Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

PW2 said:
Missing out on honor roll may make some work harder, may make others react negatively.

I used to see the bumper stickers that said something to the effect "Proud Parent of an Honor Roll Student". I wish I could find one that said:

My Child Wasn't an Honor Roll Student
But He's an Orthodontist Now
What's Your Kid Doing?

EDIT: And Boomyal, you can appreciate this. I was a complete failure at raising him. He's a Republican.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Boomyal said:
rolmops said:
Today ,the wind blows this way,tomorrow somewhere else.
Massachusetts is full of flakes.May they be healthy and enjoy their winter vacation

I feel sorry for you rolmops. You are just one of those people who always has to equivocate. You can never just call a spade a splade and that is sad!

I fully see your point,you however do not see mine.Allow me to clarify.
No teacher in any school is going to stop the competitive nature of any kid that wants to reach as high as it can go.Nor is that the goal of that principal.
The principal's goal is to bolster and improve the self confidence of the lesser gifted so they too can boost their performance to their zenith.It should not be bashed,it should be lauded.
As for hysterical mothers whose opinions about their little darlings may be disconnected from reality...,they need all the help they can get.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

BB said----------------

EDIT: And Boomyal, you can appreciate this. I was a complete failure at raising him. He's a Republican.

Ah, yes! I too was an abject failure as a parent. While one is a confirmed liberal, one of my children ---shudder---voted for Bush, I'm embarrased to say

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

voted for Bush, I'm embarrased to say

Oh, the horror! :%
My condolences! ;)


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

custombycrunch said:
RubberFrog said:
Wait till crunchy sees this- he'll go nuts!

Why would I go nuts? Like I'm surprised? Next to go will be grades all together, then the poor sensitive darlings won't have their feelings hurt or permanent damage to their delicate egos.

I'm picturing some Doonesbury doper making that retarded statement.


Custom, that's already happening. My sisters children were in 4th grade before they ever got grades!! They live in very liberal north GA and for the first 5 years of school they got something about S for satisfactory or U for unsatisfactory or some kind of BS like that.


Jun 30, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

if the kids get on the honor roll, great. they should get a pat on the back for doing well. praise is a good reinforcer for continueing to do good. as for the ones that don't make it. well, maybe they should work harder at gettin on the honor roll if that's what they want. if they want to be stressed out. let em. perhaps it will motivate them to do better in the future. if the parents are offended by the honor roll and their child not being on it. then maybe they should redirect their stress and help their child get on the honor roll instead of whinein..
btw, my child is not on the honor roll. wish he was, but he ain't. all i can do is try to get him to understand that he needs a good education in this new, small world as there are gonna be many obsticals and much compitition along the way. it is to his benefit that he gets educated, not mine.....he can only account for himself. not others.......stand up, be tolerant of others, learn from your mistakes, and move forward, doing the best you can and learning as much as possible along the way is my point of view.......


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Boomyal said:
... this had absolutely nothing to do with any dissent from the parents of those who had excelled. The objection came from the parents of those who did not.

wrong...read it again:
"Richards said one parent with three children attending Needham High told him publishing the honor roll is a constant cause of stress in her family. According to that parent, one of the three students routinely made the honor roll while the other two did not."


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Tail_Gunner said:
jtexas said:
Relax, take a deep breath...life's too short to get this worked up over some random high school principal. Not to mention the total lack of any connection between the story and half of American voters. Not to mention which, if your understanding of human nature differs so completely with that of half the citizens of your country of citizenship, and if that bothers you to the point of having a stroke....

You kid have your your head in your arse................ enough said. ........... plz go to a pta meeeting for women

What are you saying - that fathers don't participate in the education of their children? My wife is a PTA officer, has been for years (2 as president), and she tells me that a lot of fathers come to PTA meetings...some of them are even republicans, believe it or not.

I can assure you that I don't have my head up my arse. Aren't you the least bit worried about boomyal's health? That kind of stress leads to ulcers, high blood pressure, who knows what all....

Kinda funny though...an honor roll, but a kind of secret honor roll...sounds like an oxymoron.

I blame the parents. Parents put pressure on kids to make good grades. Now, if the honor roll isn't published, the pressure goes away? It's okay to make bad grades as long as the parents' friends don't know about it? Somethin ain't right with that.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

BoatBuoy said:
EDIT: And Boomyal, you can appreciate this. I was a complete failure at raising him. He's a Republican.

8) Goes to show you BB, success can come in ways we least expect it.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

detest - to dislike intensely; abhor

seethe - to be violently excited or agitated

Nothing like preaching hatred. I am sure the "good Lord Almighty," appreciates hatred. I guess that is why I think people that hate any one person or group for no other reason than because they belong to that group are close-minded dumb aces. Were you a result of nature or nurture? How is that for being PC? I know you can appreciate that.

Explain to me Boom. How are the ideals of this principal destroying all that you hold dear? You know, the portion not already destroyed by hate. You do know the world is in turmoil for no other reason than hatred? Don't you? So no Boom, America, the World, is not being destroyed by those preaching kindness and compassion for their fellow human. It is being destroyed by the likes of you. Those that have nothing but seething hatred for fellow humans because they are different. Hitler had a seething hatred for the Jews, did he not? They were not equals in his eyes. Similar to what you preach about liberals. "Violent dislike" is how you said it...wow! God ought to be proud of you.

"American voters still continue to fill the Halls with officials who have no understanding of human nature as created by the good Lord Almighty!"

Did Tom Cruise tell you this? What understanding do you claim to have that supercedes all others? What a joke.

What inside line do you have with God where you were told by him he intended humans to be pre-wired to be competitive? You cannot prove any human is prewired to be competitive.

Are we, better yet, were you hard wired by God to hate? to seethingly detest, to violently dislike another human for no other reason than being different? Judgement day, how far off, I wonder.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Where do you get the guy eatin' the popcorn emoticon?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

d:)d:)^ ^ ^ ^

I think I'm done. I said what I wanted.

We will see where it goes though.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

CJY said:
detest - to dislike intensely; abhor

seethe - to be violently excited or agitated

Glad to see that you know how to use the dictionary CJY. You must have learned it before the NEA controlled the public schools.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Excellent defense. (Sarcasm emoticon placed here)


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

♫"Oh Lord it's hard to be humble,
When you're perfect in every way"♫ ...Mac Davis


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

"What inside line do you have with God where you were told by him he intended humans to be pre-wired to be competitive? You cannot prove any human is prewired to be competitive."

Hmm..survival of the fitest maybe? Put food for 1 in front of 2 starving men, bet they fight over it. Sounds competitive to me. But I know, you'd want to sit down and talk it over to see if the other wants to split it. In the mean time a crow comes and steals it and you both starve to death.:^


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Anybody else think of a festering boil, when they read seething detestation?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

"Hmm..survival of the fitest maybe? Put food for 1 in front of 2 starving men, bet they fight over it. Sounds competitive to me."

If we are talking about competitiveness being hard-wired in, I wonder why they have to be starving before they would fight over it.

True competition is two men fighting over a grain of sand while standing in the middle of a desert. You missed the mark, Eric.

Hmmmm, "survival of the fittest," is that not science? You know, evolution, Charles Darwin, natural selection. I could be wrong, but I don't believe "survival of the fittest," can be found in John 3:16, or anywhere else in the Bible. Once again Eric, you missed.

I find it interesting though, that you used science rather than the Bible to support your argument on God hard-wiring competitiveness into humans. Sounds like you may be on the wrong side of the fence. 0 for 3.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

"In the mean time a crow comes and steals it and you both starve to death."

Only by the will of God, right? Or are we still talking about "survival of the fittest?"