Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

PW2 said:
I kind of feel sorry for Boomie and all the other right wing wackos that get so bothered by some of this.
I'd think you'd be happy and quiet if you thought your kid was in this life and death competition, and half the opposition didn't know it was a competition.
What better way than to insure victory?

Life's too short to worry about little stuff like this, and there are lot's of different ways to achieve a successful, happy adult life. Who is to say they are wrong, for them, at least?

Boomer sure has your number.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

I don't see anything liberal about that policy. The article doesn't list anyones political affiliation.

If a kid doesn't WANT their own grades published they should discuss that with their parents.

If they're not publishing the grades because they think it's going to stress out the kids that didn't make it I'd just label it stupid.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Boomyal said:
Haut said:
:= I don't really see it as a big issue.....
One who consistantly makes the honor roll might be considered a nerd.....
In the long run, they publish it for parents to feel good, not the kids......JK

Another equivocater. Dodge the bigger picture with some irrelevant tripe!

The kids know who the smart ones are & who the athletic ones are without it being published....;)
It is my opinion that they are published to give the parents bragging rights....
That's the big picture....
No ambiguity there.....
The trouble with rehubs is that any change is considered bad, unless it fattens their wallets somehow ;)......JK


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Haut said:
Boomyal said:
Haut said:
:= I don't really see it as a big issue.....
One who consistantly makes the honor roll might be considered a nerd.....
In the long run, they publish it for parents to feel good, not the kids......JK

Another equivocater. Dodge the bigger picture with some irrelevant tripe!

The kids know who the smart ones are & who the athletic ones are without it being published....;)
It is my opinion that they are published to give the parents bagging rights....
That's the big picture....
No ambiguity there.....
The trouble with rehubs is that any change is considered bad, unless it fattens their wallets somehow ;)......JK

So with this logic, if the football team or wrestling team win a state chamionship, there should be no trophy or plaque displayed, correct?. Cause everyone knows about it, right? Get rid of the trophy cases I say, the "nerds" are offended by it.
Get real. Achivements should be acknowledged. It makes the child proud as well as the parent. What's wrong with that? Jackass PC people **** me off!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

PW2 said:
I'd think you'd be happy and quiet if you thought your kid was in this life and death competition, and half the opposition didn't know it was a competition.
What better way than to insure victory?

There inlies the fundamental difference between me and the Liberals. I try to look at issues as they would affect the well being of the country as a whole. PW just demonstrated that the Liberal outlook is one of how circumstances affect the feelings of Me, Me, Me.

"Ask not........" is not in the Liberal lexicon today!

Do I need to say more as it relates the issue that I posted about?


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Boomyal said:
There inlies the fundemental difference between me and the Liberals. I try to look at issues as they would affect the well being of the country as a whole. PW just showed that the Liberal outlook is one of how circumstances affect the individual.

Do I need to say more as it relates the issue that I posted about?

very socialistic of you, boomyal...almost communistic


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

i386 said:
If a kid doesn't WANT their own grades published they should discuss that with their parents.

Not sure where you are going here i386. Not to get too far afield but does your statement apply to kids discussing abortion with their parents???

Just another lick at the wisdom of liberals.8)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 2, 2006
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

I'm kinda new to this board and just want to make a comment on this one.....this really touches home due to my family of 2 looser sisters........
and being a photographer for 16 yrs..I see alot of kids that I do thier photos and have contact with teens and kids of all ages......with that said....a buddy of mine that runs he photo lab I use hires summer hires...now in the photo business ...a good print is essential for a photographer to make a sale...these summer hires can't take critisism at all...he corrected a young man about a print he made and told him to go and try again....this kid was devistated...just mortified and left at the end of the day dejected...didn't come to work the next day and when he did come in...he came in to quit cuz the boss talked bad at him.....this is the result of no competition or of recognition for failure..or even rewarding for mediocraty.........if the little dears don't know how to take critisism when they get into the work force..they are going to fail in a big way.....this is a real sad state of education and child developement........same thing with Dr. Spock and the theory of not spanking...ever see those moms trying to use intellect on a screaming kid in a grocery store??...didn't work then either.....my parents spanked me and it never hurt me...and I vote republican!!..d:).....off my soapbox...


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

steve201 said:
I'm kinda new to this board and just want to make a comment on this one.....this really touches home due to my family of 2 looser sisters........
and being a photographer for 16 yrs..I see alot of kids that do have contact with teens and kids to do thier photo's....with that said....a buddy of mine that runs he photo lab I use hires summer hires...now in the photo business ...a good print is essential for a photographer to make a sale...these summer hires can't take critisism at all...he corrected a young man about a print he made and told him to go and try again....this kid was devistated...just mortified and left at the end of the day dejected...didn't come to work the next day and when he did come in...he came in to quit cuz the boss talked bad at him.....this is the result of no competition or recognition for failure....if the little dears don't know how to take critisism when they get into the work world..they are going to fail in a big way.....this is a real sad state of education and child developement........same thing with Dr. Spock and the theory of not spanking...ever see those moms trying to use intellect on a screaming kid in a grocery store??...didn't work then either.....my parents spanked me and it never hurt me...and I vote republican!!..d:).....off my soapbox...

Precisely where the Libs are going with this. Stupidify:p the populace and we will be exactly where Josef Stalin would have wanted us to be.

Make no mistake about it, regardless of what the deluded, rank in file, equivocating, critical thinkers are wont to admit.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Boomyal said:
Not sure where you are going here i386. Not to get too far afield but does your statement apply to kids discussing abortion with their parents???

Just another lick at the wisdom of liberals.8)

I'm just saying maybe a kid doesn't want his/her grades in the paper. It's not like the their grades are a matter of public record. Since they're minors, the decision is ultimately up to the parent I guess.

Seems pretty liberal of YOU to think their grades have to be published.

It's pretty conservative of me to think the school (screwel right?) system should stay out of it and leave that decision to the family (if any decision needs to be made).

Again, the article didn't liberals or democrats. And now you're dragging abortion into this?

At any rate I agreed with the premise of your post, just not so much with the topic.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

jtexas said:
Relax, take a deep breath...life's too short to get this worked up over some random high school principal. Not to mention the total lack of any connection between the story and half of American voters. Not to mention which, if your understanding of human nature differs so completely with that of half the citizens of your country of citizenship, and if that bothers you to the point of having a stroke....

You kid have your your head in your arse................ enough said. ........... plz go to a pta meeeting for women


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

jtexas said:
Boomyal said:
There inlies the fundemental difference between me and the Liberals. I try to look at issues as they would affect the well being of the country as a whole. PW just showed that the Liberal outlook is one of how circumstances affect the individual.

Do I need to say more as it relates the issue that I posted about?

very socialistic of you, boomyal...almost communistic

texas your a mid 80's boomer, PC for ever

On a calmer note bc is talking to the terrorist's WA times.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

i386 said:
Boomyal said:
Not sure where you are going here i386. Not to get too far afield but does your statement apply to kids discussing abortion with their parents???

Just another lick at the wisdom of liberals.8)

I'm just saying maybe a kid doesn't want his/her grades in the paper. It's not like the their grades are a matter of public record. Since they're minors, the decision is ultimately up to the parent I guess.

With all due respect i386, this had absolutely nothing to do with any dissent from the parents of those who had excelled. The objection came from the parents of those who did not.

Maybe you have had your head in the sand these last few years, but that is precisely the feel good tactic that has been heralded by our neighbors on the Left.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Boomyal said:
i386 said:
Boomyal said:
Not sure where you are going here i386. Not to get too far afield but does your statement apply to kids discussing abortion with their parents???

Just another lick at the wisdom of liberals.8)

I'm just saying maybe a kid doesn't want his/her grades in the paper. It's not like the their grades are a matter of public record. Since they're minors, the decision is ultimately up to the parent I guess.

With all due respect i386, this had absolutely nothing to do with any dissent from the parents of those who had excelled. The objection came from the parents of those who did not.

Maybe you have had your head in the sand these last few years, but that is precisely the feel good tactic that has been heralded by our neighbors on the Left.

If you'll read the 3rd sentence of my first post in this thread you'd see that I made the same point you just did.

[quote user=i386]If they're not publishing the grades because they think it's going to stress out the kids that didn't make it I'd just label it stupid.[/quote]


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

So solly i!:$


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

I don't detest liberals. I have some good friends that are very liberal minded indiviuals. We don't agree on politics and I couldn't care less. In the end does it matter? It still takes a majority to change much of anything...........anything of substance anyways.

Boom I would love to see you walk around a college campus and observe what is going on around you. Every 5ft on the ground there is some liberal slogan/proposition written in sidewalk chalk. In the end its just chalk............


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

JB said:
Hmmmmm. By that logic they mustn't keep scores of sporting events either.

Don't want those poor jocks to feel inferior.
Actually in a way they don't keep score
Two of my grandkids are so happy that they now get to play in real games this year.
12-14 yrs old
Up until now when one team made X points, they had to help the other team makes X points.

To the kids credit they see through the BS! :)

Portland Oregon


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

Boomyal said:
PW2 said:
I'd think you'd be happy and quiet if you thought your kid was in this life and death competition, and half the opposition didn't know it was a competition.
What better way than to insure victory?

There inlies the fundamental difference between me and the Liberals. I try to look at issues as they would affect the well being of the country as a whole. PW just demonstrated that the Liberal outlook is one of how circumstances affect the feelings of Me, Me, Me.

"Ask not........" is not in the Liberal lexicon today!

Do I need to say more as it relates the issue that I posted about?

So, Boomie, do you think the country would be better off if we all acted and were motivated exactly the same way by the same stimulus? That we were just a country of carbon copys?

Frankly, I don't care what they do with the grades and honor rolls. Missing out on honor roll may make some work harder, may make others react negatively. Everyone has different skills and different potentials, and are motivated by different things. So what? Publishing, or not publishing grades may positively affect some, and negatively affect others.

It would be nice if we could find just exactly the right way to motivate each person to achieve their maximum potential, but then this is not, nor will it soon be, a perfect world.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Why I have a seething detestation of Liberals!

And, Boomie, you confuse me. I thought the whole conservative philosophy was based on "Me,me,me..."
You play to win the game!

I raised two kids. One would live or die by whether she made the honor roll, and she wanted everyone to know it when she made it.
The other could care less about any honor roll. She would work hard if something was important to her.

You are suggesting one is wrong, and that I should have treated them exactly the same?