it. He told his buddy that the motor needs to be rebuilt before replacing all those parts. Seems his buddy might have more money then common sense. but that's not...
  7. K

    Quit My Job . . .

    Good luck with your hunting! My brother just phoned me 7 am this morning, he just shot a moose and wants me to give him a hand.....
  8. K

    Quit My Job . . .

    I retired the end of Feb/23. Just passed in the paperwork for my rehire today. I love being retired and not bored, but full pension and pay for 3 days a week was hard to turn down. Besides poppy needs a new kicker, 12 ft aluminum boat, new exhaust on truck, wife wants new appliances, vacation to...
  9. K

    Quit My Job . . .

    Usually I find what I consider a waste of money, like eating out, expensive gifts and such is what my wife likes and what I like such as stuff for my boat or other toys she calls a waste. Just different priorities. The one thing we both agree on is spoiling our 3 yr old grandson!
  10. K

    Floor issue 21' boat

    I have those conversations with myself all the time, I'm usually wrong. Maybe someday I'll learn to stop listening to myself!
  11. K

    Floor issue 21' boat

    Yes, let us know how it turned out, inquiring minds need to know!
  12. K

    Gear case

    Agree on the clutch dog and likely bearings, but do you really think the pinion looks that bad? The teeth aren't rounded off and I don't see how a few little dents in the mating surfaces would affect performance, but I'm not a mechanic.....
  13. K

    Floor issue 21' boat

    Well it sounds like you know what you are getting into, so good luck, maybe you will get lucky!
  14. K

    cooling 1999 6hp evinrude 4 stroke

    Is it possible there is something stuck in the water intake passages below the water pump?
  15. K

    Battery charger size needed

    Yeah, it used to get a bit colder when I was a kid, but winters are very noticibly warmer here the last 15-20 years. There are winters now that ice on ponds isn't safe until Feb. But I guess thats getting a little off topic.......
  16. K

    Battery charger size needed

    We must not get that kind of cold here, never heard of it before. The coldest it gets here in winter is about -15C
  17. K

    Battery charger size needed

    So why don't car batteries freeze?
  18. K

    Battery charger size needed

    Why do you guys use a charger? The engine charges the batteries and they should hold a charge over the winter, shouldn't they? If they go too low just boost it to start the engine and let it run to recharge them?
  19. K

    Battery charger size needed

    I thought deep cycle batteries were made to be able to withstand having a low charge without harm?