1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 15, 2009
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

I'm loving the red...very "Racey":D

Nice boat!


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2008
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

That steering system looks similerto the one that was in my boat before I threw it out due to the fact that to P O cut the cable. I was lucky enough to find a nice telefex system off craigslist though for $65. Also that red looks very sharp.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 24, 2009
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Very nice glasspar's give me hope for mine.


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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 11, 2007
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Wow thanks for the comments on the color!

It's Rustoleum "Sunrise Red" I think but I am going from memory.
It's from home Depot of course.

I did the "Roll and Tip" except I didn't thin the paint and I didn't Tip. I just Rolled it :D Had a beer in one hand and foam roller in the other. TashasDaddy is right, the Rustoleum roll method works fine. In the end it's just an old boat and Dock rash is easily touched up. I painted another boat this way years ago and despite only using the boat one season and then junking it the paint job held up for years. We dumped it at a buddy's place and it sat for years before it was cut up and junked. Paint looked good topside :)

I agree KeepinitReel, I think I am going to replace the whole steering system instead. BTW I have been following your thread...keep up the good work

I lucked out. It's pouring here in NC, but my neighbor (a Big contractor with a huge building next door) has let me store the boat in there for a few days so I can keep painting. I had to drive the boat around the corner to get it there, but I can walk through the back gate to get to his building and work on it.

here's a couple quick shots as I moved it yesterday while still sunny. The little red tractor is my Homemade "Dave-ernational" 12hp Single cylinder Chinese Diesel motor and 5 tractors cut and cobbed together to get what I wanted :) My name is Dave and I am an international Harvester fan and have owned over 8 in my lifetime, so wife nick-named the tractor


Inside Trim Red

The Hull will be Rustoleum Flat white, I learned my lesson last time using gloss white about the glare on water I painted the trim red red because I pull it with a 1968 scout 800 (usually with the top off grin)

yes that is a snowplow Mount on the scout (6ft blade) No down here in NC I don't need it, but as I tried to explain to my southern born wife I am from Upstate NY (syracuse) originally and i just HAD to have it when I saw it on Craigslist for only $300 (was for an S-10 but I made it fit heh heh)

Only real concerns with the "restoration" so far are:

1. the spashwell/Transom edge gap. It's flush where the motor will mount, but not so much at the tippy edge, but within tolerable limits and all is solid

2. When we put the wood in we did 2 things wrong. We used Waterproof Wood Glue to bond the transom wood both together, AND to the inner Fiberglass transom piece remaining after wood removal. We did not have time, or at the time knowledge, to "glass" all the pieces first. The Fiberglass work I had done is Mucho strong, but he pointed out that there are a few millimeters of wood "exposed" between the inner and outer hull.
As long as I don't get any water in the inner hull I should be fine. The design of this boat keeps inner hull bone dry unless you hit something and rip the bottom out at which point who cares about the transom anyway

All the other water that enters the boat drains out of another plug up higher. The Deck and inner hull are sealed against each other....it's hard to explain but I can take pics if it will help. The design of the boat as far as inner and outer hull sealing and the Molded Fiberglass NON ROTTEN stringers make it a great buy for $400

So far I am into this boat for just under $1600

The $500 in fiberglass work wasn't even real cash so I don't count it. My wife owns her own business, and also belongs to a "barter network" and the fiberglass guy was part of that network. So I used what we call the "funny money" (barter credits) to have the transom glassed

I bought the motor for $600 The boat for $400
and about $150 or so in lumber and paint

Sorry for the long post...still raining and nothing else to do



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 11, 2007
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Motor is now back on the new transom

Absolutely ZERO flex :)


Almost done with painting, couple more coats of white on the hull


Then fix the steering issue

Today I hope to hook up motor controls and run it in a barrel


Oct 10, 2008
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Great job!

Can't wait to see pic with Scout pulling! What a great combo!

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Hello starcraft..

Nice job on the finish m8..

I dont mean to throw a monkey in there..but I was looking at the pics from your glass guys work..

I HOPE they used mat b4 they lammed the "roving woving"

I hope they used more then one layer of 18 oz glass ( like 3-4 would be a starter ).

AND.. they layed up over blue gelcoat on the hull..Thats a no no.. ( always grind to glass b4 you re-glass )..

Ask the glass peeps for more pics if you can and post them please..

If they only did what I see in your pics..then the work done is sub-par IMO.

ASK them about laminating over gelcoat in there repair and see what they say..Ill bet its " oh yea..as long as you prep it right its OK.. " .. BAH ! .. then ask them how it is that they know how well the gelcoat is prepped and stuck to the existing glass..and is how/now incorporated in your transome repair..

That gel/glass layer will be your failing point..

Sorry to ramble..but Im kinda old school and speak out of profession ..

looking forward to more "glass guy pics"



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 11, 2007
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Hello starcraft..

Nice job on the finish m8..

I dont mean to throw a monkey in there..but I was looking at the pics from your glass guys work..

I HOPE they used mat b4 they lammed the "roving woving"

I hope they used more then one layer of 18 oz glass ( like 3-4 would be a starter ).

AND.. they layed up over blue gelcoat on the hull..Thats a no no.. ( always grind to glass b4 you re-glass )..

Ask the glass peeps for more pics if you can and post them please..

If they only did what I see in your pics..then the work done is sub-par IMO.

ASK them about laminating over gelcoat in there repair and see what they say..Ill bet its " oh yea..as long as you prep it right its OK.. " .. BAH ! .. then ask them how it is that they know how well the gelcoat is prepped and stuck to the existing glass..and is how/now incorporated in your transome repair..

That gel/glass layer will be your failing point..

Sorry to ramble..but Im kinda old school and speak out of profession ..

looking forward to more "glass guy pics"


No they didn't do only what you saaw in the pics. That's just 2 photos

It's done right. I can see what you mean about the one photo showing the new glass overlapping the "blue" somewhat, but it's not Gel coat it's paint. 40 year old paint actually and pretty much a permanent part of the boat now. I sanded everything down before I sent it to him. Except for that small part it is all bare glass/wood.

I asked him about it, and he said not to worry that it wasn't a problem. This guy has been doing it like 40 years and the company still builds custom racing catamarans so I am not worried to much.

Its made up of 2 layers of mat and 2-3 layers of that roving stuff in the photo. the actual new glasswork is about 1/4 inch thick. I hung the motor on it and stood on the back and not a bit of flex. Besides, if it did fail he stands by his work and would do it again, so I don't think he wants it back to do twice and for free lol

I think it will last much longer than I will have the boat for

Got the motor controls all hooked up Saturday and have been running it off and on in a bucket. I go out an start it every so often and just listen to it run
loving the smell of a two stroke outboard.

Launch Date hopefully next weekend (06/20)

I have to get my steering issue resolved, a couple more odds and ends, and then $10 to register it

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

NP starcraft..just checkin m8 :) Just watching your back.

I only went by what I saw.. ( I didnt/dont know the FG guy.. so )


PS. gelcoat..or paint.. you should grind it off for new lams :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 11, 2007
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

NP starcraft..just checkin m8 :) Just watching your back.

I only went by what I saw.. ( I didnt/dont know the FG guy.. so )


PS. gelcoat..or paint.. you should grind it off for new lams :D

Yes it would have been better to grind off a little more of the paint. But the overlap of the new glass is about 6 inches, and 90% of it was bare sanded by me.

I went through my emails to him. besides building/laying it thick he used vinyl ester (sp?) resin and not Poly

I got a steering cable yesterday. Traded an old car Cd player sitting in the shop for a complete rack style system. The cable was a tad long so I ended up with this loop for now. I have NO IDEA what kind of rack it is?


But it was free (sort of) and it works! I can at least take her out and do a trial run maybe this weekend.

Took a little research and found I was missing a "link piece"
I'm cheap and impatient so I just made my own out of some left over riding mower parts in my junk box of scrap metal and it came out well. The cheap cotter pin shown is just temporary during fabrication



I'll clean it and paint it and should work like the regular OMC one.

Here's a final shot of the dash and new helm...still some tidying up to do but mostly ready


If anyone wants the old Ride Guide Helm (minus cable) send me a pm. You can have it if you just pay the shipping from zip 27587. Helm is in good shape and works great...cable was bent


May 26, 2008
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

how does that rustoleum hold up under the water line?


Jun 18, 2009
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Nicely done! My '65 Avalon is (scratch that) was the same color, I started my redo with the interior. It had fiberglass framed seats but I tore them out, then epoxyed the interior with the garage floor stuff, turned out great. Topside will get a paintjob next year. Working on the Johnson now. Now I can show the wife what it CAN look like when I'm done (somewhat, can it ever be DONE, done?)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 11, 2007
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

....epoxyed the interior with the garage floor stuff, turned out great. Topside will get a paintjob next year. Working on the Johnson now. Now I can show the wife what it CAN look like when I'm done (somewhat, can it ever be DONE, done?)

Garage floor paint sounds like a good idea. I have carpet in it now that came with it but has at least 2 - 3 seasons before i would need to think about re-doing.

I doubt I will have the boat after this season anyway as I already have my eyes on small trailerable sailboats:D

There are a few things I might have done a bit differently on my "transom repair" but the way I figure it will easily last 10 years possibly more with care. Considering, from information here, most "new" boats are built just flashy enough to make you spend your money but usually have a 10 - 15 year lifespan before starting to rot.

My Rustoleum paint job holds up nice under the water. I did it to another older boat long time ago and it looked great the 2 seasons I used it, then sat for 5 years, and then was scrapped. The paint still looked good when we chopped it up and hauled it to the landfill.

You can easily touch up dock rash or little "oops" as well.

Only difference this time was I used Flat White on the hull instead of Gloss White. It picks up fingerprints pretty easy when hands are dirty, so I may hit it with a clearcoat of gloss to stop that ;)

Hoping to put it in the water next weekend and see what happens



Apr 28, 2009
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Great report and pictures boat looks really sharp, thanks


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 11, 2007
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

So Today is the day!!

Battery is charged, gas in the tank, and my life insurance is paid up

I've walked around it, stared at it at night while drinking beer, run the motor up in a barrel and can't see any more reason to delay.

I am bringing a paddle too just in case

Anyone else have this problem? I love to work/restore things, but when its time to launch I always get nervous :eek:

We were busy this weekend expanding the shop. The wife says I might as well build a lean-to over the whole backyard at the rate I keep adding on to my original 10X14 garden shed that came with the house


Gotta love Craigslist! I got about $50 in this new building and thats it. Going to box it in with metal walls made out of old billboard sign material (neighbors BIG shop where I painted earlier in this thread is made of this material)


We named the Boat "Ella Belle" after my dog Ella (dogs Registered name is Ella Fitzgerald). She's 12, and in her old age has developed Degenerative Myelopathy and doesn't walk so good anymore. Here she is next to my other shop helper "Pete Bull" The goofiest pit bull you'd ever meet.


Well like I said, we are off to the lake now....upon completion of this post we are loading in the car, and hope to be sinking, ahem I mean floating, on the lake within 20 minutes

Wish us luck....I will take photos and video :D



Sep 8, 2006
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Listen to your wife! There is no such thing as "too much workshop".


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2008
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Well like I said, we are off to the lake now....upon completion of this post we are loading in the car, and hope to be sinking, ahem I mean floating, on the lake within 20 minutes

Wish us luck....I will take photos and video :D

Glad you got the packeage in the mail before your test run :D

Can't wait to see your post later, assuming that you don't sink of course ;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 11, 2007
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

Glad you got the packeage in the mail before your test run :D

Funny Man :D

So here's the "rest of the story"

loaded up my son (11yrs) into the scout and headed to the lake

1st problem: The boat is WAY heavier with motor and gear than when she was empty at purchase and towed home with scout. But we made it

2nd problem: The boat ramps are MUCH steeper than I remember (been a while since I've been there with a boat) The scout is 41 years old, and has manual DRUM brakes all 4 tires. Backing down the ramp was fun, and just as the trailer touched water the brakes gave out (master cylinder) and I damn near lost the whole truck into the lake. :eek::eek:
Saved it at the nick of time, Spun rubber on the boat ramp, Got the brakes pumped back up again and shut it off in gear. OK we're stopped now....whew!! Boat and trailer are in the water. No choice now, GOT to unload the boat to get the truck out. Managed to do so without much more incident, and didn't lose the truck (she's an antique you know)

Park the truck and back to the boat. Up goes the bimini and tried the engine. Starts right up :D Me and the kid head out onto the lake and motor around for about 40 minutes and have No issues so far

Call the Wife who luckily works a few miles from the ramp, tell her to come rescue us as I am NOT trying to back down the ramp again in the scout until I overhaul the brakes (and probably not then either)

She comes up in the minivan, we motor back to the ramps.

4th Problem: While waiting for her I finally cut the motor off for the first time since we've started it on the lake (I was afraid to turn it off far from the dock) Wife shows up, Boat no start:confused: Starter is whirring....pull the cowl and how nice....the bolts holding the starter have all vibrated loose on our cruise. One fell out (but is still there) and other two are loose. Tighten the two I can get to with the pliers I brought just in case.....still no start, need the third bolt and I can't fish it out from where it's fallen in the motor housing....

So we break out the paddle and I paddle us back to the ramp. Switch the trailer to the van, yank out the boat, switch back to the scout and motored home. People HATE us on the hills lol

Now it's time for a beer, and tighten down the starter....when my friend gets off work we might go try it again

Boat seemed to handle nicely....Motor ran great
I will still probably sell it soon and look for a trailer sailer

What a @%$#$% adventure
(thats another story, damn funny, but unsure where to post it)

Glad to be home lol



Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2008
Re: 1968 16 ft glaspar restore and transom woes

(thats another story, damn funny, but unsure where to post it)

Glad to be home lol

Auh.....Post that in "Stupid human tricks while fishing/boating"

That same starter thing happened to John "pics of work so far" just the other day, I think he forgot to put his bolts back in and when he went to crank her, same story.

Glad to hear you made it back ok. Sending you a PM right after this post.