'1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR - Deck, stringers, transom, custom interior'

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Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 6, 2009
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)

That gantry you made... Did you lift with it just laying up agenst the garage like that, or did you have it supported over the boat somehow? I need to fab one up, and just wondering what you did?


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)

That gantry you made... Did you lift with it just laying up agenst the garage like that, or did you have it supported over the boat somehow? I need to fab one up, and just wondering what you did?

I just left it leaning against the garage. I'll be making it self supporting later on, as I will use it to flip the hull for repair and painting.

To make it free standing, it just need a triangle setup made from 2x4's at each base. Do to the heavy lumber I used (6x6's), I'll likely need pretty wide feet, as it is top heavy (that top board weights about 90lbs). I'll prob go 5 feet on each side, as 2x4's are cheap, so who cares if I overdo the bracing. Just don't want it falling on my head ;) .. or my boat :(

If you are making a gantry for inside your garage, you can also add 2 swivel wheels to the base of each triangle support (4 total) and make a nice movable gantry.


Oct 10, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)


Dude, you're kicking mass butt!

Cap is off... Engine out! Now the real fun begins....... Cleaning and fiberglass hell! :D

A super charged 454 would be incredible! Your boat looks fast sitting still!

You gave any thought on color?

Wish you were closer! Be great to chill drink a beer and talk smack!

Great work!


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)

You gave any thought on color?

I decided to make it pearl white, which will likely make it resemble your bowrider. I bought the pearl a while back, as I had a Subaru SVX years ago which was a beautiful pearl white, and I'd like to see that color again. I plan to add some stripes to the hull in order to snazz it up a bit, but nothing crazy, just some flare. I have a light beige vinyl color which will get accented with a second color of which I haven't decided on yet. I'll need something to contrast the lightness of everything.

I doubt the 454 will happen, but seeing as this is the first boat I'd had that wasn't a 14' aluminum, the 3.0L is still a big step up.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)

Went and picked up my replacement transom mount today. Talked to the fella selling it for about an hour. It seems he does nothing but boat parts nowadays. He buys a boat off ebay or CL, strips it bare and sends the hull to the dump. Apparently makes a nice living from it. Makes me want to buy a few boats to part out. First I'll work on getting this girl back on the water.


Since I had the engine out, I took the time to give it a nice (mostly) proper paint job. When I first sprayed it with primer I was tempted to keep it grey, but the more I looked at it, the less appealing it looked, so black it will be again. Yes, I could have removed more parts to make it a more professional job, but I was more interested in simply water sealing it, as there was a lot of bubbling paint on it. Pretty can be saved for the interior. I did, however, have to decimate the starter breaker in order to remove it, as the bolts were more mounts of rust than bolts. I'll have to ebay one of those tonight. Maybe my newfound boat parts friend will have one for a few bucks.


Other side, primed for paint


Here is the painted engine.. ain't she purdy?


Nice shiny painted engine.


These are a few of the transom bolts. Note the top one; I am lucky I got it out without it snapping in two! Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky with one of the bottom bolts. It was frozen solid and had to be snapped and hammered out.


The PO, in order to avoid removing the engine and outdrive to fix the gasket, put sealer around it to stop the leak. The funny thing is.. the bottom was the only section he missed.

In this photo you can see how the transom isn't actually a solid board, but a multitude of different size boards all at different angles. I am hoping to just replace this one section, as it will be near impossible to recreate this boat's transom.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Engine removed)


The transom is toast. I was able to push my finger into it it was so rotten.


After removing the transom mount, I was able to see what caused all of this headache to begin with. The person who last mounted the outdrive bent the gasket! It was likely leaking for years.


This is the bottom of the transom mount, note the gasket on the bottom.. well.. that is where it *should* be.


Me while diagnosing "the source of the leaky transom".. sounds like a mystery novel.


Here is the busted transom mount. Also note the aluminum thread bar which the steering cable goes through to connect to the steering linkage. It snapped when trying to loosen the bolt, as it was corroded to near nothing. I also had to drill out the pin which connected the cable to the linkage. Salt water did a number on the rear end of this boat.


Here is the new (used) transom mount I picked up today. It seems a prominent ebay boat parts seller lives near my house, so I gave him a visit after buying this off ebay. As it turns out, I had also bought my thermostat housing from the same guy after freezing the engine over the winter. This guy has saved me twice already! Notice the threaded steering shaft is still on this mount.. the big reason I bought it..

The part number is different on this mount, but it matches up perfectly. I'm guessing it is simply a newer model.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Rotten transom!)

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Rotten transom!)

More transom gutting and (oh joy) foam removal in this update. I'm sorry to those who have been waiting for their restoration fix, as I have been losing steam on this restore with the massive foam removal troubles I have been having. I can only hope this is the worst part, as it is just plain exhausting. Who knew foam could be such a bear to remove. I feel like I've been beat up by a teletubby, it just isn't natural.

Today, in an act of desperation, I hauled out an ice scraper and began using that on the foam and, to my astonishment, it works GREAT! In a couple of hours I was able to remove a huge pile of foam (enough to need a rake to remove from the hull!). So, I'm pretty happy with today's update:


The transom was rotten til about 1/2 way up, which made it nice, as I was able to use my Poulan chain saw to cut away any upper dry material and gut the rest by hand.


Seeing as my transom is actually 5 angular pieces instead of the usual one flat piece, I decided to do some digging (heh) and see if I couldn't follow others' lead by using nidabond (a cheaper SeaCast alternative, for those who know the SeaCast brand name) transom goop instead of the usual double plywood approach.

By using the transom goop I can clean out just this one section and avoid having to glass and fair a new transom using plywood. I lucked out twice, as it seems each section is sealed and only the center section was rotten.

For those learning, I gutted the transom in this manner:
- Cut off the top layer of fiberglass using a skil saw
- Used a crowbar to remove any soft material from around the sterndrive hole. (This accounted for 1/2 the material)
- Used an auger bit on my drill to remove the first few inches of wood from the top.
- Used a spade bit on the drill to remove what the auger bit missed in the first few inches
- Used my chain saw to remove all of the rest of the dry wood. I used two big swipes at first, then removed what I could and nibbled away (as best as a chain saw nibbles) any remaining dry wood.
- Used a crow bar to scrape the inner fiberglass (reasonably) clean.

Disclaimer: Keep in mind on the chain saw approach, even though it speeds up removal a huge amount, I am quite comfortable with a chain saw (and this one in particular), so you may or may not want to do the chain saw step, depending on your experience level. Yes, only using a spade bit will take hours longer, but your head will not be split in two from a chainsaw kickback, either.

All in all, It really turned out quite nice and only took a few hours


The future home of roughly 5 gallons of nidabond


Some more hours burned taking out foam, plywood, fiberglass and a few of the stringers (which are just sopping wet 2x6 and 2x4 boards)

I'll be working tonight to remove the engine mounts and the last two stringers (the glassed in ones). I have to make sure I measure it all so I can put it back together. I'm a little worried I'll get it all recreated and the engine will always point right or something :eek:

There seem to be plenty of voyeurs in this thread, but few posts. By all means, if you are interested or learning from this, let me know. I could use the encouragement about now :redface:.. the end goal is beginning to blur a bit, and thoughts of buying a boat to use while I restore this one are tough to fight off, but I'm trying to hold it together and plow through. Once I begin adding stuff, I think the end goal will begin to come back into focus again. All of that said, my hat is off to others who have done this every day until it was finished, as this is seriously draining work.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 19, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Id like to say this is the worst but grinding that fiberglass stinks.When you get to cutting new wood it will be great as it all starts to take shape.You have to save this puppy.old bayliners need love to.I am very impressed with your progress.Been working on mine as I get time but need more ump to keep at it like you are.Water trials in a week or two for me.Pray I dont sink.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa


I really like the way you are documenting this! Great Job!!​


Rear Admiral
Nov 13, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

I'll be working tonight to remove the engine mounts and the last two stringers (the glassed in ones). I have to make sure I measure it all so I can put it back together. I'm a little worried I'll get it all recreated and the engine will always point right or something

Here's a tip that will help you worry less about that problem. Use the 3x4x5 method. Essentially you are building a right triangle with side a=3, side b=4. Now measure the hypotenuse. If it doesent = 5 then adjust a or b until it does. The result will be a perfect 90 deg angle that you can use to shoot square from in any direction you want.

The only hard part is deciding what part of your boat you want to use as a reference to square. On a tinny we like to use the transom but on a glass boat I would probably shoot a line from the bow point back. You can us a transit (laser or manual) to establish the line.

Once you have your line, use the 3,4,5 method and your worries are over.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2007
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Hey i have done the same thing you are doing.
Here is a great way to make a pattern. Lets say you need to cut the transom shape.
Take thin strips of wood, you can make them on the table saw.
get a hot melt glue gun , start gluing all the pieces together to make the shape.
in no time at all you will have the exact pattern.
for the stringers, make sure you mark the floor and transom where they were with a sharpie and just duplicate them.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2007
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

made a drawing on bitmap



Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Here is a great way to make a pattern. Lets say you need to cut the transom shape.
Take thin strips of wood, you can make them on the table saw...

Good idea on recreating the transom shape. I found most of the transom wood is rotten, so I'm going to have to scrape off the inner fiberglass, gouge out the wood and replace it, so this will work nicely.

Here's a tip that will help you worry less about that problem. Use the 3x4x5 method.

I'm mainly worried about making the engine mount the correct distance away. I think I'm trying to worry about the smaller items to keep my mind from realizing how much wood and fiberglass I still need to remove, hehe.

I really like the way you are documenting this! Great Job!!

Thanks Bob. I noticed I went back and forth through a bunch of threads to get the info I need to begin this project, so I'm trying to document enough that future people will have to thread-jump less than I did.

Id like to say this is the worst but grinding that fiberglass stinks.

That means grinding will be better. :)

Water trials in a week or two for me.Pray I dont sink.

Good luck! At least you now know every inch of your boat. That is one feeling I am looking forward to having on the water. No wondering, I will know it all because I did it all.

Today I'm working to remove the rot from the remaining transom pieces (the ones which can't be poured with goop) and the engine supports and jump seat areas. The woodwork in this area is pretty intricate, which both makes it difiicult to remove and will make it difficult to recreate. So far I've already put a 4" gash in the hull.. good thing I'm planning to paint it!


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2007
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

the ice scraper works good on the transom ply
i used a dull electric chainsaw for the foam!
you take that blade OFF the grinder, I'm a Master carpenter, cabinet maker begging you, please that's a no no...


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 21, 2009
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

lowkee, looks like a good start. I'm at about the same stage on my 77, 18' Fiberform runabout. I'm having a rough time getting the rest of the good wood out of one of the upper corners of the transom but that'll come out soon enough. My stringers were also rotten. Once I got the bottoms uncovered at the transom, it was just a matter of pulling up on them and the mushy parts just broke right off.

Seems like every time I turn around, there's another item that needs replacement ($). The transom mount for the outdrive will need a new gasket - $75.00, new bolts since the old ones are partly rusted plus need new rubber grommets for them. Then the motor mount itself. And I've only started buying the marine ply, resin, and matt. You're probably going through the same thing - I feel your pain!!

Good luck.


Rear Admiral
Nov 13, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Seems like every time I turn around, there's another item that needs replacement ($). The transom mount for the outdrive will need a new gasket - $75.00, new bolts since the old ones are partly rusted plus need new rubber grommets for them. Then the motor mount itself. And I've only started buying the marine ply, resin, and matt. You're probably going through the same thing - I feel your pain!!

We all feel it. I think I'm up to around 10,000.00 now. I'm at the point now where I've start hiding the receipts from myself. LOL.. Talk about denial !!! ROFLOL


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Transom gutted, more foa

Not a real update, but I'll have more for everyone tomorrow.

The past few days were spent digging around the transom area. I now have all of the wood out of the boat, including the stringers. Needless to say the hull is getting a bit floppy to walk in. I must say, I find it funny to read some people saying 'Use your X as a template'.. HAH! I get it! Funny.. Not one stick of wood came out of this boat in one piece.. or less than five pieces, some not less than fifty! The stringers came close, at 3 pieces each and a few handfulls of rotten debris.

Can you believe I'm actually looking forward to grinding!? This tear down has been one of the worst things I have ever done. Fiberglass is some tough stuff, and rotten wood just never lets go.

I have put together a list of what I think are needed items for the rebuilding section of this experiment gone wrong. I am definitely going well over my estimated budget, here. 10 gallons of resin, 5 gallons of gelcoat, oodles of mixing cups, brushes, pails, sticks, this, that. It is adding up seriously fast. I'm beginning to wonder if paying more for a decent boat wouldn't have been a better idea. Then again, even with the roughly $3k I have in costs so far, I'm still below the price of a 'decent' boat. The manpower is free, and I'm regrowing some long lost muscles in doing this labor of.. insanity.

So, tomorrow I grind all of the sticky-uppy bits smooth and order up my resin. I'll be taking measurements over the weekend and cutting the plywood (plain old plywood, non-treated). I plan to use 1/2" for the deck and all above deck surfaces and 3/4" for the stringers and engine mount assembly. I figure since I am glassing the top and bottom of the deck, 1/2" will be plenty and also help keep the weight down a little. If I'm off my rocker in this thinking, let me know. Hopefully by next friday I'll be doing my first glass work. :eek:


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2007
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Bare hull! All wood remo

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Bare hull! All wood remo

use solid fir wood for the stringers just use a 4x4 on top of 3/4'' ply bed.
cut the bottom of the 4x4 the angle of your V hull *use bevel gauge.
place it carefully and glass it in, gel coat over that.
*Be careful about the height and double check width using your actual motor with the mounts on. take your time.

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Bare hull! All wood remo

Re: 1990 Bayliner Capri 2050 BR w/pics and video (Milestone: Bare hull! All wood remo

A tip on the transom,
Use a wire brush on a drill..(i welded one to a threaded rod to reach the bottom of the transom)
Scuff the inner walls of the fiberglass and wash it out with acetone before the pour of the Nidabond.
You want to be absolutely sure it bonds to the fiberglass.
Also a wood dowl rod to poke in it while you pour will help it fill all voids.
Then keep tapping with a rubber hammer will cause any air to rise to the top.
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