I would love to be wealthy enough or have a mobile business that would allow me to go to Fla for the winter. I would get a motor home and park it somewhere like so many others do. I may stick around here until after Christmas to get my fill of fall and some winter. Then come back early April for the beauty of Spring. I don't think I would want to live somewhere permanently where there is no change of seasons. FLA is a bit too rainy with the usual afternoon rains in the Summer. You may go a month with no rain in SC
I was invited up to West Virginia one winter to do some skiing. Since I couldn't get my boat up that mountain......I returned home. I about froze up there.
Living in South Alabama alot of this makes sense.. only i wear boots everyday not flip flops.. Horses and flip flops dont mix real well.
Down here in South FLA -- Miami specifically -- we have 2 phones books and both are 7" thick. One is lists people from A to Z and the other is everyone with Perez as a last name.
is it the horses that don't don't mix with flip flops, or what they leave behind? LOL