Search results for query: Texas Maid

  1. J

    Texas Maid Impala, maybe?

    Did you ever find out the model of your boat? I am having the same issue. My boat's title says it is a 1961 15ft. In that year there were no 15 ft. The only 15ft was supposedly in 1962 and that was the impala. I looked up the impala and it is a different boat. Thanks for your service...
  2. O

    Boat identification

    Okay I definitely think it's a 1959 16ft Texas Maid Bahamas
  3. jbcurt00

    Boat identification

    Texas Maid had squared off fins similar to yours LoneStar's fins were flared, so not a LoneStar Look thru the aluminum boats posted here
  4. D

    Texas Maid Osprey

    Guys, I have a 1959 Osprey that has never been painted. it is gold in color, but looks to be anodized ?? is this something that was done? I am looking for some layout pics of interior and the lites on the front. I found A kool glow stick lite that was trapped under the seat for the stern. It has...
  5. edgepa

    62 Lone Star Cruiseliner

    ...a storage yard in Nevada. I returned home empty handed. Unfortunately before I got back out there, I became smitten with another boat. A Texas Maid Electra. It was bigger and definitely has some cool lines even if it is the the backwoods cousin to the Lone Stars. It is I/O which definitely...
  6. L

    How much floatation foam do I need?

    How did you separate those "drainage" areas from filling with the pour in foam? I am restoring a 1958 Texas Maid aluminum boat with drainage baffles all along the floor . I want to put the foam in the floor cavities but there are drainage gaps in each cavity.
  7. jbcurt00

    1959 Texas Maid Fiesta
  8. O

    1959 Texas Maid Fiesta

    Traded a 1962 Starcraft Holiday for this ‘59 Texas Maid. Had to have the portholes, bow hatch and fins! Need any help on what the interior looked like. Interweb pics are limited. Did it have Upholstered sides? Any input on where pets can be acquired would be appreciated.
  9. S

    TEXAS MAID Boats Owner's Club???

    im a new texas maid club member-- 58 falcon!
  10. jbcurt00

    Need help identifying this (i believe) 50's-60's boat please

    The rear fins also give it away as a Texas Maid, square-ish compared to LoneStars, sort of similar,.but completely different. The Texas Maid fins look like an after thought addon, IMO.
  11. D

    Need help identifying this (i believe) 50's-60's boat please

    thank you very much, I really appreciate the info. You have been a tremendous help.
  12. jbcurt00

    Need help identifying this (i believe) 50's-60's boat please

    Texas Maid, 3 portholes give it away 1958 Texas Maid From here Might be a few years older or newer then 1958.
  13. GA_Boater

    What’s it worth Texas with portholes and fins on a trailer with a 115 Johnson that "Ran great when last used." PS - All sellers say that. $27.50 for starters until you give us enough information to form a estimate. What year is your Texas Maid? Length and beam? Do you have the 3 titles? Interior pictures.
  14. S

    Transom mount steering tube, will this be ok?

    I am working on installing steering in my boat, 14' 1958 Texas Maid Falcon. The engine going in didn't have a steering tube, so I bought the transom mount style. Being it is a small boat, there isn't much room, I had to mount the tube at an angle, and through the existing hole for cables and...
  15. J

    Port hole lights for a 1963 Texas Maid Fiesta

    Hi all! I recently acquired a 1963 Fiesta and I wanted to hear from others what they have in the way of a solution for replacing mine. Of course I know no good post is complete without photos so here they are. By the way the openings are 5inches in diameter. Not sure what my options are...
  16. 63Electra

    Flooring question

    Ok I'm sure there is a right and wrong on my flooring question and that's why I'm asking. I have a 1963 Texas Maid 20' cabin boat. We are completely restoring (redoing) it and I have a few questions about the floor. the stringers are all aluminum and so is the hull. I saw a boat online that...
  17. 63Electra

    Interesting red rear light??

    I have a 1963 Texas Maid Electra. Its rumored to have been a Lake Patrol boat. My question is, why would they have a red tail light on the transom? Are there other boats that had this or was this something for a specific use? I know you guys are not mind readers or psychics but just curious if...
  18. GA_Boater

    Can you identify this boat?

    " You are absolutely right. Because it's a Texas Maid.
  19. Helgman

    Texas Maid boat

    Is there anyone out there that knows anything about Texas Maid boats?
  20. Helgman

    Texas Maid Boat

    Is there anyone out there that knows anything about Texas Maid boats?