Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

  • I will not go out as much.

    Votes: 31 31.0%
  • No I will cut back other places.

    Votes: 59 59.0%
  • I will have friends that go out with me chip in on gas.

    Votes: 10 10.0%

  • Total voters
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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 11, 2007
It seems like the price of gas is effecting everything we do now. I have a few friends that have cut back on some of the longer boat trips.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 30, 2008
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

I can go boarding all day on the river on 8 gallons of gas. What else can you do for $32 for 6 hours?

The more gas goes up the more I like it - It keeps those big wakeboard boats off the river. :D Ha!

(I know - if you can afford a $60,000 boat, you can afford the gas)

*loves my little 6 gallon tanks
**never used more than 9 gallons in a day
***honestly there seems to be much less river traffic now


May 4, 2008
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

We can run for about 6 hours on 12 liters, so like Steve this is cheap entertainment a Euro prices.

We just cut back on other stuff like movies, or eating out.

I also pulled out of “AmCham” (American Chamber of Commerce) & the “American German Business Club” (all they do is talk about playing golf). They both keep raising their prices to compensate for declining memberships, and from a business point of view, it is just not worth staying active. This savings alone will pay for our boat cost for the entire year.

I also agree with Steve about less traffic on the river where we boat.

There used to be a dozen or so Wakeboarders on the river everyday when we would go out, now it is just one or two, if that.

Also less cruisers, if any are out, they are anchored. PWC traffic is down by about ninety percent. Even the rental boats are just sitting idle in the water.

The hotel ships & barges are still there, but they also seem to be reducing their runs.

I don't know if the companies have switched to rails/trains for commercial transport, but there are less of them. There are not many tourist visiting Germany, so the Hotel ships have cut back on their runs also.

That leaves us, the rowing skulls, and a couple of sailboats on a nice weekend.

We got our storage place direct on the river this year because so many people had pulled their boats out, and half were empty. There was a twenty year waiting list for such a spot in 2000, now they are all empty. We seem to be the only ones using it out of the few boats still there. In two weeks of great weather, only one other boat has gone out.

For us it is great, we have the whole facilities to ourselfs, picnic tables, grills, launch, & dock are now like our fenced in private resort property, and all this in the middle of a major European city within a mile of our house.

Sometimes I feel kind of bad sitting there with the rest of town staring at us through the fence, but hey ...

... they don't care about our tough times, why should I care about theirs.

We also got it for half the price what it was the end of last year when I checked and they gave us the first 6 months free. They also offered us a 24 meter slip, which is generally charged by the meter of the slip, but only wanted the meter money based on the length of our boat, i.e. 3 meter. We went for the lock-up storage though because thefts of boats has sky rocketed since the economy crashed here in 2000.

Last year the “yacht clubers” would not talk to us, now we have been asked to come to two “yacht club” (we are not members of any club) events this week alone. I will repeat, we have a self-built nine and half foot outboard boat with a 6HP motor. Rather funny how people are reacting to us now as compared to a few years ago.

On the downside, business couldn't be worse, Germany takes one blow after another, year after year, and the cost of gas is just the next one in a long line.

The other bad development is that Germans tend to be a very jealous people as a whole, and as the smallest boat on the river we were always seen as cute and they were friendly to us. Now with the bigger boats gone, some have taken to screaming the obscenities at us, that were reserved for the larger boats, from the shore when we go by. :eek: They are very bitter in their comments about us having a boat. Last week one threw a beer bottle from the river promenade at us, he was drunk so his aim was bad but ...

On a positive note those on the water are very friendly now, with many of the arrogant "bankers", “jet set”, & “Internet boom” millionaires now gone, leaving just a handful of friendly old-timers and us. :D


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

I am up at this "ungodly" hour because I went to bed at 8pm last night, and that is true because I was out on a SAR throughout the night before, but didn't sleep yesterday during the day. The SAR has not been resolved (flare sighted in Lake Ponchartrain by a motorist on I10 at 1am) but I won't be back out on the mission because of the cost of fuel.

I have noticed a definate change in willingness on the part of public agencies to respond to distress situations because of fuel budgets. They still launch on life threatening situations, but don't do so as easily otherwise. Too bad that the same thing that causes them to back off, also makes volunteers like me less able to supplement the government agencies.


Sep 9, 2007
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

The boat is not what cost so much it's the truck pulling it. I fish a lake 70 miles from home. That's a $60 round trip. Most days I will only burn 3 to 4 gal in the boat. Once I add all the other associated cost a day on the water coat $100.
I spend a lot more time on the river now and I can have two days on the water for the same $100.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

I just got my boat back on the water after a transom repair so I'm excited to use it as much as I can. To echo what angler53 said it's my truck that's the problem. I'm keeping my boat in my garage this year and using it closer to home (about 25 minutes to the ramp) versus keeping it at my uncle's cabin as I normally did which is an hour drive. I'd have to leave the truck down there as well to be able to afford it!


Feb 5, 2008
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

You need to add two options:
1.) My boating will not be affected
2.) I will be boating more this year.

I'll actually be boating MORE than I would otherwise. The cost of gas inspired me to convert my boat to Compressed Natural Gas, with Natural Gas costing $0.64/gallon, I'm going to be boating a LOT this year, and the savings will pay for the cost of conversion in the first season.


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

Dang! If only thre were such a thing as "Premixed CNG!"


Feb 5, 2008
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

Premixed? As in 2-stroke fuel?

I'd think it would be possible to set up a drip-oiling system similar to what air compressors use to automatically oil pneumatic tools... Just a thought.


Aug 5, 2007
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

Ford Ranger at 21MPG +14' Alumacraft with 6HP Johnson with all day on a half gallon of gas = fishing all weekend every weekend :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 13, 2008
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

At this point, we still have more gas money than time...so, we'll be spending as much time as possible out of the water. Also, since our boat is kept ~5 min from the lake, fuel mileage while towing is not an issue.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 29, 2008
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?



Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 30, 2008
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

I take no pity on someone who drives a monster 4x4 vehicle, 38"+ tires, 3/4 ton, because it makes them look "cool" and then complains about gas prices. :mad:

I realize many people have big trucks because they need them for work. No one "needs" a big truck to pull their boat, RV, or life-sized dinosaur replica because we don't "need" those things. We want them.

You play - you pay.

Ok, mini-rant over. Happy boat time now. :p

angler53 - I'm with you - most of my boating expense comes from getting to the river. I drive 100 miles roundtrip to my boating spot.

Uraijit - I agree - we need those two options as well. The survey is biased! ;)

Shizzy - *thumbs up*



Feb 10, 2003
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

Like others, our real cost issue isn't the gas in the boat. It's the gas to the lake and back. Our boat is 4200lbs. The tow vehicle I own (which I chose for safety/utility, no gripes here) gets ~12mpg towing the boat on the 90 mile round trip to the lake. 8 gallons in the Expedition and usually 3-4 gallons on the water, so gas bill for the average day: $48. Still no worse than taking a family of 4 to the movies at $8-$12/ticket, + fuel to get there. Movie lasts 2 hours, boat trip is all day.


Aug 5, 2007
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

Steve I agree with you whole heartedly. I had a big Ol' SUV years back and I used it to its fullest MAYBE twice. the Ranger or similar sized truck is plenty of truck for me as well as 99% of the population. half the price, half the gas.

I also forgot to mention the launch is 100 yards from where my boat is stored :D


Mar 19, 2007
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

I find myself staying in closer than I usually would, but not all of that is due to fuel prices. I've always done better fishing in the river here. It both saves me money and I'm not pushing my luck in bigger water as much with a small boat.
I did downsize my boats a bit and went to all but one aluminum boat. No more heavy glass boats, no more I/O powered boat, nothing that I can't tow and launch with my 4 cylinder Ranger 4x2 with a stick shift.

Like several other posts here, I spend more to get to the launch than I do on the water, or at least it don't hurt as bad spending it in the boat. It bothers me far worse to have to fill the truck than it does the boat. The boat only goes out maybe once or twice a week, the truck gets filled daily. Towing the boat also drops my mileage from about 24+ to under 18 mpg too. It also doesn't seem to matter which boat I tow, anything on the hitch greatly changes my mileage.


Feb 26, 2005
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

With a small aluminum boat and a small outboard, fuel cost isn't a factor. The 3 gallon tank will last all day at least, even if I spend a lot of time at WOT.

What was expensive was towing the thing behind the SUV. So, I got a hitch for the old Volvo 740 wagon. Lots better mileage. We're keeping the SUV, though, since it does snow a lot here in the winter, but we're driving the Volvo a lot more now.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 19, 2008
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

Gas for the big 'ol SUV is ~$95/tank. Gas for the medium sized Bowrider is ~$70. That will get me to Green River Lake, spend two days, and home again. So $82/day for fuel, and it gets better the longer I stay!

Just this last weekend the Fiance and I went and camped for the weekend from Thursday afternoon through Sunday afternoon. Total cost was ~$400 for food, campsite, gas, new equipment (which I didn't need but wanted), and incidentals. So ~$100/day. Any other 4-day "vacation" would've cost us that in hotel prices alone if not more. Of course if you add in the truck and boat payment, maintenance, and insurance that goes up a bit. Closer to ~$140/day still not terribly bad I don't think!

Boating is still a far cheaper hobby than most anything else I really enjoy. Espcially since I started bringing my lunch to work with me. Thats $40/wk I'm not spending right there.

Also a note about the SUV above. I used to have a little 6cyl S10. It just wasn't quite up to the task of dragging the boat around in the heat with A/C on, so I upgraded to the Yukon. Went from 5,200lb capacity to 8,400lb capacity, with about $5/mo increase in cost over the S10 with everything considered. I would also like to note that the Yukon sits in the driveway waiting to tow the boat or drive in the snow. The Fiance and I both have 4cyl cars we drive around town and to/from work, so while we spend a TON of money in fuel every month, we've paired down our fleet to about as manageable level as we can get. When hers wears out we'll replace it with a TDi Jetta, and I'll most likely keep the little 4cyl S10, and the Yukon for the next 10-15years as I don't see us outgrowing them anytime soon!


May 4, 2008
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

I spent the better part of the afternoon and the early evening running the river today, almost all by myself. Blew about three gallons of gas out the window with boat. :)

Tiny boat, 6HP motor, not fast enough for my liking, but I am still on the water!

I used 0 gallons in the car getting to the boat. It stayed in the garage, and I road my bike (bought it when I hit 40, I decided then, it was now or never)!


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 5, 2008
Re: Will the price of gas make you spend less time on the water?

While gas prices are totally stupid where I live they are not european stupid. :p Our current gas price is $1.499/liter or about $5.673/gallon.
I own a relatively economical small suv (Honda Pilot) My commute to work is 2 miles each way so I can get about a month out of a tank of gas if I just driver to work and back and do the shopping. To tow out to the farthest lake I have been fishing and back uses about a 1/4 tank ($25)
I have been out on my boat 5 times since the ice went out last month and still have 3/8 tank of gas in the boat (it's an 18 gallon tank) about $13 per trip. So I'm averaging $38 per trip including towing which is pretty reasonable.
I have access to about a 1/2 dozen lakes within a 1/2 hours drive.
The closest launch to my house is about 3 miles.
I haven't done any long boating trips but I'm still working the kinks out of my boat after being stored for 7 years. ;)
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