Glad you got the packeage in the mail before your test run
Funny Man
So here's the "rest of the story"
loaded up my son (11yrs) into the scout and headed to the lake
1st problem: The boat is WAY heavier with motor and gear than when she was empty at purchase and towed home with scout. But we made it
2nd problem: The boat ramps are MUCH steeper than I remember (been a while since I've been there with a boat) The scout is 41 years old, and has manual DRUM brakes all 4 tires. Backing down the ramp was fun, and just as the trailer touched water the brakes gave out (master cylinder) and I damn near lost the whole truck into the lake.

Saved it at the nick of time, Spun rubber on the boat ramp, Got the brakes pumped back up again and shut it off in gear. OK we're stopped now....whew!! Boat and trailer are in the water. No choice now, GOT to unload the boat to get the truck out. Managed to do so without much more incident, and didn't lose the truck (she's an antique you know)
Park the truck and back to the boat. Up goes the bimini and tried the engine. Starts right up

Me and the kid head out onto the lake and motor around for about 40 minutes and have No issues so far
Call the Wife who luckily works a few miles from the ramp, tell her to come rescue us as I am NOT trying to back down the ramp again in the scout until I overhaul the brakes (and probably not then either)
She comes up in the minivan, we motor back to the ramps.
4th Problem: While waiting for her I finally cut the motor off for the first time since we've started it on the lake (I was afraid to turn it off far from the dock) Wife shows up, Boat no start

Starter is whirring....pull the cowl and how nice....the bolts holding the starter have all vibrated loose on our cruise. One fell out (but is still there) and other two are loose. Tighten the two I can get to with the pliers I brought just in case.....still no start, need the third bolt and I can't fish it out from where it's fallen in the motor housing....
So we break out the paddle and I paddle us back to the ramp. Switch the trailer to the van, yank out the boat, switch back to the scout and motored home. People HATE us on the hills lol
Now it's time for a beer, and tighten down the starter....when my friend gets off work we might go try it again
Boat seemed to handle nicely....Motor ran great
I will still probably sell it soon and look for a trailer sailer
What a @%$#$% adventure
(thats another story, damn funny, but unsure where to post it)
Glad to be home lol