my 1991 capri rebuild


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

Uhhm, typically you place some 1/8" to 1/4" wooden spacers under the stringers to hold them up off the hull while you bed them in place. When the bedding material is cured enuogh to support the weight of the stringer you remove the spacers. Is this what you are having issues with???


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 11, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

Uhhm, typically you place some 1/8" to 1/4" wooden spacers under the stringers to hold them up off the hull while you bed them in place. When the bedding material is cured enuogh to support the weight of the stringer you remove the spacers. Is this what you are having issues with???

I'm aware of that but I wrote previously I had a brain fart and the stringers are too short. This is an idea I'm debating to avoid. Cutting everything again. I was concerned about strength at first but I realize many people will use a fiberglass mizture and pour it in old tabbing to fully replace stringers, so why can't I pour it under the wood I cut and fill the gap I've created?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 11, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

No, not at the house. I have pretty much all the basic tools except a table saw and a miter saw


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

I'm aware of that but I wrote previously I had a brain fart and the stringers are too short. This is an idea I'm debating to avoid. Cutting everything again. I was concerned about strength at first but I realize many people will use a fiberglass mizture and pour it in old tabbing to fully replace stringers, so why can't I pour it under the wood I cut and fill the gap I've created?

pics of this please.....

i just want to make sure we are following you correctly blue


Jun 24, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

OH I get it now..... You want to prop up the stringers to height then fill under them so your stringers are at the proper height when finished.... I know what Wood was thinking asking about the table saw.... So using 1x material that tells me your 3/4" short. Go to the lumber yard and get some 3/4 x3/4 pine strips Glue and tack them to the tops of your stringers with a few galvanized finish nails.... your going to cover it all with glass so no worries.

AS YOU CAN SEE WE LOVE PICS :D It helps us understand quickly the issue.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 11, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

sorry i havent responded the last few days. the rink i manage hosted a charity hockey game to raise money for cancer and this last 5 days has been crazy, thats the main reason pics were not posted when i was asking for ideas. i appreciate everyones input and suggestions. ive learned that boat building requires basic skill, but advanced determination and the ability to identify issues and find a sensible way to rectify them ha. anyways here are some pics for the past two weeks:

after cutting the stringers, knees and bulkheads i put a first coat on them in the basement since it was about 20 degrees that night outside

the next day it was MUCH nicer out and about 65 degrees so i moved everything outside and attached the knee reinforcements to the stringers with csm. the knee braces now consist of the 3/4" clear pine stringer with a piece of 3/4" marine ply on the inside and outside. the inside brace was designed to be buttressed against the rear bulkhead

i couldnt find my other speed clamps at the time so i removed the vice from one of my work benches and used that to help clamp


so this is where everything went to BLEEP. things were glued in well with pl. i was just going to wait for it to cure, sand, and then tab, but then i realized the mistake.

so after allot of thinking i decided to execute my plan. i dont have pics bc i was so rushed for time, but i cut my 1x1"s length wise to sit on the hull to simulate the deck, i then screwed the stringers to the 1x1"s to suspend the stringers above the hull. next, i took a piece of csm, wet it and laid it the length of the stringers on the inner side. its only purpose was to act as a barrier for the resin mixture i was going to pour from the outer side of the stringers which would fill the gap i had. the plan worked perfect.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 11, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

i took so csm and tore the mat up with my hands, and then cut the fibers down into more manageable pieces. i did this bc i had a ton of csm and not allot of chopped strands left at the time. so i created a mixture of resin, cabosil, 1/4" fiber strands, and the torn up mat and then poured it all under the stringers. once hardened, the mixture is very girlfriend and i then laid a strip of csm and 2 strips of 1708 (all progressively wider) to tab the outside of the stringers.

this is a very poor picture but shes my helper

the next day i mixed some more PB. applied that to the inner side of the stringer to ensure there was no gap between the tab i was about to lay, and the piece of csm i used for the barrier of my previously poured filling mixture. then i tabbed the inside against with a strip of csm and 2 strips of 1708 all progressively wider, but finished it with a 3rd layer of 1708 that strectch as far down toward the keel as was clean from us walking around in there. it was a significant amount. today everything is curing. i know i will have to add some reinforcements to the bulkheads still and add some wood strips to the top of the bulkheads to bring them to height, but disaster has been averted for the most part. after that is done ill grind out the rest of the deck lip and probably lay a 3rd layer of 1708 on the outside tab just as i did the inside.


Jun 24, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

Good Job! Your moving right along ;)

About the girlfriend helper...... MARRY THAT ONE! :D That's a great girl to jump in and lay up resin and glass!! She deserves an ATTA- GIRL


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 11, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

Good Job! Your moving right along ;)

About the girlfriend helper...... MARRY THAT ONE! :D That's a great girl to jump in and lay up resin and glass!! She deserves an ATTA- GIRL

she does have her moments where she comes thru ha.

just put in another $1k order to us composites for gelcoat and resins... oh boy this is fun but this boat will be a rock when im done. i settled on using gelcoat for the deck and bilge and doing a white base and then blue splatter to match the hull and then some teal string to match the upholstery. should be interesting but most people seem to like the idea.

i should have all the tabbing finished friday and have the subfloors cut and possibly glasses in, then i can do my floor template and cut the deck so as soon as i gelcoat the bilge and tank area i can move right into getting the deck down.

im just curious about something with laying the deck on the stringers, do most people use pl to seal that space or csm and resin?im talking specificallying about on top of the stringers (yes i know i have to cap them) to seal the deck wood as it lays on the stringers. i know in friscoboater's build he used pl glue for this but im curious what others use


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 11, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

That stuff looks promising. Ill prob either try that or PL.

On a side note does anyone know will gelcoat stick to 5200 adhesive?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 5, 2011
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

i took so csm and tore the mat up with my hands, and then cut the fibers down into more manageable pieces. i did this bc i had a ton of csm and not allot of chopped strands left at the time. so i created a mixture of resin, cabosil, 1/4" fiber strands, and the torn up mat and then poured it all under the stringers. once hardened, the mixture is very girlfriend and i then laid a strip of csm and 2 strips of 1708 (all progressively wider) to tab the outside of the stringers.

this is a very poor picture but shes my helper
View attachment 138393

Nice work on the tabbing job with those stringers.

Don't forget that resin kicks off a ton of toxic fumes, even with heavy fan ventilation . Make sure there are enough respirators with chemical/paint cartridges for you and her. Four hours of heavy concentration resin fumes can easily mess up a person. I'd hate for you or her to end up in the ER or worse.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 11, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

thanks, we are aware. we are actually outside with fans and using various respirators ect. she just quickly was touching this up and tossed that one on


Jun 24, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

Sorry I missed this..... How much 5200 you want to cover? A screw hole or a large area? I wouldnt cover 5200 with gel... I would thing it would crack because 5200 is flexable and I don't think the gel would last....


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

Where and what exactly would you want to cover it with gelcoat?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 11, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

I used portions of pvc pipe to line the drain holes in the bulkheads. I covered the seams where the pvc meets the glass with 5200 just to be careful. That's the only area that I'm asking about. If I have to I can grind the 5200 off before I gelcoat and then reapply it, but I figured I'd just ask you guys

Stringers are all capped thank god


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 11, 2010
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

I think I'm just going to sand off the excess before I gelcoat. I'm getting closer. Tonight I'm going to add cleats to the stringers, sand everything dodd a cross brace across the stringers, cut the fuel tank sub floor, and lay an extra layer of 1708 the length of the boat in the keel. I'm hoping to be putting the deck in next weekend


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: my 1991 capri rebuild

Am I understanding you correctly, in that you are going to gelcoat your stringers and bulkheads????