Re: Why baitcaster???
It's not the fish. It's not the ratio.
The size/spunk of the fish can be tamed with either (both types of reels come in just about any size for any fish).
Same with ratios, but, that's more of what you are accostomed to using.
I like a 5.1 or so ratio (no matter what). Just a personal preference.
I'd rather use a spinning reel and catch hell about it than conform to the rest of "everybody" I know's standards. (lol...and I do get ribbed lots about it).
That may be one of the reasons I've not really tried to master a baitcaster. Sure is fun catching just as many fish with equipment that can't.
I do, however, think that with a bit of practice, I could cast more accurately with a baitcaster...and...the lure would hit the water softer. (sure is hard to feather a lure landing on the water with a spinning reel).