I've been keeping an eye out for a light 12' or 14' to throw on top our our tent trailer. When I was out buying rivets for the 16' Naden I'm restoring, the dealer indicated he had bought a bunch of government sold boats at auction - he wanted one specifically....but the government department involved said if he wanted that one, he had to buy them all, so he ended up with about a dozen abandoned boats, all of which required work. I bought six (as you can imagine, the price was good).
Might have to visit a doctor for my MBS.
This 22' Holiday 220 was lurking in the weeds nearby. Still not the 25' Chief I've been looking for.
Might have to visit a doctor for my MBS.
This 22' Holiday 220 was lurking in the weeds nearby. Still not the 25' Chief I've been looking for.