Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
I am sick and tired of finding problems and having to fix them myself or pay a second time to have things done right because of shoddy workmanship. <br /><br />I am especially angry about the oil tank in my house and it is a good example. The guy who installed it did not tighten up the fittings on the oil lines and that caused lots of noise in the system. They could not figure it out. I lived with that racket for a year or more before I grabbed my tools and found the loose fittings. Tightening them sealed a vacuum leak and all is quiet. <br /><br />Twice the tank has “run out” of oil. Both times in the evening causing me to have to wait up late at night for a delivery. The reason the tank runs out is because the siphon tube is too short. It doesn’t reach low enough in the tank to suck up the remaining 60 gallons of oil. So in a 175 gallon fuel tank, I can only burn about 115 gallons. That is strictly incompetence on the installer’s part. He just cut the copper tube too short.<br /><br />Every time it rains hard with high winds water drips out my electric service panel. The company that installed it has sent out their man 3 times to fix the water leak. They claim that water isn’t getting in. I have gone outside in the rain, removed the cover of the power meter (I know, super dangerous) so I can see what is happening. There is water dripping down from the inside of the cable jacket, around the meter, following the braided ground, and back down inside the jacket of the cable going out the bottom. That cable carries the water to my service panel, and it drips out there all over the circuit breakers. They don’t believe me. They won’t come anymore to fix it. Now I have to pay someone else to fix it.<br /><br />The builder put crappy cross bucks between the floor joists, had to rip them all out, then replaced them with 2x10 that just didn’t do the job and I ended up having to fix it myself.<br /><br />The local garage that USED TO fix my car was going to charge me hundreds of dollars to figure out why my wifes Mountaineer is issuing an error code that says the motor is running cold. He wants to trace wires for shorts, remove the intake manifold to get to the harness, and replace sensors. I listened to his B/S for 20 minutes and left. On the way home I picked up a $10 thermostat and replaced it myself. The thermostat had broken, was wide open, causing the motor to over cool itself and not reach operating temp. Hello! Its issuing a cold code because it is running COLD! Not because of a short or bad sensor! Duh!<br /><br />The local paving company did my driveway. I told them I wanted a pipe under the driveway so I can run electric wire and water lines at a later date without having to cut up the black top. It is in the estimate. When they are nearing the part of the driveway where the pipe should be I check their work. No pipe. I remind them of the pipe, make them stop work, go buy one, bring in a backhoe to dig the channel, install the pipe, backfill with crushed stone, tamp and continue. HELLO! He included this in his estimate, but just forgot to actually do it without being told!!!. WTF is that????? <br /><br />I do have good experiences too. But they usually require me to act as the general contractor and hire the backhoe operator, order the concrete, hire a mason, etc. Good people ARE hard to find. <br /><br />One job where I was really happy was the central AC. Got a good system installed that actually worked right, cools the house as it should even in extreme heat conditions, and great follow up service. And it was almost HALF the price that I got from the big names installers estimates (Sears, Lennox, Speer, etc). This was done by a local heat/AC contractor.<br /><br />Had a new well pump and tank put in. Paid for high end parts that were sized right for the house. It works great. But I paid a premium for this guys service because he has a reputation for doing it right or not at all.<br /><br />Unfortunatelly, the quality of the service people seems to continue to decline. I am relieved when a tradesman shows up a my house and he is 50 years old or older. These guys almost always know their business, do it right the first time, and don’t mess anything else up. <br /><br />My son is 14 years old in the local high school. I know all his friends and have spent time with them off roading on motor bikes. Some I like and others are less than OK. I noticed that it’s the lower performing kids that are going to the VoTech to become our next generation of electricians, plumbers, mechanics, etc. Why are the lower functioning kids shuffled off to VoTech? Are there not any bright kids who want to be their own HVAC contractor? I see a low quality kid being our next generation of tradesman. <br /><br />I hope I am wrong.<br /><br />Mark


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

It really is hard to find good help.<br /><br />I dont even try, I just do it myself.<br /><br />As far as the kids, the smart ones dont want to have to make service calls at 3 am, and be stuck in the attic all day long.<br /><br />Plus there is no incentive to do things right. These people get paid the same if they do it right or wrong. Employers need to put incentives back into the workplace.<br /><br />Ken


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 14, 2004
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

Luckily, I have always had the ability and knowledge to fix everything for myself. I do not trust anyone to do my stuff.<br /><br />Even here at work, the contractors always get away with doing a half a*s job, and nobody really cares. Seems no one is ever held accountable anymore!


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2004
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

that is because you are using the people that are willing to do the work right now instead of scheduling work with someone a few months out.<br /><br />What I have learned the hard way is that people who can do the work RIGHT now can do so because they are NOT busy. <br /><br />The guys that are busy are busy because the work they do is in high demand so they schedule their work out 1-2 months in advance with no problems<br /><br />Also referral referrals refferrals - Nobody is willing to give out another name if their business relies on it as that referral reflects on them as well.<br /><br />Small guys do the work themselves - so you have to ask are YOU doing the work or contracting it out to one of your teams. If it is a seperate team then YOU have to make sure they do the work correctly.<br /><br />I was renting a house where the owner had to hooke up to city sewer the city ran the pipe so far and the guy doing the work for the plumbing company ran the pipe so far. However he had left a 2 foot gap between the 2 pipes. He gets out of the hole and is getting read to leave and I say to him "are you gonna leave it like that?" and he says like what? Well the pipes are not connected. He looks back down into the hole and says HUH. I say - that would be a slight problem dont yeah think? my response was I guess so....<br /><br />I also listen to the contractor - one time a guy that was going work for me just came out and said look I can do the wood work but I paint by the gallon...so if you want me to do it I will but if you can paint you should do it and said ok I will do it.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

that is because you are using the people that are willing to do the work right now instead of scheduling work with someone a few months out.<br />
I hear what your saying, but that is not the case with what I posted. The heat and electric were contracted by the builder when the house was built. I had no control over who he uses.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

I hear what you are saying Mark. I am a service provider and I take great pride in my work. I want the customer to be happy, and I do the best I can to ahive that. That being said, it never fails, I'll have some guy come to my house for something and I am either having to tell him how he should do it or I end up fixing it afterwards myself. I am renting, and the work is on the owners dime, otherwise I would never have anyone come at all. Good service providers are hard to come by because companies are providing less and less training, and they are not paying what they should. Most of these guys are paid squat, and tend to have a high turn around.<br /><br />At my place, guys come and go every few years. They never stick around long enough to learn. I am on my 7th year, and it has taken that long to learn what I know, and there is always more to learn. A lot of service providers are just punching the clock, not taking pride and ownership in their work. I approach every house like it is my house, and that seems to work for me.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

Many of the "good" old school craftsmen are either out of work or native Mexicoans working for three bucks an hour on the other side of the border.It'll go full circle as soon as the revolving door is complete.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

You guys should try florida. I have been using an a/c system that supposly broke beyond repair ten years ago. Then I moonlighted w/ an a/c repair bus. and learned enough not to get ripped or just do it myself when it comes to a/c or reefer.<br /><br />But I'm getting tired of always counting on only me to do good work or having to supervise as Mark states.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

Originally posted by oddjob:<br /> ... and learned enough not to get ripped or just do it myself when it comes to ...reefer.<br />
How do you do reefer and not get ripped??? :D


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

[/quote]How do you do reefer and not get ripped??? :D [/QB][/quote]<br /><br /> :D :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 17, 2004
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

Been a phone tech for 30 years. I've always tried to do each job like it was on my own home. I see what you describe every day. I don't want to trash your thread, but I think a lot of the problem is with the union. The lazy punks that do crappy work can't be fired. I hope to be getting out soon. Sometimes I can't take it. There is no excuse for shoddy work. I sympathize with your plight. Mark


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

Everyone should be paid and given raises based on how well they do their job. If I don't meet and/or exceed predetermined conditions set for me a the start of the year, then my raise and bonus suffer. The difficult part is they want to see significant improvement every year. There is only so much money in the budget for raises, so if you want a bigger slice, you have to stand out. And yes, there are people who get zero percent increases due to not meeting the minimum performance description for their job. Do that too often, and you get Poofed!<br /><br />I think that the unions should have raises based on merit too. Just hanging around for x number of years does not make you an subject matter expert and deserving of an increase. I wonder how many people if tested on their jobs required skill would actually pass?


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

I sometimes wonder how much of these incidents are shoddy werk, or shoddy werrk on purpose. <br />Case-in-point; Your siphon tube inside the tank.<br />You have to axe the question, <br />"Did he truely cut it short by accident?"<br />"Did he cut it short to create 'service calls'?<br />"Did he cut it short to sell you 55Gallons of water, aned bill you for oil?"<br />Last August, my A/C went out on my werrk car, after the second 800dollar repair bill. Well, it lasted until yesterday.<br />Of all the auto repair specialties in the state of Florida, A/C specialists are the highest number of scams caught.


Mar 14, 2003
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

The fellow who built my in laws cabin had a wonderful saying, that I think, would, or should, apply to everyone in a service job. He said, "it you like what you see and I've done, tell everyone, if you see something you don't like, tell ME!!"


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

I do my own work on EVERYTHING....newest ANYTHING is a 91 Astrovan that I'll probably die with. Old Bayliners and Harleys are rebuildable forever thanks to ebay and and elbow grease. But I can't even stand going to town once a week lately for the shopping trip though. WHY DOES IT TAKE FOREVER TO GET THROUGH A CHECKOUT LINE? Dump the GD outdated checks, outlaw coins (NOTHING COST A PENNY! WHY DO WE KEEP IT?)<br />Home Depot the other day...young chick with her belly hanging out and a chunk of metal in her naval, and most off her face, talking on the phone to some other stupid person with a problem, guy in line with a cart full of stuff and nothing on the counter yet starring into space, and me and one other guy in line with one item each. Of course the other 9 checkout stations were empty with no cashiers. After a minute, I put the item on the rack full of crap they try to push on the way out and left...other stores have what I need, but I was in there looking a prices. Seems these stupid little people do NOT realize some contracters have $60 an hour tradespeople waiting for a simple part. And it will only get worse. And one more thing....get rid of the damn 9/10ths on gas prices.<br />Ps. Wait until these idiots that are buying those "Hybrid" auto's have to take it in for a problem....BINGO...theres goes ANY money saved on gas...stupid

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

:) most of you are not going to like what I say!!!! :D <br /><br />98% of the people that had shoddy work done, "DESERVE IT"!!!! :p <br />You look for the cheapest possible price!!!!<br />You go to, a do it yourself supply company such as Home Depot, or a Lowes, they take any bodies call card, and you ask the company to recomend someone to do the work!!! They do not care who they send to your house or the experience that they have!!! You do not ask for a couple of references!!!<br /><br />The bottom line is "PRICE!! PRICE !!!and you deserve what you get!!!! :D :D PRICE!!!!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

Alot of you have probably seen my experience with the slack filled outdrive in the OMC section. In that post I also mentioned the plumber who couldn't spot the main cleanout plug. Instead of asking where it was, tried to go through first a toilet, then the pipe vent. Got the snake caught, had to cut pipes underneath the house to free it. Finally my tenant spent a couple of minutes to find the main cleanout plug & they were able to clear the line. Spent like 6 or 8 hours on what should have been, what, a 45 minute job max?<br /><br />Then I had a guy (company owner) that was going to replace a septic pump. Pulled it, saw that it was 1/2 hp, and was going to replace with another (good quality) 1/2 hp pump. Never looked at the head pressure rating and didn't realize that the first was a high h.p. pump and the one he was going to replace it with wasn't. It wouldn't have made it halfway up the hill to where my septic field is. Luckily I discovered this before he put it in, so I got the old one back & did it myself (actually, a friend did most of it, but i was there to offer moral support and hand him tools). <br /><br />I wonder if part of the problem is that oten the really good guys start their own business, expand, and most of the real service work ends up being done by underlings they hire, with the talented people (now owners) relegated to administrative stuff...


Jun 16, 2004
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

A lot of it is the businees model today. I have worked in the service industry since getting out of the Navy in '85.<br /><br />The common thread of a few of the companies I worked for was there is never time to do it right, but always enough time to do it again. Makes no sense to me. <br /><br />I was actually fired once, because I didnt generate enough 'return business' . Good news is that they went out of business in the DFW area and are now back in East Texas where they started off and there is no competition for their services.


May 17, 2001
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

Lots of good service techs are working for private companies. I was a maint. supervisor at a country club until they hired a crook manager. He wanted me to tape and wire everything. The prior 10 years there, everything was of quality and things were done right. A place that I got my commercial kitchen parts offered me a job doing service work for them. Took them up on the offer. When some members of the club learned that I was leaving to work for a sevice company, they offered me a job doing service for their McDonalds stores. So that was a tad over 6 years ago and I'm still with McDonalds.<br /><br />When I started working for them, I couldn't believe what I saw on lots of their equipment. On the refrigeration equipment, all the pressure switch lines were positioned in a manner that they would rub a hole in them from vibration.<br /><br />The company that did the refrigeration work made about 30K on average a year on repairs for McDonalds. Now with me on board they no longer hire it out.<br /><br />So that is where some of the good techs are. Private companies are hiring their own in house service techs.<br /><br />KaGee, Have you seen those S&P Alliance trucks in your town? That is who I would have bee working for if not for McDonalds.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 19, 2004
Re: Where are the good service/trades people? (rant)

Stumpys said the magic word, accountability. I'm 24 and can fully relate to what you all are saying. I only rely fully on someone else when my transmission goes out, and that is because I have not cracked a book on them yet. I can do all work around a house minus foundation repair. Haven't got a clue on that. At what age can you really say "kids these days"?