Re: Zebra mussle problem in Finger Lakes
Mussels HAVE been around for eons, but they didn't invade the Great Lakes until about 30 years ago or so, and the Finger Lakes a few years later. Its true that they DID come in on foreign vessels that blew their bilge, but its not necessarily Chinacrap boats were the only ones to do it.
In any event, the time frame of the events correspond to the time frame that Wallyworld was proudly advertising that most of their products were USA made. So, WM cannot be credited with our demise!
Look at the chinacrap products and in most cases you'll see they are distributed and / or Company labeled by USA companies. Wasn't it Pogo that said something like "we saw the enemy and they are US". In other words, its the greed of USA companies that have sent the jobs overseas, and the GD stock market that lead the way.